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  1. I don't really care that Jon is not 'non partisan'. It's a comedy show about the news. Also, it's not entirely accurate in that the show has ripped Biden plenty. It's not late night shows' fault that the current administration is providing such a deluge of material. You're hiring a drunk womanizer to be SecDef? That's where they're going to go. They were correct about Zelenskyy shooting himself in the foot, but at least he held back somewhat. He wasn't yelling or anything. Sometimes I can't get over myself either, usually, I'm correct, and I have to press the point to death. Nothing he said was wrong, but look at UK and France, how they buttered him all up. There's a clear playbook here. I think Vance being there threw him off. I hope Europe can step up. The interview was good, but the problem was, if we were really going to recover $1 trillion per year in the uncollected taxes, all that is probably going straight to the military and not social programs. That's the real solution. The defense budget is the biggest social program there is.
  2. One place has a breakfast buffet, but they come around to bring you coffee and other drinks, and they let me sit in the lounge with my dog. So I tip them. $5, but still.
  3. I mean, the Russian Restaurant is a total hook up spot.
  4. To be fair, that last part about the landlord, he was being a creeper on Tori, who was underage at the time. If he called the police, then he's opening up himself for more trouble. I got nothing for kicking someone in the face at work. Though I wish I could backhand a few people now and then.
  5. I don't tip for the hotel room. That's where I draw the line. Most places I stay, they actually leave an envelope out for the tip. However, I put the do not disturb sign out so they never come in. There's nothing for them to do.
  6. That's what I'm saying about getting someone out there to just say stupid things are stupid. Trotting out Schumer isn't cutting it. So maybe it should be Mayor Pete.
  7. I knew that because my roommate in grad school worked at the local Friday's and would show me his check. I tip generously at the establishments I attend regularly; bars, restaurants. Also, if we're at a working lunch, for example, it comes up where we work invariably, and I tip well as representing the institution. I got my reimbursement denied one time because I tipped 'too much'. We were a party of 10, and there were only two servers who were on their feet constantly for over 3 hours. They actually came out to thank us after. The person who denied me was an idiot who mismanaged finances and didn't have the authority to make the call, but I was still too new. But for the tablets, I usually select the lowest. One of the coffee shops in town will give you refills if you ask, so I'll tip a little more because you're at least getting a second cup of coffee for nothing. Here's one that came up recently. When you're staying at a hotel and breakfast is included do you tip? What I liked about the meeting was the massive dis Zelensky dropped. "You don't hold the cards." "I'm not playing cards." Zelensky held numerous talks with Russia prior to the initial invasion in 2022, obviously to no avail. You don't have to be Kissinger to grasp that he'd be justifiably gun shy about taking Russia at face value on any ceasefire. I'm probably in the minority, but I'm not in favor of a ceasefire. Russia is being ground down; they're pulling in North Koreans and paying Yemeni mercenaries. The Europe NATO nations don't seem to want to back down either.
  8. Why didn't you guys like this one?
  9. So cool of Ham to get up and sing for Gil. And getting a ton of pizza. I totally forgot Ham was in the punk band. The Shark Tank bit was just a brilliant family activity. The names were dumb though. Lone Moose can't be that big of a town. How many gay people can there be for Ham and Crispin to date?
  10. Not lie to the public, but you do need to get the most votes if you want to win. That person thinking IVF would be free is an idiot, but a voting idiot.
  11. "That's another scumbag Brett". Whooof. Who was voicing Clarence Thomas? Peter banning all marriage is perfectly Peter. I'm shocked he knew all people should be protected under the law. I'm not married, and I don't care to be, but Peter wasn't wrong. They haven't done a really political episode in a while.
  12. The election was narrow and the gop does not have a mandate, but Bill correctly pointed out that Trump won all the swing states. It looks more lopsided than it was because you're winner take all in the electoral college. Which leads me to my point that I just don't think 'woke' torpedoed the election nearly as much as Bill makes it out to be. I didn't really see Harris talking about 'woke' issues. It's that the voting public is stupid and needs to be told that whatever is important to them is the most important issue ever because everyone is super special. Way too many resources were blown on the 'undecided voter'; like Bill said, 100 days or 10,000 years, they're still going to be undecided. Because they're stupid. The election was blown because people stayed home. Maybe 'woke' had something to do with that, but there's been a general global conservative trend that's more to do with economics imo. Even though the economy was basically fine; elections aren't about issues anymore. People needed to be told how to feel, not 'get our policies out'. Fetterman or not, and I take Carville's point, there needs to be someone pointing out stupid things and saying they're stupid. Not saying the sky is falling all the time; actual things that are stupid. And then shrug your shoulders, 'well this is what you voted for.' AOC isn't 35 yet iirc so she couldn't run for president. I've seen her in a few hearings, and she doesn't strike me as extreme.
  13. President Polk is the perfect president to have stayed in Langley Falls, and Stan being ballistic about is the perfect response. I figured Roger selling encyclopedias was going to end poorly. I was surprised it was so banal. My house is actually 100 years old. Several are in my neighborhood. It's not an 'old house' because they upgraded a lot in the 60s, and I did some renovations, but it is kind of weird.
  14. That sounds like a disaster.
  15. I'm not a prude by any stretch, but the feet are horrifying.
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