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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I liked Alexis trying to get through to Nikolas but weren’t the parallels she drew between Nik/Spencer and Nik and his father incorrect? Stavros didn’t raise Nikolas, Stefan did, and what’s weirder is Stefan did do those things so she could have said Stefan instead and been accurate. He did get controlling at points and eventually drove Nikolas away
  2. I don’t think it’s about redemption. More like making her look good in this story. Let’s be honest, if she were written true to character and there was mounting evidence against Trina, she would be the first person at the PCPD screaming about how Trina needs to pay and Joss is being snowed by her. I’ll also add that I didn’t get the point of her asking Sam to find out what the police know. Since Trina was already charged with the crime, the DA would need to turn over any evidence to her defense team so it’s not a big secret to those who need to know and wouldn’t it make more sense for idk, Trina’s cop father to look into this? Or even Trina mother’s bf who was a PI? What was Carly reasoning for needing that information other than being nosey and the people who have it probably wouldn’t give it to her.
  3. Same here. And I don’t think my dislike of Willow is due to Michael because I don’t recall hating his other LOs nor did I see a lot of negative chatter about the women themselves like I see with Willow. It was mostly about his pairings being boring and chemistry free which I always agreed with.
  4. It’s definitely a well used trope. I can say one of the main differences between this one and the other GH ones is Nina dislikes Willow just as much or even more than Willow dislikes her. The Bobbie/Carly one was so stretched out that by the time it was revealed 2 years later, the impact of Carly scheming wasn’t there since Bobbie was long over Tony. I don’t recall either one really hating each other by that point or if they did, it didn’t last very long. Same with Alexis/Sam. Alexis didn’t hate Sam, she just pushed back whenever Sam attacked her so that feud was mostly one sided. Nina on the other hand, I could see her not liking this reveal because she doesn’t have a lot of respect for Willow. She was even criticizing her fairly recently to Harmony.
  5. What tickles me is that Wiley seems much more comfortable around Nina and Harmony, the evil grandmothers, than either of his parents and especially Carly, who the boys have always looked frightened by or ignored altogether. Now while it’s probably just because those 2 actresses work better with young kids and engage the child actors better, I take it as a meta comment on the state of his life and the people in it.
  6. I found Nelle bland when she and Michael were together and the show was trying to sell them as a pairing in between her intro storyline with Carly and right before her first exit. They only wrote in that SL about her murdered ex fiancé after CL asked to be let out of her contract early so I suspect had she not left when she did, we would have gotten a full whitewash and sob story. Same with Sasha. She came on board as a con artist and did seem like she was trying to steal Griffen from Kiki but once they put her with Michael, she became wallpaper (and still is today). It’s like they think that Michael can’t be with anyone gray which is strange since he’s pretty much the spoiled, asshole version of a Mary Sue character and clearly needs someone to bounce off of. I never liked Willow so they’re a good containment ship for me. I thought she was boring and smug before they got together and the only thing that’s changed is she’s more of a doormat and makes passes for Michael and his family that she claimed bothered her before.
  7. Nelle’s motivations never made a lot of sense. I got the impression that they initially planned to have her be Carly’s daughter (hence why she was Josslyn’s kidney donor) but changed their minds to pair her with Michael but still decided to do the feud with Carly and revenge plot they originally planned.
  8. Willow’s constant yawning through Millow’s convos echoes how I feel when I watch their scenes. So is she pregnant or is this a medical issue that will trigger that she is Nina’s daughter? I’m voting the later because I don’t see them usurping Wiley the golden child anytime soon.
  9. I got it to an extent. We were told that the article got picked up nationally and it wasn’t on Alexis’ radar before he came to her about the story. So it got the Invader and Alexis a lot of recognition over something that was originally his idea. However, it’s pretty obvious that his story would have been a completely different one, much more salacious and there’s no chance that Cam and Joss would have done interviews with him so who knows what interest his article about the same topic would have generated. She probably should have thrown him a bone and let him write a different story in exchange for the idea (is that was the Michael article was about because I don’t see the Invader publishing a hit piece on Nina).
  10. I think this is the 4th day w/o her
  11. I assumed that Sonny/Brick convo was code for Sonny getting a new Jason. During the other times Jason wasn’t around, someone stepped into that role. I recall Zander and Shawn and there may have been others.
  12. I wouldn’t be surprised she said it was negative only because Spencer said that. It kind of helps her since the pregnancy would have probably given her a temporary reprieve from Sonny but now, Nik and Spencer would be even more protective over her since they don’t know what he’ll do.
  13. Everyone looked cute at the Deception party but it was a huge dud since nothing happened. Sasha was using but it didn’t cause a giant meltdown, BL comes off incredibly annoying about Austin, I don’t particularly care about Ms. Wu being their investor, and Anna and Felecia were glorified extras.
  14. Technically, yes, but the story was all about Franco so it was a big disappointment. Actually I think even Alexis had a bigger presence in that storyline than Liz did since she originally thought she killed Tom Baker when she was blackout drunk.
  15. I don’t think CS gives off the villain energy and he’s been on for 8 months and we still have no idea what he’s up to so I’m bored with him. He makes vague comments about uniting the family against some big threat and laments about the relatives who won’t team up with him so I can’t tell if he’s even supposed to be the villain in this. Hope he is because I don’t think having Nik and Spencer as back-up is going to help him. Those 2 are more a liability than anything else.
  16. I don’t know what their testimony would say other than to say that Trina was drunk and they assume that she passed out when they went into the bedroom. They didn’t witness anything that would prove the case either way and their belief that Trina isn’t guilty and Esme is wouldn’t be considered evidence. Also, I’m pretty sure that they can use whatever statement they gave to the police about that night in lieu of their court testimony so I think the damage is done.
  17. Yeah but if we go by that, the DA/ADA role would always have to be a dayplayer because no named character who has ever been in the role would have qualified. I wouldn’t consider pre-disbarred Alexis, Scott, or Ric Lansing to be the shiny bastions of morality and they’ve all been in the DAs office at one time themselves and even worse if you factored in their loved ones and their actions.
  18. Idk if they’ve ever said why it’s that way but Kristina’s name was always Kristina Corinthos Davis so I guess they followed suite. I remember thinking Kristina’s last name was strange when they did that since it’s traditionally the mom’s name before the dad’s when they hyphenate.
  19. If Michael had a sliver of self awareness, he’d see the parallels with what he’s doing now and what Sonny and Carly did with him and AJ (and by the extension most of the Qs). Guess he isn’t allowed to talk about it anymore but he did develop a decent relationship with AJ as an adult over their wishes up until Sonny murdered him.
  20. It’s possible. They teased a couple times that Neil’s OD and him being a drug addict didn’t make sense but quickly dropped it. Maybe they just didn’t think they could do that SL in the midst of Alexis relapsing and her prison stint since she’s pretty much the only one who knows him. Or it’s a quick rewrite to throw Harmony under the bus but in that case, wouldn’t the truth about Willow be enough? Making her her new bff’s boyfriend’s murderer is overkill.
  21. I don’t recognize him but they knew each other. I thought he was cute
  22. That’s true. I’m making an assumption but hopefully, she surprises me. I do think we need lawyers under 55 and I always thought it was strange that none of the legacy characters became lawyers. Scott is an exception but I’m struggling to think of anyone else, which is weird considering that I would consider it one of the more necessary careers and it makes it easy to mix it up with characters they normally wouldn’t. All of the other lawyer characters I can remember came to town as adults and were already established attorneys.
  23. They referenced her interning their while in law school and Robert offered her a job after graduated last year. Mind you, she hasn’t even passed the bar yet but I guess she has since then. Idk tbh it’s something I like in theory better in practice. It’s cute that she followed in her parents’ footsteps and actually has a career but I don’t think the actress can pull it off and there’s no way someone fresh out of law school is trying cases on their own.
  24. Spencer believes that Trina was behind the sex tape and dismissed her pleas that she was innocent. Also said that he knows that Esme has done terrible things but feels like he initiated things with his vendetta against Ava and drove her into feeling like she should help. He kind of implied that he knew Trina wanted him and is lashing out because of that just like Esme was. Idk who wrote these scene but it was a lot and I’ll take back what I said about the town rallying against Esme because now it looks like they’re making it the Cassadine men being dumbasses and snowed by Esme while everyone else sees the truth.
  25. I’m indifferent to the teens but I was under the impression that Trina and Spencer had a relatively large fanbase. They took a sledgehammer to that potential pairing today and imo, Trina is the only one who makes Spencer somewhat likable because around everyone else, all I get entitled brat.
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