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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. I suspect it's more like the writers getting together and saying "what curve can we throw at her this week". Although, if Tatiana were to say "I'd like to try my hand at..." they'd see what they could work in. I think the effect was spoiled by viewers knowing what's really going on. Coincidentally, on the same night, GSN reran an episode of Dog Eat Dog where a contestant was asked to pick out a woman disguised as a man from a lineup of men. It was difficult and he got it wrong, but after you knew which one was her, you could totally see that she was female because knowing that let you see the clues with certainty. He probably didn't give it any thought because of the written notes, but DYAD shouldn't have any trouble reading them. Even if an old style disk drive can't make sense of them, the company has the scientific equipment to look at the residual magnetic fields and not only read what what's on them, but see several prior versions of what was written.
  2. Could happen if the producers need a ratings boost. I noticed that Mel's melons, after being on display for over half of the first episode, seem to have gone into hiding and have hardly been seen since. Of course they'd have wanted to hook as many viewers as possible for the season kickoff.
  3. Maybe she could update that semi-autobiographical screenplay she mentioned in the pilot (and we've never heard about since).
  4. In The Alien Parasite Hypothesis Sheldon tells Amy that he suppresses feelings of sexual arousal using the Vulcan mental discipline of Kolinar. Presumably it was something he took up after Penny moved next door and could discontinue if he dealt with the other issues keeping him from having a physical relationship with Amy.
  5. Actually, there were 3 other guys; we saw them all lined up when they cut to the arena. One was on a bicycle and did tricks like schoolkids do. The other two were doing tricks similar to each other and the director seemed to favor the one riding the big flashy model so the other was mostly in the background.
  6. The exclusionary rule was intended to get the police to do things right; the exceptions have almost completely trashed that rule as police are allowed to get away with more and more as "exigent circumstances". They certainly try. As you suggest, things could be different in Canada. I'm fairly sure she was with Art when he played the security footage from the train station showing Beth jumping and Sarah running off with her stuff; it was when he made the dramatic announcement that they were looking for Sarah Manning rather than Beth.
  7. There were camera shots from an angle where the cards were perfectly readable. Of course, if the producers were in on it, whatever effect was confusing Howie could have easily been filtered out for broadcast. The "phrenology" spin is not implausible; you can take advantage of quirks in the human nervous system to get senses to interfere with each other and vision is the most complex sense. Based on the judges comments, we got a very abbreviated look at the bikers. Good call by the producers; I thought what we were shown was boring enough as it was.
  8. They wouldn't have to be there to do a search. If they were just there to question or pick up Alison, anything accidentally left in plain sight would be fair game. BTW, the police can do a search without a warrant, but anything they find is inadmissible as evidence, so it's only something they'd want to do if they thought they could get independent evidence once they knew they were on the right track (and squeezing the suspect until they get a confession counts).
  9. Just being out at Alison's house means they could spot something (e.g. a leftover blood spot in the car).
  10. You're right in that they could have done better with the duo. They didn't shut off the lights on the judges so there were still cutaways to them, the director was a bit manic in switching cameras, and it made no sense to ever go to the long shot from the right when the performance was in progress. But it was much better than their usual work in letting viewers size up the act.
  11. It's up to the show to get the camera work right. When viewers can't really see the act because the camera keeps jumping to the audience or judges or backstage, they can still appreciate a singer; not so much a variety act. The only time you can rely on this show to get a variety act right is when they're forced to because the lights were shut off (e.g. the dance duo).
  12. The only thing that would have made the scene better would be if Nev told Kidd he could go ahead and deduct the cost of a new phone from what he owed Lucille/Loretta and they'd give her that money, rather than offering to get him another one.
  13. Watching someone die is not a crime anyway, but the claim is sufficient cause to launch an investigation into whether Alison had more of a role in Aynsley's death than she said. The investigation will take a turn if they bump into evidence of what Donnie just did.
  14. As far as he knows, Karma is bi-curious. Amy hasn't shown the same interest and went straight for Karma when she wanted to get things rolling, ignoring him completely. I think I'm just frustrated that the writers were so ham-handed in ending what had been such a well written and acted scene.
  15. I wouldn't mind seeing the kids if they were actually good, rather than just good for their age. This isn't "America's Got Potential". The "prop kids" would disappear if the judges and screeners would assess the groups on their overall merit instead of making allowances. If a group can't hack it, they should be gone, no matter how young or cute their weak link is.
  16. I don't suppose Donnie was smart enough to bring a gun that was unregistered. In the U.S. not even a police officer is required to help someone in distress. Is the law different in Canada? If not, all Alison has to fear is an investigation of her story (with a thorough grilling by Angie I'm sure).
  17. I think he started with Amy because he was told by the guys to start with the girl he was least into, but why would he do that when the girl in question is (as far as he knew) a lesbian? IDK, maybe he's watched too many pornos. But, there really was no reason he had to jump into the driver's seat, and if he did, the whole point of the threesome was for him and Karma to get together without him feeling like it was behind Amy's back. I agree that pushing past Amy would have been rude, but if that meant he had to wait a moment for her to step back and implicitly okay him going to Karma, so be it. And if Amy didn't do that, and the threesome fell apart, he'd know he was right about not wanting to get in the way of whatever relationship the girls have.
  18. What he did was firmly put things on the road to a stereotypical threesome, which is not the scenario Karma had planned in which to lose her virginity. Amy was just supposed to be there to facilitate getting Karma and Liam started together before disappearing. BTW, where did Liam get the idea Amy had any interest in him or guys in general to be grabbing her (the advice of his two "helpers" notwithstanding)?
  19. Nev was being dramatic. The page was created on February 15 of this year and starts with a detailed account on that date of what happened to Loretta. The writer calls Loretta their friend and the writing doesn't sound like her, so I don't think she actually created it herself, but it didn't exist prior to her troubles with Kidd Cole.
  20. They pretty much had to legally. I'm a little unclear on something in the recap. How was Lucille supposed to have seen the Facebook page that was only created after/in response to Loretta being scammed? The recap also says that Lucille was conned first, which I think is correct, but that would mean the page didn't exist yet.
  21. By appearing on the next season of Judge Judy? Courtroom shows bankroll the judgements and I'm sure Kidd Cole would be up for extending his "fame".
  22. The judges have information on the acts in front of them and ages were definitely part of it in past seasons; I remember HS sometimes saying "it says here you're __ years old" to some performers. Have we ever seen Howie wearing glasses? He might be trying to wing it for vanity's sake. Even if Howie didn't know the numbers, the guy looked every bit his age, so Howie should have seen that and not gone there.
  23. I thought the dance was well choreographed to disguise minor mistakes. I'm not sure how to take Howie asking if they were a couple after seeing that the guy is nearly twice as old as she is (33 vs 18). The smart kid really made a hash of things on the first piece he played; it was nice of them to give him a second try and hope he doesn't get annoying.
  24. I think it was clear to everyone, but Karma thought the whole thing was a ruse, so she hadn't factored in Amy actually being there and engaging with her and Liam. I thought the advice Liam got about starting with the girl he's least into was terrible and I wasn't surprised that him following up on that was when things went off the rails. That advice might have been appropriate if he was the filling, but he wasn't and knew it. And you can't blindly follow "rules" like that anyway.
  25. As Nev said, they were in a sticky situation. Whether or not it was the brother, they couldn't risk doing a surprise confrontation and have it be clear that it was; they'd never get the releases to air it. Even doing the usual phone call to set up a meeting would have been risky. So Nev gave the band a private heads-up, which I suppose is more "real" than having a PA do it off-screen.
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