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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Why does Natalie talk as if her teeth are wired together? She actually talks through her teeth.
  2. What does Bravo care? Having a normal baby is a bitch in itself if you don’t have an epidural which I never had three times. Plus, she had the surgery afterwards, which hurts while healing. Something must have transpired for them two not to go to the hospital. I don’t know as I didn’t watch too much last year. They all think who they are. They love each other sooo much. Give me a break.
  3. You are so right. Reza and Mike sicken me. Do they think giving birth is a passing fancy? M.J. Could have died is right. One is worried about his sex life and the other Asshole thinks he’s a Project Manager. Does Mike have the credentials? I’m tired of alll the “I love yous” every minute. Yeah, we all love our friends and families, but don’t have to say it every minute. They both showed no love to M.J. Is Mike working now? How does he afford this lavish display for the holiday? He is delusional and full of himself and jealous of his successful Brothers. Thank God M.J. and the baby boy are o.k. and healthy. She looked great on WWHL. I’m so mad at Reza and Mike I have to add.. did you both LOVE M.J. So much that you were both not there when she was having her insides ripped up on the operating table? Or were you both busy gossiping about menial things that nobody cares about. If I were M.J. and Tommy, I wouldn’t look at you two pompous assholes anymore.
  4. I read somewhere Angela and Darcy from Connecticut are the highest paid.
  5. Geeze .. was dying to find out about Mike and Natalie and Angela, but have to wait until tomorrow? Too much about the Russian guy Sasha and Tanya. Boy, are they milking this. Does anyone like “ Pillow Talk” ? It’s just a repeat of the show we already saw.
  6. Let’s put it this way. If Mindy was sitting in a bar having a drink, Zack would not go over to her and have a conversation. She is not his type, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Whoever matched them, what were they thinking? IMO.
  7. It was clear as day, they were mismatched. Pretty boy needed exactly what you said, plus, he went on for exposure and money .. then a divorce. Easy, breezy, except he broke her heart. If this set up is real.
  8. His marriage will remain good as long as he keeps giving her everything she wants and does everything she says. Is he human? Does he ever yell? Does he ever get mad at her? No! They broke the mold. I’ve never seen anything like it. Actually, I’m jealous.
  9. Correct. OC was all about looks. Tamra with the boobs in the pool got stale and not funny anymore. Vikie with the whooping it up was old. Shannon was classy, but turned, and the new one Brownstone I call her was uninteresting. N.Y.has a certain charm and I love them all. I will miss Bethenny tho as she was very Whitty and funny. Very sharp. I love seeing the City also, as I walked those streets many times, but everything has changed. Building everywhere. Plus, I love LuAnn.
  10. Apparently the show doesn’t drug test before signing. Maybe they should. I wouldn’t want to be matched to someone who is an alcoholic or drug user. That’s a very big thing.
  11. Very confusing. They were both lovey dovey in the beginning .. I blinked my eyes and they are on the couch with her saying she still has the hots for another guy. Am I missing something? im not crazy about Jessica lately. She appears to be very controlling. Can Austen take being told what to do every minute? In fact, all these girls seem to be a pain in the ass, maybe except Taylor. Meka for sure. Looking at Michael because all his kitchen cabinets are not filled up. This girl is crazy controlling.
  12. Is that was she was saying? The first fifteen minutes, she was blabbing and I couldn’t understand what and who the hell she was talking about. She couldn’t get her point across.
  13. Oh good. My favorite. I just hope they don’t get crazy like OC.
  14. Yes. She also said Bravo dumped Patti’s show. I wonder why?
  15. Patti blew the whistle on a certain private dating service that aBen Afleck is on. Raya something. The site is only for multimillionaires. Wendy didn’t think Patti should have said anything about it. So, I guess she lost another friend. Can someone else clarify it to be sure?
  16. Friday .. well, Patty Stanger won’t be on anymore .. that’s for sure. Why Wendy got involved with that, I have no idea. Who gave her the heart? A mystery man? She made such a secret about it. Pfitt. She doesn’t believe in Valentines Day, so we all shouldn’t. Bullshit, I love Valentines Day. I got a box of chocolate covered strawberries and will eat all of them! 💞😍💕❤️ Have a wonderful Day Everyone.
  17. I can’t believe these brides going into all the guys apartments and bashing everything they see. Katie and Jessica going into all their drawers and commenting about what’s in them. Can’t a man have a little privacy? Then Meka making fun of the whole kitchen in Michaels apartment and a clean spatula in the fry pan ready to go in the morning. What are they, perfect? Jessica looks like a tight ass. Another one who has to have everything perfect. They look like a bunch of fish wives. I feel sorry for these guys. No wonder there are so many divorces.
  18. Yes, I saw that whole thing. She’s now picking people from the audience and embarrasses them. She’s doing it every day now. It’s because she has nothing to talk about. She’s made enemies with practically everyone she knows.
  19. Austin did not have a sheet or pillow case on his bed when Jessica went to his apartment. Said he never used them.
  20. Happy ValentinesDay to everyone.💞🥰. How is everyone? Anybody know when the New York Housewives are coming back? I have withdrawal. I think Tinsley will not be back as Scott supposidely proposed to her. Maybe she’ll be living in Chicago. I’ve been watching lots of travel shows like Rick Stevens in Europe. It’s on Hulu. Some crappy shows like 90 day fiancé and Married at First Sight. I’m desperate.
  21. They all should go back to their own apartments except Austen and Jessica, and keep everyone’s money. They seem to be the only honest ones. The rest are either lying or hiding something.
  22. Oh geeze .. now the families? Let’s just call it a day. We already know only one couple will make it. Austin and what’s her name.
  23. No chemistry? Isn’t this where the sex expert comes in? Where is she? Where’s Pepper?
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