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It's not Cap or Thunderbolts, it will be the all-new stuff like Fantastic Four and beyond to look out for. Those films will determine whether or not Marvel can succeed going forward.
What exactly was wrong with her previous comments? I don't think that Zegler should be selling out to the MAGA/anti-woke crowd just to save the box office.
I disagree with the notion that it was Thanos and the Infinity Stones tying the films together. In fact those were probably the least connective elements in all of the films. They played their parts eventually, sure, but it was all of the other classic Marvel Comics concepts and characters that tied the MCU together.
If you want to claim that you're not sexist, then you should probably avoid saying sexist things. Casting a female Silver Surfer will not be what keeps Fantastic Four from succeeding, nor will a Black Captain America be what keeps that film from succeeding. And the majority of audiences for these films couldn't care less about Norrin Radd.
No, Brook Lynn and Dante are much closer in age, with Dante being just a few years older maybe. It's not much of a stretch that they could have all been in summer camp together as teenagers.
I've been hoping that Emma will turn out to be some sort of criminal, so if Joss does end up joining the WSB then that would be some interesting conflict between the characters. No underwear is a lot better than dirty underwear, imo.
I absolutely do. And that's the problem. It seems like Gunn's film is attempting to connect back to the Donner films instead of moving forward on its own. Not in the comic books, it isn't. Clark wasn't some bumbling nerd. Reeve brought that persona into the films and some subsequent adaptations felt the need to copy Reeve's interpretation.
It's a little overdone to me, and doesn't look natural like in the comics. Maybe it's Nathan Fillion himself that's the problem. I don't think that hairstyle really works for him. Also, "comics accurate" doesn't really mean much here, since Guy Gardner has had numerous hairstyles in the books. And why is he bumbling? Since when is Clark Kent bumbling?
I really did not like the way Clark Kent appeared in the trailer. I hope that he is not portrayed as some bumbling idiot. I also do not like the usage of the John Williams theme, despite how cool it sounded in the trailer. This film should try and distance itself as much as possible from the old Donner films, in my view, so hearing it is a bit concerning. I enjoyed the style and tone, Brosnahan as Lois, and Krypto. I hope that Hoult does well as Luthor. Agreed. I don't think that it was absolutely necessary but if they were going to go with that style, then they could have done a better job with the hair piece.
I think this is a good idea. Take minor villains like Clayface that don't rely on the Batman character to function and make movies out of them. It allows for more flexibility with the genres. Similar to what Sony tried to do with the Spider-Man universe, but hopefully with much much better results.
I don't think that they do. Marvel does not owe the fans, old or new, anything. They should be focused on delivering quality storytelling first and foremost, not giving the fans what they want. They haven't been. Agreed. Marvel Comics would be nothing without the writers and editors who succeeded Stan Lee in the 1970s, 80s, 90s, and beyond. And the MCU would not exist. Although I agree that we don't necessarily need any more Peggy, she was indeed a supporting character in the comics in the pre-MCU era.
It's a smart move, regardless. I'm guessing that the next batch of films are an attempt to return to the level of quality from before. They wouldn't waste RDJ and CE on poor stories. Their plans must be aiming for bigger and better. The characters are as true to the comics as they have always been. The filmmakers are not going to limit themselves by being rigid or moving backwards. Fans of the old comic books have absolutely nothing to do with any goodwill or success of the MCU. Marvel clearly respects the source material. Also, Stan Lee is not the end-all be-all of the Marvel Universe.
They really dropped the ball with Kara, but I guess with Al & Miles leaving the show at the end of the season along with Kristin and Michael that Kara got lost in the shuffle. Lex suffered those injuries from the fortress collapsing in the S7 finale. Michael only agreed to come back at the very last minute, so the writers probably could only do but so much with the character. I think that it makes total sense to bring him back since he is Superman's iconic arch-nemesis and was such a big part of the show itself. It doesn't really matter whether he was a threat or not. As for the character's revival, Lex survived the explosion in S8 and was recovering in secret underneath the Luthor mansion. He was using the clone parts to heal himself. I agree about the overuse of the comic book stuff in later seasons, however the Legion of Super-Heroes (future people) was a big part of the Superboy comics so I'm glad they included it at least.
Wiley kills Drew and Michael takes him out of town to protect him. Drew should die in the most embarrassing way possible.
Yeah I agree with no recast. These storylines can be wrapped up relatively quickly, and the show overall does not require the Michael character to function in my view. I don't really see Chad finding work anywhere else though. Maybe he can return as Michael in a few years or something if he wants.