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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. They submitted the suffrage episode and the one with the Floating Rib explosion because they have to submit 2 episodes. I’d argue the latter was more reflective of average episode and was more engaging than the one where Mike died, which stories were also heavily in multiple actor reels so it would have come off as repetitive. They tend to submit a lot of standalone episodes in the non-acting categories because there is a more cohesive story in them but I see the point in it not being reflective of the true show when this the second year that they submitted essentially a fantasy episode.
  2. I think it’s something that should have always been an issue, especially the time Jason outright stole the business from under Sonny, but since it never was before, I don’t see the point now. Wasn’t Carly only running the business because Jason was MIA? When Sonny returns, I’m sure that no one will bring up either Sonny or Jason needing to kill each other so this pp will be even more laughable.
  3. I don’t think anyone has their second cousin who they knew for less than a year in their will, certainly not someone who had a wife, numerous children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. I’d venture that Sasha has more money than Brando does. Gladys is a moron who is just looking for a reason to hate Sasha. I just wished I cared about any of those 3 characters to care about this story.
  4. Michael probably doesn’t see that as an issue and the show has never made it one strangely enough. He was very aware of what Sonny and Jason did at a young age- same with Morgan, Kristina, Molly, Spencer etc.
  5. I did watch most of the Nelle stuff live and IA with you on that scene in particular even though she was far from my favorite character. When it originally aired, I recall the online viewer reaction being split in 2- those who favorite characters were feuding with Nelle didn’t see the issue and everyone else thought it was appalling. I definitely do think that as viewers we were not supposed to side with Nelle at all but they made it hard not to because they made it so obvious that she wasn’t in the wrong by asking questions once she related it to her own history and that it was an elective surgery, not an emergency. However, I tend to find CarSon and crew insufferable in general so their actions weren’t surprising to me. It was the peripheral characters involved- Chase pretending he didn’t see anything as well as Monica, that made it hard to watch.
  6. If they were interested in actually writing for Michael as an independent character, they could bring up the parallels between his upbringing and Wiley’s and why he was unsure of how to handle this. He was raised by 2 parents who hated his biological father and likely gave Michael a biased opinion of him. He was also mostly kept away from the Qs outside of Jason and Emily aside from the bigger moments until he was an adult.
  7. The speeches were pre-recorded and all of the nominees taped one to keep it a surprise. I’m not sure why they went this route considering they were clearly able to congregate at some venue together just going by all of the pics that are posted on SM. It took away from any heartfelt or genuine moment for sure. I found the whole thing lackluster and the winners were who I (unfortunately) expected to win so I didn’t even get any good surprises out of it.
  8. Maxie’s pregnancy was confirmed by the dr last August and she gave birth at the end of May. Even without the break, it was pushing it considering she would have been a few weeks along at the minimum.
  9. I think it depends on the school. At my college, there were a ton of local students who stayed in dorms for the first year but in the city I live in now, it’s pretty rare. I guess it depends on the college atmosphere, ability to meet people, attend parties. However, Joss seems like the type to ask her parents to buy/rent her a fancy condo close to campus. She’d want the freedom but wouldn’t want to be confined to a tiny dorm room.
  10. Not sure how Avery is supposed to be safer with Carly than Ava. Didn’t they just talk about things being uneasy on the mob front during Friday’s episode?
  11. I don’t think Willow’s past and cult background will be acknowledged in the future. It makes her actions easy to explain but I don’t believe that’s how we’re supposed to see her. In a way, her messy upbringing is being ignored to make her more bland and “well adjusted” just like Michael. A common complaint about him is no one can understand how he became so boring.
  12. Michael/Willow are getting the type of writing that a pairing gets when the show doesn’t know what to right for them as a couple. They spent months dancing around their feelings now a sort of forced separation. Normally I would think that they are being set up to blow up once they are finally free and clear to be together but I don’t think they want fo leave Michael single so I don’t know where this is going. They’ve already been through all of the major couple moments- ILUs, Michael wanted to move in before Chase got sick, their wedding. I don’t know if they’ll have Willow get pregnant this soon because it would overshadow their perfect kid Wiley.
  13. Didn’t we have that scene a few weeks back with Carly, Cyrus, and the 5 Families where everyone automatically accepted her being in charge even though they should have all be vying for Sonny’s territory? It’s like someone promised LW that badass mob queen Carly moment but they are now going back to what the story should have been.
  14. I believe since FV took over, the only RL pregnancy that wasn’t written into the show was ER’s and Guza/JFP weren’t any better. Even if we can tell the actress is pregnant, who cares? The last thing the show needs is more kids, especially when there’s no storyline purpose behind it. I also wouldn’t be surprised if Brook Lynn’s faked pregnancy was originally a way for them to write in AS’ pregnancy but they didn’t end up needing to because of the COVID break and AS taking maternity leave early.
  15. Congrats to her but yeah, she looked pregnant to me as soon as the character found out she was pregnant onscreen. I figured they were writing in a RL pregnancy because a Sasha/Brando kid is beyond pointless.
  16. Alexis also wasn’t convicted of the attempted murder charge. It was dropped and she only pled guilt to assault. Now they reason it was dismissed was dumb (someone else later murdered Franco) but Alexis and Shawn weren’t sentenced for the same crime.
  17. I think they waved it off by saying it was self-defense. However I think just having a weapon in prison would be enough and shouldn’t they know that Shawn worked for Sonny? He stabbed another inmate who also happened to work for Sonny, Jason then fled from the hospital and no one suspected it was all planned? They don’t even pretend Michael is an adult, do they? God he was extra pathetic today yelling about Jax not giving him a choice because he’s incapable of being honest and possibly looking like a bad friend. It’s fine, I’m sure Carly will step into momma bear mode for him soon enough and fix this anyway. What a waste of a character. I’m not sure who he’s supposed to appeal to except helicopter parents who also like to run their adult children’s lives. It’s such a stark contrast to years back when you had teens with their own SLs and parents who weren’t involved even when they should have been.
  18. Sam’s attitude today really didn’t work when you add in the fact that as far as she knows, Maxie’s baby was kidnapped. Shouldn’t you want Dante to get all of the information he can get to assist with locating her? Honestly I feel like everyone seems rather nonchalant about a kidnapped newborn. I get that it’s Peter spawn but still.
  19. I don’t know of any BTS issues but she made it very clear that she wanted to stay on permanently during her last return so the show/FV wasn’t interested in having her on beyond FH’s vacation. Considering how bloated the cast is and how often they bring characters back and cast people who were big on other soaps, something is probably up.
  20. Didn’t Sam do the same thing last year with Brando? I remember her being bitchy and confrontational towards him for no real reason. It got to the point where Brando jokingly asked her for a list of people that Sam knew after she got in his face for talking to Alexis at the gym. It’s a weird direction to take the character because I just find her irritating and I was once a fan.
  21. I assumed Jax for no other reason than his showing up to the Q mansion today was so random and I can’t recall the last time he and Olivia shared a scene together. Why he needed to see them, idk. I ruled out Chase since I think he’s still in the hospital and I’m pretty sure if it was him, we would have gotten a reaction shot.
  22. I have a hard time believing Peter is dead. I just can’t celebrate that one yet because I feel like I’m going to be disappointed when we find out tomorrow that his body is missing. But this show surprised me with Nelle because I definitely didn’t think they’d kill her off so I’ll hold out hope.
  23. That was kind of a lot for a Jason love scene, wasn’t it? Granted I haven’t seen all of them but most of the ones I’ve seen have been fairly tame or FTB ones and this one also went on for a long time.
  24. Is the Sasha actress pregnant IRL? She sort of looked like she was today and it explains why they wrote in this pointless pregnancy. Well, sort of explains it because they could have easily wrote around it but if she isn’t, it really makes no sense why they bothered with this non-story.
  25. I find it especially ironic considering that shaking down small businesses in PC for protection money is like the 1 mob activity that the show has confirmed Sonny does.
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