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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I don't know if he's better than Morris. That may be nostalgia talking though. I would argue that with the D-backs Shilling was part of a formidable duo with Johnson, while Morris was nearly alone. Both were quite good in the postseason, though Shilling benefits from more games in an expanded playoffs. I don't necessarily like to judge player by player viz a viz the against the era they played. I'd say borderline is a fair assessment. I wouldn't have cried foul if he was inducted.
  2. Taking his personality out of it, and I think that's fair, I know he's got some indelible games, but I wouldn't call him a shoo-in. Unless you're saying 3,000 Ks should be automatic. I'm not necessarily a fan of that.
  3. I'm not really an Ortiz fan, but I'm better with him than McGwire getting in.
  4. Kenobi was quite the swashbuckling Jedi. Anakin was definitely his padawan for sure.
  5. I feel like this conversation re: end of the pocket passer happens every 10-12 years or so. I think there's always going to be need for being in pocket at times. Not that Brady is the epitome, and you can point to Montana against the Bengals too, but both of those drives required pocket passing just for the time factor alone. Same with Elway, and he moved better than those two.
  6. And then you'll call her a whore. It may depend on their position. If they're a postdoctorate or junior level, then it's possible and depending where you live. Tenure track would be a stretch though. Or if they're working at a fancy lab.
  7. Do it faced-ass drunk and then let's reassess how bad-ass it might be (joking don't do it my shoulder hurt for months).
  8. There's tradition, and there's 'this is the way we're doing it because we've only done it this way.' Obviously, everyone will know Aaron for the home runs, but he was an excellent 5 tool player. He was a little before my time, but that's what I read. I question whether releasing the % has any merit anyway. You're either in the hall or you're not. I do understand how you do need some time period to really assess a player's worth in that context, so making it on the 5th time isn't a big deal to me. I mean, you get in on the first ballot with either 75.01% or 99.9%, there's not really any argument that you were a no-brainer selection. Like I said, fretting over the actual % seems like making it more about the voters than celebrating a great career.
  9. It just makes them make the process all about them (the voter) and not celebrating the player. And you know what? No one knows or cares who they were.
  10. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    My guess was Ray Allen, and I just looked it up and it's him.
  11. I gunned the series down this weekend so I have much of it fresh in my mind - I don't think the main plot being the restoration of Mandalore is a good idea, though as a recurring plot, I do like it. They're all a proud people (sometimes to their detriment), and having your homeworld (I know it's not Mando's) wiped out has to be a bitter pill to swallow. I would like some addressing of 'what it means to be Mandalorian or who is a Mandalorian' in this post-Empire world, again, as recurring, and not the main theme. They're still going to have to deal with the darksabre too. Like many, I recall when Sabine just handed it over, but Bo-katan could have taken it then because they were in battle together or something. I'm not hardcore; I can live with a little handwaving here. I don't want to see her become a villain. Plus, the last scene was all about the Mandalorian 'breaking his rules' (thanks to Bill Burr's great monologue), which leads me to think there'll be some extreme situation where she'll be forced to take it (like, he's going to yell at her to just take it). I don't want to see them fight for it. He's been really clear about not really being interested in taking back Mandalore, and he's not even from there, so there's no stake like there is with Bo. Having him all wrapped up in that as a main plot seems unfitting. There's no doubt in my mind that the baby's coming back. Moff Fring already said he had the baby's blood, and didn't need him, so I'd find it hard that he'd be hunting them again. I think he needs to be arrested (it looked like he was) and that's it for him. That's also just repetitive tv. I do hope there's some overall 'quest'. I'd like to see a return of the Grogou as still young, but more knowledgeable and able to (mostly) take care of himself. He didn't have a problem using Force Choke, so I think he can be somewhat of an asset to Mando now as part of the team. So I wouldn't mind a time jump. I don't know how many here watch Clone Wars, but my faves were when they got into the more mystical aspects of the Force - when they went to Mortis. Given that his species is so rare, and I'm sure Luke will tell him about Yoda, wanting to go off to find who you are isn't really hard to believe. Folding that into a larger story doesn't seem much like a stretch. I don't think keeping him around as just a sidekick and always being in danger is going to work anymore. Maybe that's the quest then. They're going to make 'force clones' or something and they'll have to steal the blood back.
  12. I think this is what does it for me. I thought the sequels would be some of Luke being *the* Jedi, but no. I knew he was making an appearance, but seeing him wreck shop was spectacular. I'm surprised to see here his appearance being somewhat contentious. I agree with the argument about not having everything tied to the same 4 characters in all of Star Wars, but who else would take the child? There's no more Jedi per se. Some may have escaped Order 66, but they've been hiding for over a generation and are kind of old. Luke is the only person walking around openly calling himself a Jedi. He's probably the only one strong enough to have sensed the child that far away. I assume he sensed him on the rock and has been searching since then. I mean, the shape of the galaxy has been affected by a 'Skywalker' for nearly two generations. So it's kind of hard to forget them. We remember real life big figures in history from centuries ago, so it doesn't really bother me, especially given that the destruction of the Death Star (and Alderaan) are still fresh in people's minds.
  13. As someone who has had a few, ITA. It's no joke, and frankly, I watch less and less over the last few seasons because of it. I won't ramble on, but it messes you UP.
  14. With *space whales*. Thrawn is the best villain in the canon for me. I'm so glad they remembered the white sabers for Ahsoka. I'm kind of annoyed they keep referring to her as a jedi. She's not. I wasn't expecting a Thrawn reference. If he's showing up, then look out. How would anyone know him though? Everyone saw the Death Star blow up. Luke was on a solo mission basically. They probably assumed Vader and the Emperor died in the explosion. Jedi weren't well known at the time of Yavin or thought to have vanished. Me too. I suppose it wasn't intended to be an episode 'featuring' Ahsoka per se, in that they weren't going to get into a hundred episodes of her backstory. Please yes. I say this all the time too. To be fair, they do use the force in the animated series. But, a non-Force v Force fight - There's no way you need to even draw the sabers.
  15. Dune looked like she bulked up since we last saw her. How many people were on that Imperial base? It seems like they could have just taken the base. I agree, there's a lot of valuable equipment they could sell. I'm kind of wondering what these scattered imperial bases are doing. They must know they lost. I figured a bunch of the troopers would have just walked away. I loved the TIE battle, but they were in a canyon. Carl Weathers should have been just shooting at the walls to mess with their navigation than waiting for a target lock on the gun.
  16. I knew Bo Katan was coming back (I'm mostly spoiled for big plot beats), but that was a great entrance. I loved the look on her face when the Mandalorian was snippy about the helmet - 'Bitch I'm Bo Katan!' Ahsoka is my favorite character in the whole canon. Forgive me for being didactic, but she's technically not a jedi. I did like the 'mind your manners - you KNOW what I mean,' when he left the child. I always laugh when they have the Imperial officers in the silly 1970s get up. That's why I loved the animated series. You actually have room to breathe.
  17. I don't know if this will be answered down the line, and I know I'm behind - In S1, the Mandalorian said that Baby Yoda could 'move things with his mind.' This led me to think he didn't know what the Force was. In this episode, he clearly says 'may the Force be with you' to the x-wing pilots. It seems odd he'd know that and not have any familiarity when he saw the child using it.
  18. You are normal. I don't want to spoil, but there's a certain aspect to the series that makes the payoff in ROTS much much better re: Dooku.
  19. I'm of course way behind, but feel like commenting anyway. I have the broad strokes of the show, so I know what's coming up. I don't know if anyone played the Knights of the Old Republic game (A+ btw), but you have to kill a krayt dragon to get the eggs in one of the quests, and it *was not* easy even with the Force. So I was like, 'good luck' when they were talking about killing it here. I've seen some discussion about The Clone Wars and Rebels. I have to highly highly recommend both.
  20. Players have killed themselves due to CTE and the NFL doesn't care.
  21. The store signs, etc., in the background reminds me of all the sight gags in Futurama.
  22. Nowadays, when you put your phone/pass on the electronic reader, it should catch that. It flagged me for being in the wrong *zone*.
  23. These helicopter and snowplow parents nowadays. Back in the 80s, kids like me ran all over town, riding bikes, crashing into things, swimming in the lake till dinner, and sneaking on the space shuttle.
  24. I was at Cal when Rodgers was there, and have had like 7 jobs or so since he's been at Green Bay.
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