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Everything posted by thewhiteowl

  1. I agree with most of your post RuntheTable. I like Liam much better away from Hope and I think she chose the right guy for right now. Wyatt hasn't wavered, I'll give him that but it seemed more like an obsessive competition with his brother there at the end than any great love for Hope IMO. The only part I didn't agree with is that I've never seen any charisma with Brooke but I realize many do. I am usually baffled by why she's so sought after, she's just an older Hope to me but that's soaps for you.
  2. Maybe Fox figured out LB just isn't funny. At least, not here.
  3. Ridge isn't a good guy and is possibly (hopefully) not even Ridge but Bill isn't a good guy either so while it might be entertaining to see Bill call KatRidge out for being the assholes they are it's a pot/kettle situation to me. I think KatRidge have a slight upper hand in this situation because Bill did order Justin to drop him from the chopper, cowardly covered it up and Ridge is injured. Doesn't make Ridge any less of an intrusive, controlling ass but it is true. Really all of these characters have worn the asshat, including Brooke and Katie.
  4. I see that this is coming back on 9/2. Looking forward to it?
  5. Yes, it was Ridge's choice to do go and interrupt the wedding but as far as we know that's not the reason he can't draw. He could have done all those idiotic things and still have his "gift" if it weren't for Bill ordering Justin to drop him out of the helicopter. With the info that we have right now, Ridge's damage is Bill's fault. IMO As for the other idiotic stuff, I didn't see Brooke putting up much of a fight, she went with Ridge pretty willingly.
  6. This show bores the snark out of me.
  7. I can't claim to know her heart but I think she would have raped him if Sam had not interrupted. That's not just a whoopsie, to me. But like I said, she's ineffectual.
  8. It's not a big deal. Nina's not a big deal. But she is deceitful She wants a baby with a man who told her he's in love with someone else and she is willing to drug him and give him no choice. She wanted to get rid of Rafe for her own protection, she wasn't being kind or generous. Silas cheated, yes he's a douche but he doesn't deserve to be raped. IMO that's what it would be if she drugs him to get pregnant. Does she even know if she's still fertile? I FF a lot of her so IDK if she realizes she's almost 50 years old, physically. It's a soap so that doesn't really matter, I guess. If it's not a big deal to her, why wouldn't she tell them? As a schemer, I find her pretty ineffectual. Lucky but ineffectual.
  9. If they never said another word about the kidnapping, Levi, Maxie or Lulu, I'd be okay with it.
  10. Gosh, I hope it's anyone but Billy Miller. It's hard to imagine Stone Cold being portrayed by Mugsy Mugsalot Miller. Jason would have to have a personality transplant but maybe Robin could swing that, too. Since she has cured death and all.
  11. Angela Rizzoli of the Rizzoli Hour is ruining this show for me. I used to enjoy it but she enrages me so much, I can't sit through an entire episode. Taking the letter and steaming it open, withholding it and she gets I love you Mom. Way to reward the behavior you bitch about there, Detective. Ugh.
  12. I'm convinced the writers do this for the whole show. It's reached levels of preposterous until now unachieved by TV, yes even Grey's Anatomy is more real than this show (and I can't believe I wrote that). It must be a laugh riot in the writer's room.
  13. That would be terrific but it's as unlikely as Anna arresting Duke or anyone arresting Sonny.
  14. Morgan has to give up his Sonny hate just in time for the reveal of AJ's murder so he can remind Michael of how great a Dad Sonny is and Sonny loves him! *sarcasm font*
  15. @MDKNIGHT, I don't know that they ever stated it but it seemed pretty clear to me that Tommy was her first. YMMV
  16. I don't think many men really like the guy who first bangs their daughter. I think that's where it went bad for Nolan and Tommy.
  17. Agreed! Liam is so very Thorne, it's a shame they don't undo that and make him Thorne's son. Then Aly would have a good reason for her Liam worship, he'd be her brother.
  18. I agree, it's not cool and not good for the kids. However, Brandi was the one who started using this platform to bash them so in terms of them both being wrong, turnabout is fair. He's still a huge asshat, just not as much as Brandi and LeAnn are. IMO
  19. I have seen him in most of those things mentioned and I have to say I always thought he was a decent actor. Not stellar but serviceable. I think he was an episode of Criminal Minds where he was quite convincing as a psycho. On this show he's trying to convince me that he's not a complete asshat and that's working but I'm totally not buying his enormous love for LeAnn.
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