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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I can’t deal with anymore pregnancies so I cringed when I saw that as well. I also can’t see it turning into an actual story for the lowest drama couple on the show. But it would be the first black legacy kid born on the show since Tom and Simone’s kid so that’s something I guess.
  2. There’s not the usual suspects on today so that’s something. Just wish the scenes were less boring because I’m falling asleep. Nothings happening except recapping or idle chit chat
  3. I think the show forgot that TJ and Molly have been “domestic partners” for over 2 years. That or Sam can’t count
  4. I recall reading that too. He wanted to bring in a young, male audience and wrote to that. That audience never materialized and I think his writing mostly appealed to misogynistic women since it was a lot of tearing women down, especially the smart independent ones. Even his favored female characters hated all other women and constantly put them down. Female friendships were rare during that era as well. This was mostly in the 2000s. I actually liked his writing in the 90s so I don’t know what happened.
  5. Tbh, I get annoyed by villains doing the revolving door thing too. I eventually got tired of Helena and Faison showing up, causing chaos and disappearing because we knew they would never face real repercussions and after a few appearances, it gets boring and repetitive. Villains all have an expiration date to me
  6. I think when DG was in the role, they wrote Michael more like BC’s Morgan. A hothead who was trying to get into the mob over Sonny and Jason’s objections, constantly got into trouble and had to be bailed out. Once they recast him, Michael moved into the good, well adjusted sibling role, which I always thought was a misfire. He’s the one who had most messed up childhood and was the most aware of what was going on and should have shown the effects of that.
  7. I get what they’re going for with Dex but he’s a huge miscast. He doesn’t have the charisma to be Joss’ intriguing “bad boy” and comes across as too passive and wimpy for be a mob enforcer.
  8. I thought “matron of honor” was a title for married women.
  9. I saw a tweet that Dex’s little meal for Sonny was more of a date than anything we’ve seen him plan for Joss and I chuckled because that’s kinda true. I get the secret dating gets him out of taking her out but he doesn’t exactly pull out all of the stops for her even in private.
  10. When Zander originally described his parents (long before his father showed up), he made it sound like he was from some old money family. The dad was a doctor but it didn’t seem like he was incredibly wealthy so I doubt he was rolling in it. Plus how would Cam get this money when Zander himself was probably not in the will considering he ran away and had a terrible relationship with his parent and Cameron wasn’t born when the grandfather died?
  11. The worst part of this is that the writers probably think they’re completely flipping the script by making Willow and co act like this when instead, it’s making the storyline look like a pointless waste of screentime and we’re stuck watching these miserable assholes win after they did absolutely nothing and Willow had to be saved by people who should have washed their hands of her
  12. So Nikolas isn’t dead, Mason has him and he’s on life support. Do we think they are bringing back immediately with the temp recast or will they just keep him offscreen and in a coma like Lulu?
  13. Michael wanting to hang up on Nina before she could tell him about the match was extra. Having those 4 act like that rudest and most unlikable people on the planet is a choice. I don’t fast forward much on this show but I will be ffwing the hell out of this garbage wedding. At least I can reconcile with the fact that the wedding budget was probably blown on Curtis and Portia’s wedding so they’ll get the typical Q family home wedding with 5 guests and party store decor that’s befitting them.
  14. Thought that’s why they gave her an instant best friend in TJ for her cancer story. You know, the “friend” who was close enough to go to her doctor’s appointments with her and be her shoulder to cry on despite never sharing a single scene together before this storyline. Though he was probably forgotten about once her secret came out and his placeholder services were no longer needed.
  15. Right? And now that I think about it, given that Dr. O had to offer to get tested herself, I’d wager they probably didn’t even reach out to people Willow actually knows to get tested since they didn’t bother to test an actual relative.
  16. I’m pretty sure the 80s era Cassadines were only Greek but in the 90s they retconned that to them being Russian royalty that fled to Greece and lived there after the Russian Revolution. That might explain the obviously Greek names for the older Cassadines. Mikkos and Helena also couldn’t have children and Stavros was a younger cousin who they treated like a son, which was all changed so they do the whole eldest son of the eldest son stuff and explain Mikkos’ other never mentioned children.
  17. We’re supposed to think Michael and Willow really care about her life when they’ve all but given up and are party planning and didn’t even bother with a donor drive? LMAO
  18. I think they brought that scene up back when Sydney was in the role and she said she was putting on an act for her peers and wasn’t actually promiscuous. The first Trina was supposed to be the bad girl/party girl in the group in comparison to goody goody Joss, Cam and Oscar.
  19. Especially considering that I don’t see NAC staying on the show for very long and a recast is always hit or miss. Spencer has been back for 18 months I think and they have been teased since his first scene, which is an insanely long time to build a pairing ETA even worse, I actually think he’s been on the show longer than that but I can’t remember his debut date
  20. Nina already has a surrogate daughter in Sasha and she managed to forgive her trying to pull a con on her. I could not wish more that she just let Willow go and focus on Sasha instead.
  21. I think Heather would have killed Britt even if Esme was in jail. I think it would have made her even more likely to do it considering she was trying to throw suspicion off Esme and doing it while she was locked up would have been the perfect time. It’s not like the PCPD would have found out the truth any quicker given how inept they all were and they weren’t bothering to tell the public that they no longer suspected Esme even when she turned up.
  22. They claimed he went to law school decades ago and just never brought it up before. No mention of being appointed DA despite never practicing the law before. They were just looking for somewhere to stick him after saying he got drummed out of the WSB considering they have only shown him onscreen as the DA a handful of times
  23. I’m actually glad that they acknowledged Molly having to recuse herself due to the conflict of interest but it makes Dante look even dumber for not thinking the same thing. He’s living with one of Nikolas’ other cousins and was married to his sister for years and has a kid with her. But I guess if they acknowledge that, it’ll make them look even worse for all of the times he “investigates” something related to Sonny
  24. I think the most she gotten was as a teen when Ric returned and fake died and she was feuding with Alexis over Julian. I didn’t have a problem with her acting during that era but the character was annoying. The only substantive thing she got as an adult was sleeping with Brando when she believed TJ dumped her and hiding it from him afterwards. I’d hardly consider that a SL though because we probably saw both of them like once a month during that 7 month period from when it happened to when she confessed.
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