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Lone Wolf

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Everything posted by Lone Wolf

  1. I assumed they needed eyes in the club since it was right where the boys were working, and it was decided that they wanted someone in the family who they could trust. Like they kept saying, What did he have to lose (except potentially his life when he laid his dumb ass on an unlit highway in the middle of a desert wilderness). Trendy. It's very trendy. They left out the puking part though. Unpopular opinion here, but I'll state it: I get that she said that because she was being Fierce Mama Bear Smurf, but it seemed unnecessary and overkill based on the circumstances. Max never threatened the kids - he was there to give Jake a beatdown and send Smurf a message, which he did, and then he left. Maybe there was an unspoken implication and maybe there wasn't, and maybe he would hurt a kid to get to the parent. But we saw nothing to indicate that, other than that he apparently prefers to do his own intimidating. Or, maybe I'm just weary of and impatient with Young Smurf in general. Which I am.
  2. Pope chasing Shane reminded me of a terminator. You can run, you can jump, you can get on a bike, but..."It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... ever, until you are dead!" I'll sign off on this. Young Smurf is becoming less and less likeable with each show. Setting aside the fact that she has the maternal instincts of a reptile, the whole I'm-a-cunning, freewheeling, sexy-AF, tough-as-nails, powerful-alpha-female-who's-ahead-of-my-time schtick is getting ponderous. At least Barkin was kind of interesting to watch, with her her frozen face and semi-paralyzed mouth. I was just dropping in to say that no one's ever accused any of Smurf's boys of being the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, but it seemed to me that Renn was up to something when she was insisting that she go get the baby formula and Craig didn't pick up on it. Maybe, having just left Frankie, he was thinking with his little head instead of his big one. I'm a little surprised to hear that there's going to be another season after this. Right now it seems, like many shows do, it's overstayed its welcome. It should've ended last season.
  3. Like Tony Soprano used to say, "Ah, whaddya gonna do...."
  4. Neither did the kangaroo, Zo, or the couple (dahk humah). I don't know for certain, but from the conversation it sounded like voting is mandatory in Australia. Zoe was talking about faking it like she was getting one over on the government. I knew someone here (in the US) who wouldn't even register because they were afraid they'd get called for jury duty. Initially I thought Raphael was a dead man, but then I came to the same conclusion. The prints are a good catch, especially when Ray was so meticulous about wiping down the RV. Maybe they won't be usable with all the dirt and damage... Thanks for this - wasn't even aware that there was a film, and I'll have to check it out. That's why I like this site so much; someone mentions something and it leads to another thing and then to another insight. I intentionally procrastinated watching the last two shows because I'm not looking forward to the finale and the end of the show Now it's do or die time....
  5. It's annoying, but they've done it before. Take Skinner (please). There was an episode that revealed that he was an imposter who had assumed the real Seymour Skinner's identity during the war (I can't remember if this was before or after Mad Men did the same thing with Don Draper), but they also had one that flashbacked to when he was a teenager with a younger version of Agnes. I guess after all these decades, there's only so many plots they can write without stepping on each other, and most viewers don't notice or care, but yeah, the inconsistencies and contradictions are irritating.
  6. Indeed they will. I think it's more effective that we're using our imagination as far as what Ray did, though. It didn't end well; we all know that much. Yeah, it's going to be tough when the finale comes. Every now and then I find a show that I know I'm going to miss. I'm glad he was able to find some peace, but Hurley made a good point - 30 years is a long time to be dragging something around with you. I was thinking he was going to turn out to be some child molester type and Ray was going to settle a score. I like how Ray starts smiling when trouble's about to break out. I knew the Shit-Dick business was going to be a problem and sure enough, Ray was grinning before all Hell broke loose.
  7. Yeah, if Ray suspected that that guy was a scammer, too, he was right. He was lying until Ray knocked him through the wall, literally. I think Ray needs to be hands-on for his own safety. He seemed pretty sympathetic to Killian - maybe he took a fee, but if he did he probably told him about it. A lot of exposition in the scene with his father, specific and implied, giving us some insight into Ray's personality and why he's the way he is, his own relationship with Brit, etc. Good stuff. My take on the car is that he's going to sell it to round out the money that the guy scammed, or it'll be resolved in the next episode.
  8. Well, let' see...Supe was created in 1938, Invisible Man in 1933, and Wonder Woman in 1941. I'm going to guess about 10 minutes after the first kid read the first WW comic. I've sure heard it a bunch of times. That said, I think it was just a device so Ray could tell his joke and they could compare and contrast and be bros. Completely agree with the rest of your post. It's totally going to come back later and you're right, he has the patience of a saint (at least where Gary and Britt are concerned). I think he'll put up with a lot in general and more with people who are important to him, but when he's had enough, look out. Really glad this show is back.
  9. The problem with this forum is if you don't watch the show as it airs (which I don't), by the time you do watch it (for me, the next day) everyone's already said what you think!😲 I'll just add that I knew Kevin and Madison weren't getting married when she asked him if he loved her (or at least I knew that they better not be). If you have to ask that question that late in the game, you're doomed. These characters' personalities are so fluid...now Nervous Randy P. is the calming influence on his "brotha". I know, I guess people step up when they need to, and the writers need to move the plot forward. And, like it says in the MST3K Theme Song, "Repeat to yourself, 'It's just a show, I should really just relax'." Really good misdirect at the end. I'm in the Bug-Marries-Brit camp. All that being said, there are shows that I've genuinely dreaded knowing were coming to an end, and that I knew I would miss. It's been fun, and I'll be watching next season, but this ain't one of them.
  10. I'm right there with you. I'll even raise the stakes and say that I'm not a fan of sweet and salty, e.g., Raisinets in popcorn. Had I been Jack, dating or married to Rebecca, I have bought her her own container of popcorn to add whatever to it she'd have liked. Otherwise? Talkiest. Bachelor party. EVER.
  11. You know what I caught about that? In the wedding gown store, when she prefaced reporting her father cancelling, she said something to the effect of, "I guess he learned how to text", but when she was telling Kevin about it, she said that he called her and told her. Continuity Monkeys asleep at the switch.
  12. I'll confess, I didn't even finish this one. Barbarian that I am, I'm not familiar with The Third Man or Stephen Fry, and I had just finished a Family Guy that I didn't think was so great so maybe my palette was tainted, but I just wasn't feeling this ep. I bailed after the first or second commercial break and resumed binge-watching The Office. I'll probably go back and try it again. I really am a huge fan, right back to the early days.
  13. I'm probably going against popular opinion, but I didn't think it was that great of an episode compared to others this season. It seemed that the zingers at the end of each act (before they went to commercial), weren't that funny. Also, maybe I was comparing Quagmire's story to a much earlier season when Stewie was a McEnroe-esque tennis player at the Quahog Racket Club, but that plot line seemed a bit warmed over. Finally, it seemed like every character's voice-over narrating their story was flat - short sentenced, kind of monotone... A couple of the puns and jokes you that you guys mentioned went over my head while I was watching, so I might go back and watch again to see if anything changes for me.
  14. Just finished the first season and enjoyed it a great deal. I always know that a series is good when I deliberately limit my viewing to no more than 2 eps at a time to make it last. I've read that Amazon purchased the rights for an American version which I'll probably watch if/when it airs, more out of curiosity than anything, since I haven't been impressed by the American remakes of any foreign originals I've seen so far. Does anyone know whether there will be a Season 2? All the searches I've done result in either the announcement that the Israeli version is coming to America or that the rights were sold for an American version. IOW, old news.
  15. When I was busy Olivia Jade-ing my college applications, we knew whether we got in by the thickness of the envelope. You got a huge one when you were accepted, and a single page (like Meg got), when you weren't. Has that changed nowadays with that newfangled Internet thingie? Also, I liked the Moby Dick quote when Brian was carrying Doug down the stairs (and he can only count up to "this many"!). Nice when they pull one out of the air like that.
  16. Also the timbre of his voice was off. It was more or less as deep as Shearer's but it wasn't as rich (I have overly sensitive hearing and pick up on this stuff. Family Guy drives me nuts because they have at least as many characters but fewer actors and, and MacFarlane uses them all, especially himself, over and over and over...). Those early seasons are a real hoot - Castellaneta freely admits that he was doing a Walter Matthau impersonation. And that animation...ay, carumba!
  17. Welcome, politically corrected voice actor for Dr. Hibbert. Also, been there done that, to wit: Can you name the truck with four wheel drive, smells like a steak and seats thirty-five.. Canyonero! Canyonero! Well, it goes real slow with the hammer down, It's the country-fried truck endorsed by a clown! Canyonero! (Yah!) Canyonero! [Krusty:] Hey Hey The Federal Highway commission has ruled the Canyonero unsafe for highway or city driving. Canyonero! 12 yards long, 2 lanes wide, 65 tons of American Pride! Canyonero! Canyonero! Top of the line in utility sports, Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts! Canyonero! Canyonero! (Yah!) She blinds everybody with her super high beams, She's a squirrel crushing, deer smacking, driving machine! Canyonero!-oh woah, Canyonero! (Yah!) Drive Canyonero! Woah Canyonero! Woah!
  18. I always tease my (for the record, white, unadopted, dad is still alive) GF because when she was a young'un she fantasized about Andy Williams and/or Danny Kaye being her father. We watched this last night and she said, "I have Ghost Fathers" and I was like, "Yeah, no....not quite the same". She would have been happy with Mr. Rogers too, I suspect. I wonder if there are support groups for white people who were raised in loving families who fantasize about having celebrity parents. Like the kid who wanted Elvis Presley for a dad because Elvis could mix him up a milkshake by shaking it on his hips, and Marilyn Monroe for a mom because when she kissed him goodnight....hubba hubba. Henny Youngman, ladies & gents, circa 1959.
  19. Well, let's not forget. She's also a Pearson. Not only a Pearson, but one of the founding members of the original Big Three. With all the all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto. Said rights and privileges including speechifying, studiousity, opinionation, and rising above one's oh-so-humble beginnings. Oh, and that eternally rare Pearson "energy".
  20. Right? What was that all about? I thought maybe he was being cynical or sarcastic, but he really seemed to mean it. He even prefaced with something along the lines of, "I don't wanna brag" or something like that, and then Kate agreed with him after he said it.
  21. That won't be a problem. I understand that in his field he's what's known as a catch. Kate will win over her supervisor, Tobes will find a company that truly deserves and appreciates him, and then Kate will quit. Following a lengthy resignation speech, of course.
  22. Saw the ring getting stuck on Miguel's finger as soon as Jack took it out of the box. C'mon, Show...do better! Never heard of using dental floss, so there's that. From what I saw on YouTube, I'd probably just cut off my finger, though. Kate's gonna either persevere and win over her supervisor, or realize that she can't handle being away from her babies and relieve Mr. Mom Toby. Given the Triumph Of The Human Spirit mission statement of this show, I'm leaning towards the former. Randall "I'm an orator" Pearson. Yeah, you are. Good for you for being self-aware enough to realize it - don't know whether I'd be quite as proud of that fact, though, although he managed to suppress it during Group. Speaking of which, apparently there's a Group for everything now - maybe he can wrangle a discount with Orators Anonymous if he brings the rest of the fam.
  23. Since the show's repeating plot points (in the same season, no less) I'll repeat what I said when Kermit and his buddy ate all the pot brownies in the ep when The Alibi first started selling them - edibles are extremely potent. If the girls had eaten that many IRL, Kevin would have been charged with negligent double homicide. Thank you - I recognized Nighthawks immediately, but I didn't know about the Art Institute of Chicago connection. Frank went to an assisted living facility and also spoke to someone who had Alzheimer's while he was trying to get the gang back together. I wonder if those events represent a foreshadowing of his future. Nah, that's probably giving the show too much credit.
  24. Yeah, it is. There was only one interaction between Kat and the audience, at the end of the show, and there could have been more, especially after Kat got past her grief. Makes me think that TPTB are trying to establish the show's own identity apart from Miranda, which is fine, but I don't think Call Me Kat is strong enough to stand on its own. I'm curious to know whether it'll come back next year. I had a feeling that Mr. Mousekers had gone to That Great Litter Box In The Sky as soon as we saw him on Sheila's lap. Her hand was on him and he never budged - I thought, That one's stuffed. I think I may have had a problem with my screen during Kat's poem - it went all blurry. Also, my eyes leaked a little and I had to blow my nose. Weird. Awkward (to me) that they kept saying "car service" when they were clearly talking about Uber or Lyft. Makes me think there was some copyright/trademark/product mention/clearance issue behind it. In case anyone else caught the "In Loving Memory Of" during the closing credits, here's a link to Terrel M. Richmond: https://www.cinemablend.com/television/2564662/the-conners-honored-crew-late-member-with-season-3-finale "Sometimes I think animals are better than people." Line of the night. Actually, line of the season. I wonder if Mr. Mousekers looked liked this when he was a kitten:
  25. I missed that. Good point. That makes him breaking them extra sad, then.
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