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Everything posted by choclatechip45

  1. Another wall yeller. House guests are now on lockdown.
  2. So Ian is bitching about how the fan base is horrible to him and how he saw armed guards and hope he hears gunshots.
  3. Taran said Thursday morning he thought Day would throw the HOH. So maybe? I agree with you I'm not convinced.
  4. Same. She was super upset when she lost that veto and told Bay she was.
  5. LOL Ian is telling Nicole that it's not in Day's best interest to win the veto. Ian wake up and play the game! Also, he won't go to jury. Good go and quit. No one cares.
  6. That's a good comparison. I feel like Jordan is like that too you have a bunch of houseguests who want to play her "game", but only Jordan can play that game. Not saying she is a great strategist it just looks like an easy game when it's not.
  7. The biggest issue with current seasons is that they expanded the cast. If they stuck to 12 people each season the show would be a lot better. I don't think social media influencers are any different than the houseguests from season 2-8 who would move to LA after the show was over and try to be actors. That only ended because of the recession. I was watching some old jury footage and the juries from season 4 & 5 were very bitter they luckily chose the better player. The season 10 jury was pretty bitter, but towards Memphis.
  8. Agreed. Has anyone even tried to copy Will's game?
  9. I agree. I remember Dan tweeting after Tyler lost and said that playing like him might be a losing type of game plus Dan is a big fan of Tyler.
  10. Plus Dani has told Nicole she doesn't want to embarrass Day by voting out Kevin! She is in the same spot whether she uses it or not.
  11. If Dani puts up Ian and Ian goes that will be a good move for Day since Ian does not want to work with Day and Nicole will need Day more. Even though Kevin reads are pretty shitty the one thing he was good at in season 11 was convincing people to do stuff. So, hopefully he can find that superpower and just get Day to use the veto on him.
  12. Ian thinks Dr Will is the best winner (right choice), but Ian has said that part of his jury vote would be based on comps win....
  13. I have had a love/hate relationship with Day this season, but if she doesn't use the veto I might stop rooting for her.
  14. I have always liked Dom more than Dani. I wish they had asked him for 18.
  15. So Memphis is the Jerry of this season? That actually makes a lot of sense.
  16. I remember Dani being very vocal on twitter during season 20 that she did not like Tyler.
  17. He definitley thinks he is some type of mastermind. He went on reddit a few years ago bragging about how he's a top 20 player and if he went back into the house his social skills would be much better and he would have a better read on the house. The worst is that Ian seems to enjoy when people baby him, but didn't like Janelle or Kaysar who treated him like an actual person.
  18. Leaving the room is not possible because like I said people have tried and Ian follows them. I watched him one night on the feeds and he followed Nicole room to room for 2 hours finally she went to the bed and he still wouldn't leave. The one time this season someone got upset with Ian was Bay when he called her Day. She told him she needed space and it triggered a panic attack for him because he thought the show would portray him as a racist. My point is anxiety is real and I don't fault anyone telling someone they feel bad, but the rocking makes them anxious and it's not Ian's fault. The issue is this group went a lot further to the point they compared him to a fictional serial killer. Colors don't set off my anxiety, but let's say it did and Janelle wore a red dress if I told someone the color red makes me anxious and I need to work on that in the house, I don't see anything wrong with that vs Anyone who wears red makes me uncomfortable and reminds me of a serial killer. The real solution would be for production to give Ian a rocking chair in the house. He has mentioned multiple times he has one at home and it helps him. I get what you are saying. In real life it is easier to avoid triggers in the Big Brother house which isn't that big it's a lot harder. It is something Ian has mentioned multiple times that if he could have a rocking chair or more access to the background it would be a lot easier for him to deal with what triggers him.
  19. In my eyes Ian will do whatever Nicole wants and she loses a number. Plus he is by far the most boring person on the feeds right now just following Nicole around.
  20. Dani says she will have to put up Ian if Day uses the veto. Please Day use the veto! Sort of Christmas told her she can only use it if she wins veto or something confusing like that.
  21. Dani "I'm not trying to be mean, but David is not good at this game."
  22. Dani and Nicole want Christmas out once her power is up. Ian told Nicole he would have to vote for Christmas at the end cus of his formula that weighs comps win (ugh this is why I don't like Ian).
  23. Dani, please tell Day to use the veto and put up Ian to get back at Nicole!
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