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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Did I miss them mentioning what happened to Sam? I didn’t see her at the Qs with the kids and she wasn’t at Alexis’ house during the second half of the show either
  2. I think both Sam and Liz have much better chemistry with Drew than they do with the dudes they are putting them with. It’s a shame they don’t follow the chemistry on this show.
  3. They should have stretched out the Christmas scenes because today’s episode was mostly boring aside from Victor with Spencer and Laura/Cyrus. The other scenes were rehashed dialogue. Also, Sasha was MIA today but we had to hear Willow make their baby’s death all about her pain and Carly/Michael use it as yet another excuse to talk about Jason? This show never fails
  4. They usually just film these promos with whoever happened to be taping that day but I’m not shocked that they missed how it looks.
  5. I’m sorry but baby Liam be guided to Heaven by his 1st cousin twice removed didn’t move me, no matter how much they retconned Mike. Like we’re supposed to believe that the man who abandoned both of his kids managed to be a father figure to Brando even though we saw him living in PC for like 15+ years. They are way overusing that trope and I don’t find it moving when the 2 people had no relationship. While I commend how well the Sasha actress did, the entire storyline was cheap, depressing Emmy bait.
  6. I think the Sasha actress is doing really well though this storyline is very meh to me because I have zero investment in Brasha or their baby. However, have Sonny and Sasha had a single conversation before this? I know she dated Michael for awhile before Brando but still, I can’t recall anything. It makes no sense that he’s the one giving her advice. Also, while I prefer Sonny/Nina to Sonny/Carly, the fact that the show is using this baby’s death to further this love triangle that has nothing to do with Brando/Sasha is kind of disrespectful.
  7. BL in a damn blazer in the sauna, really? I don't get the point of having scenes stuck in a sauna if it wasn't for sexy times. They could have had that conversation anywhere. If it's the actress' preference to remain so covered up, I wish they wouldn't write her in scenes like this. If it's the show, then it's insulting, and pretty much means that a Chase/BL romance is getting nothing fun. Those Carly/Olivia scenes were so pointless and I wished that they would pick a lane with Carly. Is she in love with Jason or Sonny? They want to play both sides with this constant grief but still having her jealous over Sonny/Nina. Also, for a character who has been the undisputed lead of GH for the year, she seems pretty aimless without Jason. I don't buy her being BFFs with Olivia all of a sudden when they were just casual work colleagues before. It's like they finally realized that Carly hates women so they did a swift 180. Not sure where they are going with Alexis/Harmony. The dialogue and her POV was good. I agree with Alexis that becoming friends with a newly reformed Harmony would not be a good idea because of Kristina but their scenes today pretty much spelled out that they will get close. I'm just not sure why. Alexis has more friends on canvas than the most, not to mention adult family members, who would gladly be there for her. I think that friendship would better serve Harmony who doesn't really have anyone else other than her daughter but not sure why that would be worth alienating Kristina.
  8. I feel mean for saying this but is Kemo medicated during her scenes? She’s always been low energy but there was something so off during her line delivery yesterday. It was stilted, slurred and had no inflection. She also look like she was struggling to keep her eyes open
  9. I think Willow is jealous and is trying to justify her anger towards BL but it’s coming off as hallow. Banging Michael doesn’t make her a Quartermaine and she certainty isn’t in a position to be the family spokesperson. Hell Michael is barely a Quartermaine himself which makes it especially funny. Willow is giving me Carly vibes when it came to Jax post divorce. Doesn’t want him but wanted to stay his #1.
  10. I think KM leans into acting bitchy when she should soften things in her scenes, especially in Davis Girls scenes. Maybe it’s intentional but I thought it was a weird choice when she later stated that she’s worried about Alexis
  11. That’s a big point some are ignoring. My job has a vaccine mandate and they only approved exemptions for those who could work 100% remotely because otherwise, their rights would be infringing on others. That’s not really a possibility as an actor. What are they going to do? Have IR film all of his scenes solo in a remote location or talk to others through FaceTime?
  12. I guess since SOD is reporting it, it’s official:
  13. That account tweeting that is random but I saw a lot of people speculating about it because his wife scrubbed her IG and deleted all of the pics with him, including their wedding pics, and removed the name Duell from her bio.
  14. Unless we hear about the show casting another 25-35 year old woman, I think it’s safe to say Millow is long term. No, I don’t think he’s a good partner towards her but she acts like he’s perfect. Unless they stick him back with Sasha, he doesn’t have other options since he’s related to everyone else in his age range.
  15. Also forgot to mention earlier but only on GH do we have a character as hot as Chase not having sex in over a year but is getting blasted by the town for pretending to sleep with someone for the second time.
  16. As someone who has admittedly never been a Willow fan, I wish someone would come out and say that her judgement means nothing and to call her out for her own past transgressions. Why does Willow need to work on forgiving BL? This lie didn’t effect her in any way. Those scenes were so bad because I know we were supposed to be rooting for Millow and I’m always baffled at how tone deaf the writers can be when they do things like this. Like they aren’t good people and add nothing of value to other people’s lives. Can’t they move away with their boring kid and call it a day? I think they just did these scenes so Millow can absolve themselves over lying to Chase, which doesn’t mean much because Michael wasn’t sorry about it to begin with and Willow hardly was.
  17. Sort of. Ned and Olivia were still together but Tracy found out Ned cheated and was conspiring against Alexis while all of a sudden being Olivia’s biggest cheerleader. Ironically her meddling was the reason that Olivia figured out the truth because she questioned why Tracy would set up Alexis like that out of the blue. That’s what led to their split. I love Tracy but it was waste of a return to bring her back for that SL and had her do nothing about ELQ being taken over by Valentin.
  18. Peter’s able to blackmail Sonny using evidence that he kissed Nina out of retribution for being responsible for the death of his best friend? First off, how is he going to use that if he’s dead and second, who cares? He had amnesia and Carly barely cared when Sonny flat out cheated with no excuse or remorse. She’d just blame Nina anyway and she wouldn’t want her to “win” the battle for Sonny so she’s not walking away.
  19. Are we supposed to be hating her though? I don’t think that’s the intention
  20. I saw some complaints on Twitter but those scenes played very friend or sibling-like to me. Both the dialogue and acting choices. The whole point the conversation, I think, was for the viewers to know why Spencer likes Esme and how deeply. This was the type of scene Spencer needed to have with a friend and not a potential LO. I also think that Joss has some plan concocted to throw Spencer and Trina together during this camping trip. She was giving off a weird vibe today. She’s obviously not planning on becoming friends with Esme so something else is up.
  21. So Michael thinks this fake crime that Nina committed carries a life sentence? I’m confused how he believes that this will get Nina out of their hairs for good. It’s especially funny given the number of murderers and attempted murderers in this town (himself and most of his family included) who aren’t in jail for life.
  22. The Jason grief tour is giving me weird callbacks to whenever Guza killed off a Q and gave Jason the lion’s share of the grieving moments despite mostly treating them as an afterthought. Everyone is still ignoring his family. They even had Olivia say poor Sonny and Carly in front of Jason’s grieving mother and her own husband who had an established relationship with Jason prior to the accident.
  23. Are they setting Carly up for yet another stay at a psych hospital? Where are they going with this? We already knew her relationship with Jason was inappropriately codependent. And not to be mean, but LW doesn’t do well in these types of scenes so they’re painful for me to watch. Carly doesn’t elicit sympathy.
  24. I’m never going to buy this Britt/Carly friendship they’re clearly heading towards.
  25. I don’t recall them actually mentioning Helena’s family onscreen but Romanov was the name of the Russian royal family which would imply that her and Mikkos were related somehow. I know in the 90s especially, they hinted a lot at incest or inbreeding with the Cassadines. Mostly jokes but I think we were believe there was some truth in that.
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