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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I think we’re supposed to be assuming that Sam’s is protesting too much with her Brando hate but she just comes off like a bitch. I’m basing that mainly off that scene with Sam and Alexis at the gym where Alexis said he was cute and Sam said she didn’t see it.
  2. Yeah it looks like it. The only episode she wasn’t on was last Monday, which looks like it was filmed prior to the shutdown except for Dante. I have a feeling that KeMo minimums are lower now and they saved them for this SL. She wasn’t on as much after she re-signed her contract last year compared to how she used to be.
  3. I saw it differently. When Sam first came on the show, there was a big push to make her happen. Her and Jax got a big promo before her first scene ever aired and she got a bunch of rewrites in an attempt to make her look more sympathetic. When Sam was with Jason, it was the first I remember her character being popular. However, I do agree with you that she was hardly a strong, independent woman in that pairing and that relationship is well past it’s expiration date.
  4. I don’t think the pregnancy was the reason for BL’s bad outfits going by her recent SOD article about being out. It sounded like she decided to start leave early because she is being extra careful so she more than likely either wasn’t pregnant when the show wrapped in March or wasn’t very far along.
  5. Neil ignored Alexis after their last meeting. I don’t know how much time was supposed to have passed. Sam’s anger towards him about it was way too much but I think it was supposed to be partly misdirected and she’s lashing out because she’s angry at her own situation and Jason. She’s had a lot of scenes this year where her level of anger towards someone didn’t make complete sense.
  6. Is Alexis’ wrist injury part of an actual storyline or did NLG hurt herself and they wrote it in? Seems random. I can’t bring myself to care about her and Neil. I thought they were cute when he first came on and I saw chemistry but their relationship, or whatever it is, moves at a snail’s pace. They keep having the same conversations over and over again and are always changing their stances. There really aren’t any obstacles between them anymore and they still aren’t together. Unless the actor is leaving the show, I’m sure they’ll turn up in a couple weeks again and have the same conversation they did today.
  7. I’m trying to remember but I don’t think Ned was ever running ELQ in the time that he and Olivia were together.
  8. I think today was a mixture. We had recast Sam with Alexis and Jason.
  9. Jason not wanting to make Sam his POA is fine. They technically aren’t supposed to be around each other and aren’t married. However, Carly is much less likely to follow his wishes and be able to let go than Sam and neither of his excuses made sense. I think these writers are so intent on playing up the Jarly relationship that they don’t realize that it doesn’t match their history. Carly never been this stable, level-headed person in Jason’s life. Michael would be much better for something like this. I did like Sam’s response to him and I think LH played the anger better than I feel like KM would have.
  10. The rumors are that Nelle was always supposed to be Nina’s daughter but they planned to change it to Willow when CL left. I find Nelle to be ok, not anything to write home about and I don’t think CL is a good enough actress to be a lead which she has essentially turned into this year. I think most only like her because she’s a Carly foil and no one is really allowed to go against that family anymore.
  11. Michael already admitted that their relationship wasn’t real on the stand. However, something tells me that won’t be an issue because they need a contrived reason for Michael and Willow to end up together.
  12. I knew Nina would betray Nelle on the stand because the show loves doing the long lost daughter hating her mother. This is just as forced as when they did it with Alexis and Sam. The whole custody battle is just missing something. Everyone involved knew both marriages were fake. Michael didn’t even bother to lie on the stand about why he married Willow. Nelle randomly confessed to Nina about blackmailing Julian even though they weren’t that close and she was uneasy about testifying for her. I still don’t get why Nelle even married Julian since they didn’t make him sound like a decent guy on the stand.
  13. I find her to be pretty good, she was one of my favorites on B&B. I’d take her over any or all of YA women we currently have but I still don’t think her and Michael would have chemistry. She has in her pairings but I don’t think CD is capable of it since he’s failed so many times and so many RL pairings don’t have chem onscreen.
  14. I feel like I shouldn’t hate a character who is barely on the show but I can’t stand Olivia and none of her recent scenes improve things for me. Now I’m sure they’ll have Dante ignoring her after his return which will continue to cause her to deal out or her trying to push Dante and Lulu back together.
  15. I’m hoping that was the reason when I read about her but I have a feeling it wasn’t since they dressed her like that the entire time she’s been on the show. Guess we’ll see when she returns.
  16. I thought the same. Especially since if it’s just the show being overly cautious, they would have probably done the same with the other cast and crew members she was in contact with that day. I wondered if she broke some kind of protocol and they sent her home and temp recasted her as a warning to her and the other actors. Though, if it was completely legit and there wasn’t something missing from the story, I don’t see how she’ll be ok with wearing a mask after 2 weeks. Her mom said she’s been claustrophobic since she was a kid.
  17. The article didn’t say. I’ll just say that DZ was hinting heavily, pretty much begging for another contract during the quarantine so I don’t think he’s coming back on one because I think he already knew about this return.
  18. I think the reason she got in trouble was an ethics violation during when she represented Carlos. She talked him out of taking a plea deal because they wanted him to flip on Julian.
  19. I haven’t heard about B&B actually using the dolls yet but I know they’ve already filmed a couple times using their spouses as stand ins. They’re the love triangle show so no intimacy would be more noticeable. I doubt GH would go that route when they barely showed love scenes and couple moments pre-COVID.
  20. It’s more Sonny and his kids, although it’s only Michael and Kristina episodes
  21. From what I remember, Jax wanted Alexis to be godmother but got overruled even though Jason got to be godfather. That’s also back when they were still playing Lulu as a mini Carly. It wasn’t long after this that she hired BL to seduce Dante as revenge so she and Carly weren’t so close for very long.
  22. This week’s episodes were terrible. The only one I semi-enjoyed was the one during the MC Hostage Crisis. I also didn’t really see these as the best of LW’s Carly and Sonny if that’s what they were going for.
  23. I don’t think they ever addressed but his exits make him look like a crappy father. The first time he left was when he found out Claudia’s baby wasn’t his and when he returned, they said that he hasn’t seen Molly in years and wanted to be closer to her. Then he bounces a couple years later when it’s clear that Liz doesn’t want him anymore which leads me to believe that she was the main reason he came back in the first place.
  24. I’m sure if they had 5 memorable Carson episodes from the FV years, we wouldn’t have gotten that first one. Thankfully, the show barely treats them as a couple most of the time so they had to go further back.
  25. I think they’re just airing the episodes that were part of that Nurses Ball collection that they put online last year plus last years.
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