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Everything posted by choclatechip45

  1. I honestly think Dani trusts Day more than Day trusts Dani. Ian made a dumb move week 2 or 3 bragging about all his comp wins in 14.
  2. Same. She really screwed up trying to get Jeff backdoored week 3(?) and then not putting him up. Also speaking of season 13 Kalia defended her move putting up Lawon the other day thought that was funny. Bayleigh told Ian that. I heard Dani talking to Cody about it.
  3. Sounds like they are going to show the Ian bullying stuff on the show. Dani and Nicole both had DRs about it they are talking about it. I'll be really annoyed if production saves Ian this week and Day goes up. Though I doubt Dani would buy into pressure to change her plan.
  4. I hope Ian ends up on the block and goes home. I can't stand him this season due to the fact he just follows Nicole around all day and thinks he is some mastermind at the game. One night Nicole was begging people to make Ian food because he had nothing to eat because he wouldn't cook for himself. Also, he thinks he had all these super smart conversations with Kaysar when he just called Kaysar stupid on Saturday. I think him going on the block would cause drama since he is in a fake alliance with Dani, Nicole and Cody, but doesn't know its fake. Sort of like how the Quack Pack was formed. Plus he is getting way to good of an edit on the show. Also, Nicole definitley was told by the DR about how her comments are being perceived because she was apologizing to Ian last night about how she doesn't want things in the game to effect their friendship. It was super awkward because Nicole could not say what she was apologizing for while Ian thought it was the whole wall yeller stuff.
  5. They digitally removed Janelle from a scene this season! So last episode they had him in the DR saying he chose not to use it. So I bet after noms he will be called in and it might be like season 19 when Cody tried to put up Paul, but happen after noms. Expect the feeds to be down a little longer for the nomination ceremony.
  6. The only time I had sympathy for any of these houseguests making an inappropriate statement was Erika on BB4 and that was because the whole house made comments on the feed and they aired the one comment Erika said. Also, it helped she gave a real apology to Jee at the finale not one of those fake ones.
  7. Same. Dani at least likes to shake things up due to her paranoia. Her first HOH reign in BB8 is a top 5 worst HOH reigns ever.
  8. I gotta give props to Dani winning a wall comp 9 years apart is impressive! Yeah that makes more sense lol. I definitley remember her being a professional dancer in her life lol.
  9. I can't feel bad for Ian and Kevin since they both have played terrible games so far. Ian is the one who decided to play his game for Nicole F. Dani's speech to Ian: "You've been telling everyone you want to make it to jury so have fun in the jury house."
  10. The most predictable scenario is Kevin or Ian goes home. Unless David does not use his power which could be fun in a shit show type of way.
  11. Also Dani's shitty power comes into play next week!
  12. Yeah or she tries to backdoor Xmas lol. She was saying yesterday she doesn't want Christmas to go to the final six after her outburst.
  13. Lol this is the movie it looks like it was a dancing movie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dance_with_Me_(1998_film) Wasn't she like a professional dancer or something? Maybe she trained the stars. I don't know.
  14. I don't think there is was an awareness deal. I think Ian came up with that as a rule for himself. He randomly comes up with his own theories. So I guess Ian's plan to comp it till the end looks pretty stupid right now.
  15. Dani said yesterday she wants to take Day to the final 4. Dani probably puts up Kevin and David. David uses his power she puts up Ian. She will probably try to backdoor Tyler.
  16. Dani is waiting for Tyler and Kevin to drop at least that's what she said yesterday.
  17. It's more likely Kevin will make a move then Ian will. I guess I will be rooting for Kevin.
  18. but for some reason can do well on The Challenge? It's the strangest thing ever.
  19. I don't know if I should root for Ian. I feel like he will do whatever Nicole tells him to do. Dani, Nicole, Tyler, Ian and Kevin all have a shot.
  20. Good for them! I guess Nicole needs a wine sponsor at her wedding.
  21. Haha. I believe you. The amount seemed crazy tbh which is why I still remember it. This is the movie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dance_with_Me_(1998_film)#Cast
  22. That's fair. I think people have started to connect the dots this week. I think gamewise they have given Day a good edit since she was a mess the first two weeks. Remember when she thought Janelle had a secret alliance with Tyler and Cody? To be fair to Day none of her bad reads have mattered that much in the overall scheme of things.
  23. Every day on the feeds it seems like he doesn't regret it because it wouldn't have been if Derrick didn't go to the end with him. That is one expensive price for a friend though. Fair I'm surprised he didn't invest some of it. I know Ian has talked about in interviews how he invested most of his winnings and has a nice little cushion that people his age don't have. I don't know if Ian owns his condo in Houston or is just renting, but it sounds nice!
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