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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Only to fall back into the fairytale crap in season 5 when Wyatt was born..
  2. I loved season 1 because it was so dark and the sisters were so new to their powers and the main focus was on them with Prue's relationship with Andy getting focus without overshadowing the sisters dynamic. I actually thought that the Prue/Andy relationship should have continued in the series. Season 2 had some hits and misses. Morality Bites being my favorite episode because Constance gave us a preview on how powerful the sisters would become. I hated the triangle of doom. I actually think that Dan had better chemistry with Phoebe. Season 2 should have been darker though with more episodes like morality bites and it should have focused more on the sisters powers. Season 3 had some hits and misses for me as well. I despised Cole and what he did to Phoebe and the show. Prue died in this season so it is always bittersweet to watch it knowing how it will end. Prue seemed strangely unmoored in this season and I hated her being superwitch. It was just too much at times. Don't get me started on the Leo/Piper relationship, that coupling and their children did a lot of damage to the whole premise of the show..
  3. I remember reading the ladies were not happy with the direction of the show in season 3. They were bored with the repetitive stories and that may have contributed to the tension between the leads. For me season 3 ushered in the problems that the show would experience in later seasons. Phoebe losing her specialness, Piper becoming unpleasant Leo becoming more and more prominent, messing up the second powers of Phoebe and Piper, not advancing the sisters original powers the fraying of the close relationship between the sisters etc...
  4. True that was after the pawn story in the 80's that established Drake's Roman on the show.
  5. They did not reverse it , the pawn being Stefano was a red herring though. The pawn was always meant to be Roman. Sherry Anderson was afraid that a Roman recast would not have been accepted by the public because Wayne Northrup was so beloved in the role so she came up with this amnesiac named John Black who Marlena was drawn to inexplicably. There is no way that Marlena would have fallen for Stefano not after what he had done to her Roman and the twins.
  6. I think that Shannen wanted Charmed to be what the show Fringe would be in the future. The main protagonist Olivia on the show had telekinesis like Prue. She could actually cross dimensions with her mind.. That would have been awesome to see Prue do that as her telekinesis grew more powerful. I think that Phoebe should have been superwitch in season 3. She was the one that embraced their destiny from jump. She relied heavily on the book of shadows because she did not have an active power. She also went out and learned how to fight in order to be useful in fights with her older sisters. Phoebe was always reading the book and learning from it. She was also the best spell caster and being charmed gave her a purpose so it would have made sense that she was superwitch and not Prue. I was irritated with Prue being superwitch in season 3 and that never fit Piper.
  7. People are definitely reaching on here when it comes to Sunny. I know that many on here don't like Sunny for being prudish but this is a woman who believes in justice for all..
  8. I would love to see the legacy characters have full lives on the show but these writers are incapable of writing so I would rather they stay off the show. The only legacy character that the show cares about is Sami.. It has been the Sami show on and off for decades now.
  9. Season 7 had too much focus on Leo and I have never cared for him so it was torture for me. I did love Leo being able to rewind time as an avatar. I always felt that Piper's freezing power should have advanced to that level. Piper should have been able to rewind time regarding events that she was a part of like Leo was able to do. Piper being able to rewind time would have made her very powerful when it came to fighting evil. It could have rivaled Phoebe's premonitions. Phoebe could see danger coming while Piper can change them like Leo did when fighting with people during that season. Piper is such a surly bitch in this season. the seer was so right to call her that. Also, there were times that Piper could have used her freezing power to stop an antagonist in season 7. In something about Leo, when Brody is holding Phoebe hostage she could have frozen him and freed Phoebe from him. Holly Marie as Piper looked awkward standing there not knowing what to do with her hands. The second time was when that demon attacked Phoebe in someone to witch over me, she could have frozen him preventing her and Phoebe from dying. The show forgot Piper's freezing power after season 3 in order to necessitate their plots. She relied too much on her explosion power. How were the avatars able to freeze Piper anyway. Good witches don't freeze. Also, when the sisters were taking them on, why didn't they freeze them and kill them. I did not care for Brody at all and he made Paige unpleasant and unreasonable. I loved Phoebe with the seer, they had awesome chemistry. Not to mention, the seer's premonition powers was how I always wanted Phoebe's to become..
  10. They neutered Eric when he came back when they made him a priest. Why? you have a beautiful man like Greg Vaughn and you make him a celibate priest.
  11. I have no desire to see Eric back, he is played out in my humble opinion. The show has never cared about him so why should I? This goes for Shawn-Douglas as well, what a chump! his wife will most likely cheat on him once again..
  12. Yes they are real. I think the show will be Sherry's, the audience was chanting her name and that must have killed Wendy if she saw it today..
  13. Can somebody please explain to me why the ladies were showing their feet on camera? I expected Sunny Whoopie and Ana to do the same.
  14. I agree with you that the show is bad due to bad writing that was so out of character that I will not watch the show if there is a second season but I digress. Megan's manufactured outrage is so off-putting that it makes me roll my eyes and it is just another reason for her to rage at people she sees as her enemy. Megan needs therapy to deal with her demons it is not healthy to be so pissed off about everything in life. She is too young to be so bitter,
  15. I think part of the reason that season 5 was so horrible was because some of the stories that occurred in season 4 should have occurred in season 5. Evil Phoebe should have been in season 5 and it should have lasted longer than 1 episode. It was so lame since Constance hinted that she would be evil for a spell in season 1 and 2. The source should have been vanquished in season 5 or 6. The sisters should have been more powerful individually with each having 3 powers like Constance envisioned in order to face the source of all evil. All Phoebe did was levitate and miss kicking the source. How pathetic! I also thought that Piper wanting to have a child should have been a story for the last season of the show and Wyatt should have been Melinda full stop.. I also think that killing Prue and bringing Paige on the show messed up their long-term plans for the charmed ones. In season 4 they tried to make the new power of 3 like the original and it did not work. I don't think they were able to formulate a new plan that would fit the new power of 3. By the time that season 5 they had given up on making Paige a special character in her own right. I loved Paige even though that I will always love Prue and the original power of 3. I will always wonder what might have been if Brad Kern had let Constance write her own show. The eyes have it was a wonderful episode simply because it focused on Phoebe's premonition powers..
  16. The show fucked up in not letting Lauren Boles continue as Ciara.
  17. Renee's death was a shocking death due to her popularity and her death kicked off an engaging mystery "the salem slasher". Renee was killed by Andre after figuring out that he was not Tony. She knew Tony so well that Andre could not fool her after having just one conversation with him.
  18. Wayne Northrup should not have come back as Roman. Drake's Roman was very popular and undoing 5 years of stories with Drake as Roman was just stupid and short-sighted since Wayne left anyway, so what was the point of making Drake's Roman an impostor. JT's Roman was just adding more salt to the wound. His Roman is so pathetic and a nonfactor. Whereas Roman as both Drake and Wayne was a force to be reckon with..
  19. Shut up Whoopie! she talks and talks and talks but says nothing important..
  20. Don't forget the new power of 3 invoked the whole Warren line to vanquish the source because they were not powerful enough to do so. The power of 3 was supposed to be more powerful than their ancestors. The new Power of 3 should have grown in strength throughout season 4 as Piper and Phoebe bond with Paige. Piper and Paige should have bonded immediately because Paige reminded her of her beloved Prue. Phoebe should have resented the hell out of Paige for not only having the same power as Prue but also for replacing her as the baby of the family. Perhaps she feels that Piper blames her for Prue's death, given that she was chasing after Cole instead of being with her sisters to vanquish Shax. The Piper/Phoebe tension could have been in the background while slowly coming into the foreground as the season intensified. Paige could have felt overwhelmed with taking Prue's place in the power of 3, Piper's smothering attention and Phoebe's resentment leading her to not want to be a charmed one.. Paige was an only child all of her life and to suddenly have sisters and to be thrust in dangerous situations should have given her pause, Not to mention that there were times that Paige had the right ideas to tackle an adversary and the ladies would dismissed them in a condescending manner.
  21. I don't think that Brad Kern had any real plans for the source . Unlike Constance who had a plan for him. He was the reason that Melinda Warren predicted the coming of the charmed ones and that they were going to vanquish them. Constance had a specific vision for the original power of 3. Look at how the sisters were so powerful in morality bites in the future. She gave us a taste of what was to come. The source should have been vanquished in season 6. I don't think that the new power of 3 was powerful enough to vanquish him in season 4. Phoebe was so useless that it was embarrassing and he even mocked her for that fact. There is no way that Constance would have made her so damn useless in battle.
  22. Joy should not have said anything and Megan is still a crybaby crying for attention..
  23. I think that the poster was being sarcastic and she did apologize the next day after she made her comments.
  24. I did not expect Whoopie to change overnight but I was happy to see her nonetheless.
  25. I don't remember who got sick but the actors were professional and pulled through because time was of the essence because they still had scenes to tape in LA back in the studios. This was back when the shows were taped between 3 weeks and 6 weeks before they were shown on TV. I believe the indoor scenes for the Justin/Adrienne wedding were taped in a church in LA. Drake who played Roman had a real hard time in Greece and he praised John Aniston for his hospitality and said that he was nothing like Victor...lol..
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