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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. It's a good joke because they're not actually saying what she did. Just the 'wandering off' and everyone rolling their eyes really sells it.
  2. I only saw a clip of it in a later episode, so I haven't seen its construction etc. It looked pneumatic to me.
  3. I was talking about Orphan Black. Farscape did a great job of bringing back the old characters to rob the bank too.
  4. If it's pneumatic, then it probably has a strict constraint on the total weight.
  5. Double whammy trope - they all team up to save the day - and they're all the same because they're clones.
  6. Bob was juicing at the end in the restaurant, so maybe he was going to test it out.
  7. Did you all catch Louise making the serial killer face in the pictures over the end credits?
  8. Poison Pussy was my junior high disco garage band.
  9. That makes some sense at least. I take the point about the class issues, but you can basically have the same gist without Marge going nuts about it. You could even have the club members being condescending to Bart the entire time, and Marge being the only one who understands what's going on. Just having her get mad that he's a 'suck up' is largely frivolous in a job where customer service is basically the only skill. I did like Marge stomping up and down the hallway and Lisa trying to close the door on her. They kind of left the SJW gag hanging. That would have been a more fun plot. I think I like the SMS hedge gag better because it was so meta.
  10. I just can't believe I never heard of Razzle Dazzle. I guess I missed it by just a few years. The Bear. That is so 70s.
  11. I need this Razzle Dazzle show in my life. I did like the running joke with Meg.
  12. Judy is 16 though. You'd expect her to be a little more settled than Tina.
  13. Liking how they snuck a 'too many fingers in that box' and Alanis' reaction. I was thinking how it was a good idea for them (TPTBs) to have Judy be old enough to date. I like Wolf and Honeybee continuing with their movie interests.
  14. I would have called foul if we didn't get a CREAM montage. I mean, come on, Marge. Bart has a legit job. Dial it down.
  15. I think they did a good job with 'competent' Watson in the latest version. I don't like when they have him just 'there'. He basically was the one getting the cabs, the train, shooting people when he needed. I know he largely provided exposition to the reader, but I always so it as him thinking out loud off Holmes to kind of stimulate Holmes' train of thought - in terms of 'ruling out what is possible to get to the impossible.' I always thought Watson 'got' what Holmes was doing. In this one, I liked that Holmes had confidence in Watson to have his back so he could take some risks. I liked the modernized update with the use of cell phones, and the younger LeStat, again competent. To be fair, Holmes was written as kind of condescending - I actually liked it, and I think Cumberbatch nailed it. This portrayal of Mycroft was nearly exactly as I imagined him when I read the stories. Holmes has been reimagined a billion times, and will (should) continue to do so. Maybe next time he's a more close-to-the-vest-guy in public, but more friendly privately with Watson and LeStat. I think if anything, this latest version had to do All The Things. Irene. Silverton. Moriarity. The Falls. It almost gets in the way of telling the stories. I'd like to see something in a different time period next, and maybe more original stories. I actually used Holmes' monologue about 'backward reasoning' from A Study in Scarlet last class on Monday to illustrate inference in statistics.
  16. I mean, with everything going on, you need to buy a second have golf cart? How much more can a new one be? This is the first time I've seen footage of the weddings. It seems like they make more work for themselves than they have to.
  17. They're rich af, Dick apparently has a talent for tv production, and they have all the time on their hands.
  18. No, I know, but he's in his 50s. Pointing the finger is a little much. I'm still watching the show, so I could buy in, but you have to admit it's a little silly. Given his stepfather's wealth, he could have gone to college and forgotten about it all too. But we wouldn't have a show.
  19. TV can tend to over write. Not everything needs a huge backstory. You could easily have Tory working a lot to take care of her mother and brother. Being a little more life worn, you could see her being really over a lot of the teen bs, causing conflict. I think that's fair, but the show kind of cheated on that. It's a hard buy-in that one karate match led to all this. Now, the 'peaked in high school', while tropey, isn't untrue irl. I think they could have done a little more there. I can certainly buy becoming a sensei pulls him out of that.
  20. I'm not sure. It was a well regarded show at the time iirc. I mean, Jordan Catalano. How he leans. She was great on Futurama.
  21. I'm amazed how people don't know how tv actually works sometimes. I suppose it could be an artifact of streaming now. Back in the old days, a show ran once per week, and sometimes that was it. You couldn't go back and watch it over and over and over. Even if you taped it, you still had very finite storage space. There could be more of an investment. In the past, sure, we liked our shows and talked about them during the week, but because we couldn't watch them constantly, we did other things. Disney is clearly heavily invested in the Star Wars property, so wherever anyone falls on the issue, the fairly quick hook on Carano sends quite a clear message to your workforce.
  22. I don't know. I didn't get love/hate with Farscape. There's some elements to criticize, but I think they did fairly well. That's fair, and, again, why I liked Farscape. They were nuclear terrorists by the end of the fourth season.
  23. I think one of the first ones I caught was part of one of the Christmases. There was a lot of food.
  24. I'm not defending Firefly, but it is a bit unfair, as you're talking vastly different shows. Really, the only commonality is space. I brought up Farscape because both at least featured a main cast of outlaws. To be fair, Londo is my favorite on B5, but he did kind of start out a womanizer.
  25. Firefly is good, but not as great as fandom thinks. I liked it. I think a lot of it is the meddling by the network and people think it had the potential to be something better had it had the chance, and I think that's fair. It did have enough moments where I think that's justified. I mean, me and six other people watched Fringe, and with seemingly no interference, and in the same timeslot, it ran 5 seasons. It was fantastic. It may be that a show like Firefly was better suited to the streaming landscape we have now than a network show. With less pressure on ratings from a netflix or hbo max, it might have had a good run. Farscape was minute to minute better than Firefly for me hands down.
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