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Everything posted by JenE4

  1. Lol! You totally nailed it! All the show needs now is a catchy theme song with words that describe the premise of the show. Oh, no doubt we can have some fun with that! Let's see... One couplet will definitely have to rhyme "Paradise" and "pubic lice."
  2. Yes! That's her! From the article: I didn't recall the circumstances or who she was with, but I knew she was someone who came off as the crazy one of the season!
  3. Yes. It already started airing. I think 3 episodes so far, but I've only seen the first two. (There's a board for it on this site.) It's on WE-TV--all reality TV stars, including Gretchen and Slade from RHOC. So far some loud-mouth from the Bad Girls Club has been the focus of 80% of the show. Although Ryan meekly stepped in when they were going at it because he was afraid it was turning into a domestic abuse situation. So far Trista and Ryan seem to have the most tame issues that maybe fans who have been married for a decade+ can also relate to. However, in a preview they did show Ryan saying "I found her in bed with another guy." But, who knows, it could have been the context of when she was dating 20 other guys on The Bachelorette or nothing was actually happening but sitting on a bed. (shrug)
  4. Although I want Marquel to find love, he can do a LOT better than Michelle Money! Say it ain't so! However, I do hope the sound guy jumping from the balcony is true! Not that I want some poor guy to suffer with two broken legs, but that would make for some awesome TV!! You're right though, that it looked like a different girl and Michelle Money were both in that door clip. I did recognize the other girl, but I can't recall which season she was from. I think she might have been one of those girls who had a drunken meltdown--which seems to happen once a season--but I can't be certain about that, either.
  5. I wouldn't have changed a thing about it. The terrible parts are what made it so good! Well, the one thing I would drop is the back-and-forth Crown suite or the boot misleading speeches at the end. That's 5 minutes wasted of him saying the same thing week after week. Instead, I would love it if he told the girl who was leaving right on the spot: I'm not prince Harry. I'm just a natural gas ditch digger named Matt. None of this is mine. I have to borrow a friend's bicycle to get to work... THEN you'd have a nice opportunity for a face-to-face freakout week after week! I think that would boost ratings to be able to see how each girl reacts to the news along the way.
  6. I thought for sure that when Kelly told NotHarry that Megan wasn't there for the Right Reasons, that Kelly was going to be sent home like every Bachelor contestant who has ever dared to badmouth the lead's favorite. But, nope, look at NotHarry putting integrity over a nice rack! This poor kid. It's like Matt's level of genuine integrity is inversely related to the producers'. Megan, you were reality TV gold. And we're still stuck with Kelly?! Ugh. When she was clenching her fist at the window while watching the fireworks, I thought that she was using some type of voodoo to crush Megan's soul.
  7. I think this season's group dates have been the Best in the History of the Bachelor (said a la Harrison). Normally, to me, the group dates are a throwaway segment in between the one-on-one dates that I typically enjoy, but this season has been the opposite. This might have to do with these snooze-worthy one-on-ones with Dylan and Brian. Jeesh! But on the group dates, these guys--aside from sulky Nick--are really giving their all to have a good time without any fear of embarrassment. I thought that Boyz II Men date was the best, but this mime date just might top it. I was cracking up during the entire street performance segment. They didn't care that people were looking at them like they were crazy or they were making babies cry (probably over-dubbed)--or their bros back home are going to no doubt never let them live this down--they were fully engaged, giving their all! That's awesome! Maybe I don't understand what Andi is looking for, but I'm truly not understanding the appeal of spending an entire day/evening with someone who's a complete bump on the log, but because they manage to croak out a few sentences when the rose is on the table, they get it. And then someone like Marquel who is an absolute blast on these group dates, who cracks you up every time you have one-on-one time, who is a genuine sweetheart, and is totally hot to boot, you're not even going to give him a chance for a one-on-one to see if it will progress beyond the friend zone?! What the--?! God. I know I keep harping over Marquel. I understand that everyone has different tastes, but she really DID seem to enjoy her time with him, so I truly don't understand why she didn't give him a chance. It just boggles my mind.
  8. Bunky, were we watching the same show? ;-) I couldn't be more impressed with how Marquel handled the issue with Andrew. Compare it to Cody going off on Nick about calling him thankful--WTF?! Marquel was nothing but calm, direct. He didn't say "you said this" but "If you said this," this is why it's hurtful. I already loved Marquel, so perhaps I'm biased, but the way he handled himself tonight, my respect and admiration for him just went through the roof.
  9. Someone who just watched Frozen. She had full-on Elsa hair at the RC. The worst was when she was lavishing him with the praise he was seeking and he says, "Well, there are ONLY 50* rounds!" Asshole. I never heard of humblebrag, but that just summed it up for me. And I really doubt he gave up his baseball career so he can start a family even though he hasn't even had a girlfriend in 5 years. He probably got cut or sent to the minor leagues. (Was he even MLB? What team?) *Or he may have said 15. Even still...asshole.
  10. Seriously. If Bachelor Nation "demanded" Juan Pablo as Bachelor, how do we make Marquel happen? Write my local congressman? Picket Fleiss and Harrison's houses? Push my way into ATFR wearing a handmade Mad for Marquel shirt (pink gingham print and a floral tie)?
  11. Marqueeeeeel! Damn. He made me cry two times. That man is a class act right there. He was too good for this show. He'll have no problem being snatched up by some very lucky lady. The rest of these punks. (rolleyes) I don't see what Andi sees in any of them.
  12. Ah, so she DID allow him to call it Deano Sangrino.
  13. Apologies if I didn't set this up correctly--my first time starting a thread. Thankfully this is a "special" so no season/episode to note! I only watched the second half of this show. I believe it was filmed last summer--before their fairy tale sTori was tarnished by Emily Goodhand! I wouldn't recommend actually watching this show. However, if you just google the program name, you can see images from it and see just how good Tori looks then compared to now. Speculation, but perhaps the stress of the affair made her lose so much weight. She looked so much better last year when her face wasn't so gaunt. (Although Finn was an infant, so perhaps it was some baby weight, too.) It's pretty funny seeing the kids put to work--dressed up as waitstaff in bow ties and prompted to tell dad just how much they love his lambchops. But my favorite moment was Dean's take on sangria, and as Tori is tasting it, he suggests the name "Deano Sangrino" and the look of utter disdain on Tori's face--about the name, not the drink itself--was just priceless. If looks could kill! He's like, um, that's a no, then or something like that. Tori hung chalboard menus from the bushes--and I never did see what she ended up writing for the sangria. I also don't really get why Dean was grilling everything in broad daylight when this party was well after dark. Did their guests eat stone-cold food, or did a caterer re-do everything fresh while the guests were there?
  14. Does Kelly go through life relating all of her experiences to movies or just dates? First The Notebook and now Grease? Although gotta love Megan being offered the crown suite while wearing the tight pleather pants like Sandy at the end of Grease! "Harry's" got chills, they're multiplying--but not for Kelly!
  15. This link might not work because I'm on my phone and sent link to email from the Huffington Post app, and then copying into mobile view here. But part of me wishes i never read what happened between Ben and Courtney in the ocean. You've been forewarned. Courtney Robertson Reveals 'Bachelor' Secrets - http://huff.to/1lvaNNW
  16. Cali, I think it's hilarious that Harrison has turned "[Ladies/gentlemen], this is the final rose" into a CAREER spanning, what, 30 or more shows? Well, he's a producer, too, so I suppose he does more than that. I obviously don't know him, so I have no comment on the kind of person he is, yet I have no reason to think that he's NOT a good person. He definitely has had his favorites over the years, but that seems normal, too. I'm sure it's not easy to maintain a pleasant interest while simultaneously remaining impartial and subdued. I'd have a difficult time interviewing the lead and NOT interjecting my own opinions...which is why I'm thankful for Previously.tv!
  17. I don't know about sociopath. They definitely have a co-dependent/addict relationship. It reminds me a LITTLE bit of my marriage to my ex-husband who was an alcoholic. Towards the end I was so desperate for him to give up drinking because if he only loved me and our kids enough he would. I think that's where Tori is and why she's so desperately seeking some massive declaration of love in the form of some type of action from him. But I think this is that breaking point for both of him. Maybe enough for him to want to change--for himself not for her. But she has to recognize that his addiction/recovery has NOTHING to do with her or their True Love sTori--and that she can't control him or his addiction
  18. Lol. I was hoping to hear "___ is the 'winner' and her reaction was ____" to see whether it's worth watching the rest. I'm sure I'll at least watch the finale, but if the "winner's" reaction is anything less than "goes batshit crazy," it might not be worth the time.
  19. I assume they took and photoshopped that picture when they first dyed it. I think the issue is that the hair dye is already fading. He was a much darker ginger when they first gave him his makeover. Now it's washing out to his strawberry blonde. I'm surprised the girls haven't noticed, as it's changed since episode 1 to now. Re the girls liking the real Matt once they find out: I wonder what Matt's personality is really like. Is he truly such a bore, or is he just extremely quiet because he's trying to be prim and proper? Real Harry is known to be wild--and the girls should know this about him. Moreover, so should Matt--and the producers. (I suppose they producers' answer to that was the twerking pool party, yet the limbo was more like a 6-year-old's birthday party.) Other than his rehearsed misleading speech at the end when they cut back and forth between the Crown Suite girl and the booted girl, I don't think I've heard him say more than 3 words together. If he was gregarious and engaging and could manage to show some of his REAL personality, I think it COULD be possible for one of these girls to fall in love with the real him and would want to be with him despite the premise (AKA lie). Maybe it's just editing, but so far we've only seen him give short answers about himself as Henry and then ask the girls about themselves. Granted, they all seem to be pretty self-absorbed so maybe somone who wants to just talk about me is a good thing. (shrug) I mean, I know he said to Katrina when sitting on the bed, "This is the real me"--I suppose as a clue like, when you find out that I'm not Harry, remember this moment that I'm being genuine with you. But he still didn't SAY anything to her. Ok. The real him is making out with her, but she's only making out with him because she thinks he's someone else. Katrina seemed pretty gung ho about out of all of the women in the world, a PRINCE would choose ME, but yet I doubt this professional-European-soccer-player-dater is going to be like, and out of all of the natural gas ditch diggers in the world, I choose YOU, Matt! Pffft. I think Kelly might be the only one who might still want to date Matt. Surely there HAS to be a romance book out there a la The Notebook about falling in love despite mistaken identity. Although I'm sure the converse of "regular guy" turns out to be a secret prince would be more likely. Yet, I bet if he was the slightest bit into Kelly, he could spin it as it's a REAL fairy tale because we found True Love in this romantic farce. She's eat up whatever fairy tale he could serve on a platter. Maggie would be all, "Dude, you just blew my mind! Let's head down to the pub and laugh about this over some pints!" Megan's dramatic face contortions would just cause her face to fall right off, and Matt would be left asking her skull, "So, is that a maybe?"
  20. Tuned in for Trista and Ryan (for the Right Reasons, AKA hope they can work through their issues) and for Gretchen and Slade (for the Wrong Reasons, AKA snark), but dear lord, that Tanisha. I REALLY hope she and Clive don't continue to dominate 85% of this show or I'm just not going to be able to make it through this. No wonder why only someone with a hearing impairment could be married to her; if I were him, I'd turn off those hearing aids most of the time.
  21. What we know: Andi took out her frustrations on the remaining guys and then stormed out of the room. What we don't know: whether Andi came back in and continued the cocktail party. Regardless of whether Andi continued trash talking Eric, surely the remaining guys would have talked amongst themselves about it. I don't know whether any of them would dare cast Andi to blame--she's the prize--so I wouldn't doubt there would have been Wrong Reasons trash talking about Eric amongst the guys and how dare he upset Andi, yadda-yadda. Then no doubt Harrison would have concluded the cocktail party and/or introduced the rose ceremony with some Wrong Reasons Eric talk, and Andi would have started her rose ceremony with Wrong Reasons Eric talk. If the guy didn't die, I have no doubt that he would have been edited as the bad guy--because that's what happens when someone leaves pre-RC. So the producers were probably like, damn, we have all of our Wrong Reasons footage but we don't want to be insensitive--now what?! Solution: Let's just not show ANY of that footage. Instead, only air Andi taking it out on the guys, NOT saying anything bad about Eric personally--which, come on, does anyone think that she DIDN'T say anything about Eric to the guys?! Surely the conversation had to start with Eric just left because he thinks ...[gets increasingly upset as she goes into details]...and if any of you feel the same way, there's the door. Otherwise it's just *burst into the room and start accusing everyone else but not Eric of being there for the wrong reasons* What the hell? No wonder why it didn't make any sense...if that was how it went down/was edited.
  22. Oh! That's right! No new episode this week; that's why we got two last week. Thanks, leighdear,
  23. Hour recap? A special episode in addition to the 2-hour show?
  24. I think it was simply wardrobe and production not being on the same page. I think they ALL had Rosebuds shirts--probably made to play against the women. But someone in production remembered that they should make it a competition for the second half of the date, and so they turned the Rosebuds shirts inside-out and grabbed a sharpie.
  25. I have to admit, I was pretty exhausted watching that date with her mountain biking THEN hiking THEN mountain climbing...well, okay, that last part was more my style--climbing up rocks holding wine glasses. But we've also heard that it's not unusual for these rose ceremonies to go until 2 in the morning, then the next date starts in the morning. I'm willing to give a pass on exhausted; the yelling at the innocent guys, however, wasn't cool, tired or not.
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