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Everything posted by choclatechip45

  1. It bothers me that they quoted Evel Dick since he has his own history of problematic comments.
  2. He would have thrown it. Ian doesn't like to make decisions this season.
  3. Sometimes I forget Ian has autism (especially the first week) mostly because after his original season he made it very clear he didn't have autism in his post show interviews. I think it's great he got tested after his season hopefully it has helped him in the outside world. I don't know how you confuse Downs Syndrom and Autism that's some real ignorant shit right there.
  4. He has a website for photography no idea if that is his full time job or uses it to supplement his income.
  5. Alex from season 9 lol. She slept with James Rhine according to James Rhine.
  6. I don't think Dani has much of an identity outside of Big Brother. Maybe it's because she was on the show at age 20, but she has dated 3 guys from the show in the real world. At least she went to college and did have a job outside of Big Brother for awhile. Most of her friends seem to be connected to Big Brother. Her dad definitley does not have an identity outside of the show which is pretty sad.
  7. I haven't watched the last few seasons particularly close. How they don't last longer? I remember in season 18 the endurance compeition went into the morning.
  8. I feel bad for Ian he considers Nicole a friend. I hope his girlfriend gives him the rundown. I love how his girlfriend liked Bay from The Challenge lol. Paraphrased Ian-"My girlfriend watched the Challenge" Bay-"Oh god..." Ian-"She was a fan of yours she was super impressed that you went to the final" Bay-"I'm glad she liked me!"
  9. They had it yesterday. Dani said the stick reached her eyeball lol. I hated the original All-Stars when it aired near the end cus of Boogie. The feeds also sucked near the end cus Will/Janelle would spend the whole time whispering or in the DR doing who knows what. On a rewatch though it has aged really well.
  10. Thanks.I was only half listening for the same reason as well lol.
  11. Dani's probably pissed at Ian cus last night he wanted details on a story she told the night before about why she was mad when a woman from the Amazing Race asked Dom to sit on her lap at a reality event. She said because it was disrespectful and Ian kept asking why. It was super weird tbh. I still have no idea if this happened when they were married or dating or before they got serious.
  12. Memphis plan for the double eviction with The Committee is the first person you put up is the actual target while the second person is the pawn.
  13. I think so far that's how Memphis has dealt with it. He even says I know he can't control it, but I can't relax sometimes. The worse was Christmas on Thursday implying Ian is doing it for camera time and Cody defended him.
  14. I feel bad for Ian he is going to be really hurt by the comments made about him. Especially from Nicole since he thinks they are friends outside this game.
  15. I wouldn't say that in the house. Memphis did say once a couple weeks ago he was taking a shower and Ian sat down and told him to take his time. Memphis was kinda pissed and said to someone after the fact well now he's making me all anxious in the shower. I imagine it might be hard in the house since its a stressful environment. Again it's not Ian's fault since he can't control it. Was he rocking this much in BB14? I remember him and the hammock, but don't remember the rocking.
  16. I feel awful and everyone will think I am a bad person, but I have anxiety and sometimes it's hard for me to watch Ian on the feeds. I feel bad because I know he can't control it.
  17. Dani/Nicole have been going after Bay since night one because they thought she would blow up. Then the whole two guys two tries comment happened they went after Bay harder by roping in Xmas.
  18. Dani says to Nicole Cody/Enzo have a final 2. She plans to tell Cody that he can't win against Enzo and it's a Derrick situation again.
  19. Haha fair point! I'm assuming Ian because they mentioned playing to make jury and Ian has told everyone that. Memphis and Cody have said they don't want to be stuck in jury (to be fair to them more than half the cast has said that).
  20. Kaysar said on Danielle and Jason's podcast that the FBI hat was originally Howie's because Howie thought it meant Female Body Inspector. Kaysar didn't bring a hat on season 6 so Howie let him wear it.
  21. Kevin said he got a glimpse of the HOH competition (not sure how feeds cut). Bay is giving him advice on the wall comp from her season.
  22. Just remember night one Dani/Nicole wanted Bay out because they thought she would blow up on someone. The rest of the house thought Christmas would blow up on someone first. I remember Cody, Memphis and Janelle specifically mentioning this in the first two weeks.
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