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Everything posted by choclatechip45

  1. Dani just spilled to Cody about the all girls alliance.
  2. Kalia from BB13 tweeted she will be having a talk with Dani about her comments regarding Bay once she is out of the house.
  3. Josh from BB19 and Natalie from BB11 is hispanic. Kaycee is half filipino. The show definitley needs more diversity.
  4. I thought they were talking about flipping the house and keeping Bay.
  5. It annoys me that Tyler and Ian have tried to self evict multiple times. This is All-Stars both knew what they were getting into by agreeing to come back. It just seems like because the game isn't going their way they want out.
  6. Also, Natalie from BB11 is half black and half hispanic.
  7. Still strange they had Elissa on the Race. Though I don't think they mentioned she was on Big Brother if I remember correct?
  8. Apparently no one one from season 15 was asked back. I would have been fine with Candace or Howard since they both were screwed.
  9. Apparently Dani took the have not pass from her lol.
  10. Dani to Nicole, Why was Paulie mad about the pie Punishment Cody Yeah why was he mad? Dani oh right it was your season, but he's your brother.
  11. My thought was that Nicole wanted Day on her side when Bay leaves, but your point makes sense too!
  12. Christmas keeps going around in circles but tells Tyler, Dani does not want to backdoor him. So I think Nicole is her #1. Also, Christmas told Tyler that Bay/Day/Dani/Nicole compared notes about Tyler telling each side to go after the other.
  13. Dani got a have not pass so she wasn't going to trade it for the veto Nicole got 5 grand but gave it to Day and got Day's punishment
  14. Sort of. It sounds like Day false started. Nicole/Dani went for prizes/punishments and not for the veto. Bay false started so Christmas had to take the veto from either Bay or Day. Ian didn't participate.
  15. Makes sense. I never understood why she came up with that whole lie about the Keesha vote the night before the eviction.
  16. I don't even get what Memphis is saying. I can see why Day fact checking would be annoying but its not threatening. I thought it was at first tbh. He would often brag about using 4chan on his original season and did a chat with them after his original season. My mind was changed after he told Nicole they need to stop acting like Bay/Day as the same person.
  17. I think after this season Ian disappears from the fan community like some of the original All-Stars. I can't remember any winner besides maybe JT from Survivor ruin their legacy this much. Ian wasn't a great player, but definitley tried to put a spin on his game that he was this master strategist that thrashed Dan. I think the fan community bought the strategist part.
  18. After Christmas won HOH he apparently went to Nicole and told her everything. Bay got mad at him and they were having a conversation and Ian called her Day and Bay left because she found it disrespectful. Ever since that conversation he has been super anxious and has wanted to leave. We don't know most of what happened because the feeds were down. I don't remember him being this anxious from his original season. I think his social skills were better on his original season tbh. I do remember after Britney was backdoored he was drinking and yelling at Frank a lot.
  19. Ian did not play in the veto. (I think because of his anxiety attack) Christmas and Cody would wish he would quit.
  20. Yup he was in the DR this morning for hours. Enzo said they were checking his blood pressure. I don't want anyone having any mental breakdowns. I don't remember this being an issue in the first All-Stars even when Danielle had her breakdown. It just sucks that they could have had two people who wanted to be there instead of Nicole A and Ian who are going through a lot.
  21. Xmas should use the veto and put up Ian he has been wanting to self-evict for days.
  22. Feeds are back. Day is crying, but won 5 grand.
  23. I didn't see this mentioned, but Ian was in the DR this morning for a long time. Enzo said they were checking his blood pressure. I think he had a panic attack, Nicole said yesterday he has tried to self evict.
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