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Everything posted by choclatechip45

  1. Yeah or she tries to backdoor Xmas lol. She was saying yesterday she doesn't want Christmas to go to the final six after her outburst.
  2. Lol this is the movie it looks like it was a dancing movie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dance_with_Me_(1998_film) Wasn't she like a professional dancer or something? Maybe she trained the stars. I don't know.
  3. I don't think there is was an awareness deal. I think Ian came up with that as a rule for himself. He randomly comes up with his own theories. So I guess Ian's plan to comp it till the end looks pretty stupid right now.
  4. Dani said yesterday she wants to take Day to the final 4. Dani probably puts up Kevin and David. David uses his power she puts up Ian. She will probably try to backdoor Tyler.
  5. Dani is waiting for Tyler and Kevin to drop at least that's what she said yesterday.
  6. It's more likely Kevin will make a move then Ian will. I guess I will be rooting for Kevin.
  7. but for some reason can do well on The Challenge? It's the strangest thing ever.
  8. I don't know if I should root for Ian. I feel like he will do whatever Nicole tells him to do. Dani, Nicole, Tyler, Ian and Kevin all have a shot.
  9. Good for them! I guess Nicole needs a wine sponsor at her wedding.
  10. Haha. I believe you. The amount seemed crazy tbh which is why I still remember it. This is the movie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dance_with_Me_(1998_film)#Cast
  11. That's fair. I think people have started to connect the dots this week. I think gamewise they have given Day a good edit since she was a mess the first two weeks. Remember when she thought Janelle had a secret alliance with Tyler and Cody? To be fair to Day none of her bad reads have mattered that much in the overall scheme of things.
  12. Every day on the feeds it seems like he doesn't regret it because it wouldn't have been if Derrick didn't go to the end with him. That is one expensive price for a friend though. Fair I'm surprised he didn't invest some of it. I know Ian has talked about in interviews how he invested most of his winnings and has a nice little cushion that people his age don't have. I don't know if Ian owns his condo in Houston or is just renting, but it sounds nice!
  13. I don't have any memory of Spencer employment outside of the railroad. My favorite was Andy yeah I wasn't fired, I wouldn't have come back anyway. Suuuuree.
  14. No clue, but if he did he would have had some income coming in. I feel like influencers might not have been as popular in 2014 when he was coming off the show than it would be now. I'm more shocked that he went through $50,000 in one year.
  15. He might be. Who knows how much those hallmark movies pay. I remember Erika talking on the live feeds about being an extra on a movie pre-BB4 and it paid $30k.
  16. Adam from BB9? He used his prize money to start a drug ring.
  17. Lol. From the feeds it sounded like he is trying to break into luxury real estate as a realtor he was shadowing someone who was is mentor, but once covid hit it all dried up. He is also a soccer coach. It sounds like he had some major financial issues used part of his 50 grand to pay of loans still has some more to pay off. He didn't work for a full year after his season going to appearances and trying to be a model that he blew the rest of the 50 grand. He doesn't have any of the money left.
  18. He mentioned on the feeds to Janelle he doesn't have a clientele so when the Coronavirus hit he was basically out of work.
  19. I agree that is such a dumb statement. Nicole & Cody were on the SAME season and she played with his brother lol. Jase & Diane who hated each other on s5 had a pregame alliance on All-Stars anyone from the same season probably has an agreement of sorts. If it is a wall comp Dani, Nicole, Tyler, Ian and Kevin have the best shot at winning. If it is a slip n slide which Kevin and Ian claim they saw last night: Cody (depending on his knees he says he injured them playing soccer), Tyler, Enzo and Kevin have the best shot.
  20. Day didn't realize Christmas and Tyler were close. It was a bad read on Day's part.
  21. If Dani pregamed with Cody before the season she did a bad job. Day one Cody said he didn't trust Dani and Nicole convinced him that he could trust her. Night of Day 1 or Day 2 they had a long convo in the HOH were Dani asked Cody if he talked to Derrick. If Derrick put them together why would she ask that? The reason I am cynical about the pregame rumors is that Evel Dick is the source and he's the one who kept saying Frankie was on this season. Plus Evel Dick hates Derrick and Dan way before this season started. How can you be a Big Brother fan and think Dan is one of the worst winners? I think what Bay said the other day is far more credible. I am hoping she spills the tea once she is in the outside world.
  22. Kaysar self diagnosed himself just like Ian self diagnosed himself with ADHD on his original season.
  23. It will be pretty funny if Dani ends up being the first juror. It was so dumb for her to lead the parade against Jaysar.
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