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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. She has nothing else going on I’m guessing. That line she said to Dante about how she had Cody covered so he can focus on the kidnappings made me think it’s also an excuse for what she’s doing while he’s involved in the main SL considering they’re normally joined at the hip.
  2. Why is this wedding talk even a thing. You’d think Michael’s dumbass would be trying to find Dr. O since it’s Willow’s only hope and not wasting time planning the deathbed wedding
  3. I think that’s just how their dynamic is now so I don’t expect it to change. It does make her look pathetic but it is what it is. Willow didn’t initially tell Michael she had cancer because she thought he deserved a happy pregnancy despite that fact that he was happy with Nelle until right up until the end while her last pregnancy involved her getting pregnant as a product of rape, running away from a cult, and having to give the baby up for adoption because it was the only way to keep the baby away from Shiloh.
  4. Dante was the only one who even mentioned them by name when listing off Cassadines. The few times the Cassadine men bring them up, they are just called Alexis’ daughters
  5. Personally, I wouldn’t have bought Sonny caring all that much about him. It was always Joss trying to make herself sound more important than she actually is with a side of giving an excuse for everyone not to find out she was a cheater since she’s spent months acting like cheating is the absolute worst thing someone could ever do. The ones who should have cared and spoken out against are Carly and Michael but the show is too insistent on not having those 3 be angry or upset with each other.
  6. LMAO Sonny has known for months about Joss/Dex and doesn’t care. Basically said that’s Carly’s problem. He was only slightly miffed that Dex kept lying about it
  7. Wonder why Ned didn’t perform. He’s sang every NB and is one of the few in the cast who can sing
  8. Anna’s always in the middle of some dumb plan where someone gets hurt. We know she’s not going to die and I’ve long given up on feeling bad for her when she puts herself and others in those situations
  9. I’m going to fanwank that Lucy was right and she’s the only one who can plan the NB because this one is so lackluster. So far, all I’m getting is cheap looking and boring
  10. I find the claims that GH is more women led to be fan service at best. The storylines and POV are just as male driven and centered as they always were with very few exceptions.
  11. That’s possible. I also saw some interviews about the May sweeps storyline and think some of the people involved in that storyline don’t have high guarantees so they don’t want to waste multiple episodes with them mostly sitting in the audience. They’ve traditionally used the Nurses Ball to burn through episodes for characters who don’t have a lot going on since they don’t have to write much for them during this week. This is more referring the ones who aren’t on all of the time.
  12. This is a sparsely attended NB from what I saw online. Weird choice considering the show promoted it for the 60th anniversary. There’s so many long term characters who are missing
  13. I thought the dresses they had on for that People magazine spread were nicer
  14. I don’t think they showed them. They might not have wanted to show Sasha standing up because the actress obviously looked pregnant in the last ep she was on
  15. Tbh I didn’t like Joss’ dress because I thought it aged her. That was a dress I would have expected to see on someone like Sam. I think they’re trying to slot her into this older, vixen-y look which doesn’t match her character
  16. Carly: I've always truly gotten what I wanted and I don't expect that to change.
  17. Definitely but she keeps loudly claiming that she’s so over him and her kids and biggest enablers are pretending like they’ve always hated the mob so it comes out of left field for me. However, I doubt Michael is going to be anti-Sonny forever and Joss won’t hold out the moments her bf switches sides so maybe they’ll all shift at the same time. Wouldn’t be surprised if they are moving away from Carly/Drew. They got the biggest hard sell for a new pairing that I’ve seen in years and at best, have sibling chemistry. I can’t remember the last location shoot the show has done and it wasted on that couple.
  18. I will give credit to EMc. While I’ve never been a big fan of her acting, she does do a good job of playing Joss as head over heels in love with Dex. However that guy does not match her energy even a little bit so it comes off one sided. He gives more in his scenes with MB and CD. His acting along with the shallow writing is holding them back as a couple
  19. Lol is Dante and Sam the only actual couple at the Nurses Ball? Carly and Joss have “secret” relationships, Curtis is angry at Portia, Sonny and Nina are taking a break and Michael/Willow stayed home. I’m not sure why Spencer/Trina didn’t come together but they seem to still be dragging them out from being official
  20. I like the NB dresses individually but all together, it’s way too many sequined dresses. I don’t remember the outfits looking so coordinated in previous years. The interviews are cringey though along with the looks Carly is throwing Sonny. This pivot is coming out of nowhere
  21. The only things I enjoyed that Ron wrote were the water toxin summer storyline and Robin’s return, both of which happened fairly early into his run. Most of it was really bad. Too campy, heavy focus on his original creations, and long standing characters acting wildly out of character because he didn’t take the time to know them. I’m not entirely happy with 2023 GH but his wasn’t great either and caused me to give up the show for a few years
  22. Carly continuing to mark her territory regarding Sonny and her words to Nina make her come off bitter and obsessed. It’s pathetic. Sonny doesn’t gave even the slightest damn at her and Drew nor has he ever had a moment where he’s jealous.
  23. Michael thought it was a good idea to leave Willow alone with a newborn while she’s dealing with stage 4 cancer? He truly is the worst. Don’t they have a nanny? Also Esme is clearly faking the amnesia
  24. I don’t get it tbh. It just makes me annoyed with Valentin/Anna for making Lucy miss something that’s important to her. Victor knowing Lucy is alive or not really means nothing at the end of the day
  25. I think Spencer is supposed to fill that role and that’s why she’s particularly nasty towards him while simultaneously claiming that he should be on her side because they’re “friends”
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