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Everything posted by thewhiteowl

  1. I really enjoyed this Alex centric episode. Way to show the growth of a character while keeping him true to the character. That was excellent. I also find April to be completely in character. She has always been so totally focused on her own needs, wants and desires, not really getting that Jackson has his own. I was so glad he left. No means no, April. And I liked them as a couple but she went too far for too long and there must be a consequence or Jackson continues to be a doormat to her selfishness. He compromised when she left the first time so he's not in the wrong here IMO. I get that she took a vow and wants to honor that but did she understand the vow at all? I don't think so. Being Jackson's partner in life should be the focus, not just keeping the vow. She'll need to prove that to him if it's possible for them to go on. For the first time in a very loooong time, Bailey was tolerable. The sisters of Meredith bore and annoy.
  2. I wasn't exactly on the edge of my seat when the bottom 2 were Chris and Craig. I wonder if Craig is color-blind. I guess the thing I like the least about Chris, besides his wardrobe, is his arrogance. Kind of like Josh for me in that he may indeed be the best one left but it's such a low bar he really shouldn't brag. None of the leftovers are terrible but none are great either. Matt may be the most versatile but has a tendency to go so dark you can't even see what he's done. Kruzeman is kind of a cypher to me, the last carousel horse was stunning but that's the only thing he's done that I even like. Chris isn't versatile but he does his own thing very well as long as it's not a phoenix. I took way too long to figure out where the hell the head of the bird was so for me it was not readable. But he'll probably win.
  3. If I state that Reid's hair is atrocious, it is still JUST my opinion. You all should recognize when you are being baited and let it go. Thanks! Locking this thread for a cool down period
  4. I don't think JLH had any control over the show or AJ's pregnancy. You may be giving her too much power. Any way, she's gone and as such off topic for this thread.
  5. Unlike the latter part of last season this really held my attention. I enjoyed Madam President's complete discomfort in the role and I think Russell came of as defensively rude. He really, really didn't want to tell her about the new hire as NSA. He and the Prez came off as really shady about that. I think they are butt hurt with her approval ratings.
  6. These are just opinions, people. No one has to "prove" anything to anyone. Carry on.
  7. The moment where the whole premise of the show falls down dead. lol
  8. I have no info on the writer or director at this time. If anyone else does, please post it.
  9. Aside from wondering what else Fitz has lied about and any thing an investigation may uncover, there will be those who want to know if Liv was paid in taxpayer dollars for any "work" she did while serving under the Prez. She covered up the scandal of the First Daughter's three-way and served as press secretary didn't she? Maybe other stuff I don't recall.
  10. You are right, in the real world I think a Prez and mistress would be very harshly judged and likely face some sort of legal hoo-ha no matter how great their love. But this is Shondaland and I believe the greatness of their love (gag) will win over the people that live there. We will probably hear a lot of nonsense about what a great prez he has been but he's pretty much done, politically. Maybe Olivia will run for prez against Mellie. lololol
  11. Yes, it isn't exactly a mystery. It was the first in a series of really stupid decisions regarding the jackhole Fitz. Every boneheaded and shameful thing she has done and had done to her starts right there. And she's confused? What a dope. The VP is not any smarter. Although I did applaud her little speech to the jackhole Fitz her question was pretty stupid. "Did you think about us?" No, you idiot he didn't. If he had, he would not be in this situation. Duh. It was a good time, right up to the end, which totally lost me. I was glad to see Liv having some shame on her because girl has really come across as too stupid to breathe. Abby needs to get away from these morons. When Abby is the smartest person in the room, there's a big problem. I have been enjoying the lack of bloviated speechifying. So that's probably going to end. lol
  12. I believe it was the same show, I can't say how it looked to you but I didn't think it looked like the guy. *shrugs*
  13. No, you are not. I thought the poor woman needed only a pointy hat to complete the witch look. I thought Duffy was going and thought it terribly wrong when it wasn't a "uniform" challenge. At least hers was recognizably human. Good looking uniform is the nicest thing I can say about Kruzeman's. Chris' was a good looking tattoo but I didn't think it resembled the guy. I didn't think Craig's looked like the guy either but it wasn't horrible. Unlike Kruzeman's.
  14. I really hope next season has a trainwreck of Kim proportions to keep us chatting in between seasons!
  15. I can't believe I'm throwing actual logic at this mess but last I heard Sonny doesn't even have legal custody of Avery, Michael does. Did that change and I just FF'd it?
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