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Everything posted by possibilities

  1. In my experience, there are straight people who miss ALL the cues (they don't know how any of this works!), and straight people who don't. I would have expected at least some of his friends and family to be all "yeah, Buck, we already knew, did you really not know that about yourself?" and some to be totally unsuspecting. I didn't like this episode much, to be honest. I think Tommy's lines are fine, but the actor is giving NOTHING and Oliver Stark is trying to carry their scenes by himself. I don't know if Ferrigna is just a crap actor, or if he's being directed to be extremely reserved as a defense in case Buck goes into "nevermind, gay panic" mode, in which case we'll see more from him once he feels more clear that Buck is serious about him, but for now it's really uncomfortable to watch Buck leaning in so hard while Tommy acts like dead weight. Also, I thought they promised us Buck wouldn't have any gay panic/ identity crisis, but this episode was all gay panic/identity crisis. I also thought Eddie was terrible to Marisol, asking her to move in and saying she shouldn't bring any of her stuff. That was not about the nun thing, because he was like that right away. And I just don't really have any interest in watching people be obnoxious to each other and not communicate about things. I thought his conversations with Buck and Bobby were fine, though. Maddie was also fine with Buck, though I thought she'd be one of the people who wasn't so surprised by the situation. Doesn't she usually see right through him? I agree that a foster placement or adoption would have more info and counseling attached to it. Sink or swim is not really how that's supposed to work. At minimum, they'd be able to call the social worker for support, not only to say they reject the child and want her removed. I did like that the firefighter who got bitten by the dog was not holding a grudge against the dog. I was worried that after they resuscitated the dog, they'd remove the dog for mandatory euthanasia due to the dog having "been a biter". All the promos for this episode were based on the season opener shipwreck rescue, so I guess the network didn't think they could promote this episode directly, either.
  2. Elsbeth seems to genuinely like and be promoting Kaya. I have decided it's not an act and the trust between them is real. I just hope the show doesn't do a "shocking twist" and make Kaya turn out to be corrupt somehow. I laughed at the "oh shit, she's investigating ME!!!" moment, but I also don't get how he didn't realize that before. What did he think she was doing as a representative of the consent decree? She is very open about how she's checking on them. Did he think he was magically exempt?
  3. The puffer coats on this week's episode weren't as puffy as the ones I'm familiar with! They didn't enhance the goofiness at all! More fashion than bloated Michelan Man effect.
  4. Vic's sudden descent into whatever she's going through is freaking me out. It isn't just despair over the cancellation of Crisis One, because it started before that. I can't see her losing her way over the break up with Ruiz. If that's what they are doing, it's not in character at all. So what the hell? I wanted her outburst at the press conference to lead to the media getting involved in talking about the budget cut more and forcing the mayor's hand on restoring Crisis One. I think it's totally realistic that a great program like that gets cut, but I don't think really understand the way they are handling it in-show. I get that if they don't cut C1, something else will go. But they don't have a lot of episodes left, do they? So I don't like how they are slow walking the story. I don't want them to do a suicide story for Hughes, and I'm afraid that's what they are going to do.
  5. Isaac's dinosaur obsession makes me really happy. I do hope it doesn't cause problems between him and Nigel, though. Pete's ex wasn't in this episode, which was fine with me. But I do wonder where she was.
  6. It's obviously better for Alex to go back to school voluntarily, but I also thought they should have made his grandma understand that they were going to wind up in court if he missed more school. Leaving it all to the judgment of a little kid worked for now, but long run I think grandma has to be on board.
  7. Note to self: When Skooma dies, do not attempt resuscitation, and toss the body in a lake.
  8. Maybe Juveria? I was so surprised when she didn't advance in her recent tournament.
  9. Yes, but the cops ignoring the threats and not investigating until after the murder of the judge is a sign the department is neglecting to protect the drag community.
  10. Clickers are supposed to be used to mark the desired behavior. They are not used to silenceor scold or intimidate the trainee. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/clicker-training-your-dog-mark-and-reward/
  11. When they showed up at the bar flashing their badges, I expected a panic reaction, and was surprised by the warm welcome... and then it turned out they had called in the threats and been ignored, and thought that is why Will, Angie/etc were there. I hope that isn't forgotten-- that the police didn't do anything about the threats.
  12. Did Will really say he would hug Angie if she shot him?
  13. It might not be the windiest, but when I was there, we had days with a wind chill of 80 below zero and if there are places colder than that, I bet they have warm coats, too! I used to wear a down puffer coat that went down to almost my ankles, plus a heavy wool coat over that (plus all the scarves, glove/mitten combos, hats, etc). I'm still not over seeing a revolving door blown off its tracks and just lying haplessly on its side on the ground. It might not be the coldest, but it's plenty cold enough! I'm sure Alaska sees worse, and for longer. Probably some very high winds on the plains, too. People say that stuff about wait a few minutes and the weather will change here in New England, too. I like that, though. We get all kinds of weather here. Variety! I can see Elsbeth in a giant puffer coat. It would go well with her goofy persona. I suppose she won't be outdoors as much as I was, though-- she probably isn't standing around outside waiting for public transit or walking long distances; she seems like a car/taxi person, though I can't remember if we ever saw her actually travel anywhere other than the first episode with the tour bus. She just seems to appear on site poof! without any hint as to conveyance.
  14. I lived in Chicago for a few years. NONE of her coats would stand up to the Windy City!
  15. I also notice that when Shaun told her to study on her own one time, she said she can't learn from written material. But since then she has been reading studies and going rogue implementing their ideas (like with the surgical tray) and suggesting things she learned from them (during the diagnostic and treatment discussions). The writing is extremely inconsistent.
  16. I'm excited about the dog pictures. Also, wondering what Betty will wear in Georgia summers? They will have to find accessories that aren't so warming lest she overheat.
  17. She has a lot of winter coats. I think at my absolute peak of coat indulgence, I only had 2 winter coats. But she seems to have multiple ones per episode.
  18. The one thing I really dislike is the giant bows. I don't even know why I dislike them, but I always have and I still do. I like the fuzzy coat and the outfit where she's wearing bright blue and green (first photo for ep2) the best, I thin. Plus the tote bags from ep1. I notice she wears a lot of pink. I also like the granny squares scarf. It doesn't look wide enough to be warm enough for NYC winter, but I still like it. In a similar vein, I also like the knitted blanket in the picture labeled ep3/outfit6. These sites say more: https://cinematicoutfits.com/tag/elsbeth-tv-show/ https://www.shopyourtv.com/elsbeth/
  19. I figure anyone who doesn't want to read about wardrobe simply doesn't have to read the wardrobe thread. I never used to care about or usually even notice wardrobe, but lately I find I do. And there seem to be a bunch of sites that track what people on TV are wearing, which I find interesting. Some shows dress their characters off the shelf, some in expensive fancy designer stuff, others in accessible normal clothes (like from Target, not "high fashion" designers), and some sew their own (or a mix). I find it interesting to figure out where stuff is coming from. I'm heading over to the wardrobe thread now....
  20. Let's not forget Flower, who was high and antagonized a bear (though she didn't mean to upset it, it was not good judgment or sober common sense to do what she did). Her drug use can be blamed for her death, if Trevor's is being blamed for his. The show might or might not have a "show bible" where they understand the theory behind why people do or don't get stuck as ghosts. Some shows make up rules when world-building, and others don't. I don't think we can say for sure what the writers have in mind or don't, at this point.
  21. Yep. They are making it all about how Eve is wrong and Manny is right, rather than that there is a happy medium. And Bode is also always right, and usually everyone or at least someone is wrong about him. Last season, Vince was wrong and Sharon was right. Then they flipped it and Sharon was wrong and Vince was right. I wonder if anyone knows anything about the writers. Are they newbies? Or is this a network preference? I guess the ratings are good, so maybe it's a culture-wide preference.
  22. I did notice that! And they seemed to be doing it on purpose for some reason, since it was easily corrected and/or edited out if they didn't want it there. Weird! I was also bothered by the unmasking. Both of them are behaving badly, and the worst part is that people writing it don't suffer the consequences of bad messaging. This kind of thing only really has implications for people who are being slandered symbolically and that crap impacts how people IRL are viewed, unfairly. Folks say they realize it's fiction, but IRL a lot of people do in fact get a lot of their ideas from the scant representations they find in fiction, and it does reverberate into how they treat others IRL.
  23. I thought Mattea won something recently. Time and tournaments have become scrambled in my brain.
  24. Another board I frequent has a gritted teeth reaction. I would use that one but since we don't have it here, I gave the above post a fire emoji. One of these days, they will play this song behind one of the more dramatic scenes: https://genius.com/The-doors-light-my-fire-lyrics I say the show is best when it leans into itself.
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