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Everything posted by HauntedBathroom

  1. The problem there is that Martha was attached to Mickey, and Noel Clarke is off the table now.
  2. He's not my favourite showrunner to date, but there's a reason why the show was so popular under him, and it can only be going upwards after Chibnall's shite. If anyone's going to remember to give his characters characters, it'll be RTD. Hopefully he won't contrive a way to get Rose bloody Tyler back.
  3. Never watched Broadfchurch. I despise Tennant AND Chibnall, so you'd have moire luck selling ice to eskimos than getting me to watch it. But I've seen nothing in Chib's own Who, the Who he made for better writers, Torchwood, or the episodes of L&O:UK I watched for Peter Davision to make me think Chibs is a character writer.
  4. I find that mind boggling. How can he be a character writer when he hasn't given any of his regulars a character? Apart from "occasionally I fall off my bike".
  5. YES!!! I'm so glad to be rid of him before he could do more damage. She made no impression while she was in the job, her absence will make none either, Happy days!
  6. My husband watched this, His reaction: "I hate Doctor Who and want to burn it" And he loves Doctor Who!! Thanks, Chibs, you turd.
  7. New showrunner? Oh please please please!
  8. The absense of Real Doctor's, but the presence of Jo Martin, puts me off. Until Chibnall can get around to giving her a backstory, placing her in the order of other Doctor, and giving her intro and exit regeneration scenes, she's just some bullshit made up by the Master.
  9. I'm a lot more favourably inclined to season 24 than I am to the rest of the McCoy era, so I'm quite looking forweard to this. Already got my pre-order in! Doesn't Andrew Cartmel look like the kind of angry spinster who becomes a mad cat lady?
  10. Whittacker leaving, Chibnall staying? That's the wrong way around, BBC!! However, I wouldn't be heartbroken to see the back of either of them.
  11. I love A Christmas Carol, I'm always glad to be reminded of it.
  12. Very good point. The Chibnall era is something to be endured, or got through, not entertained by.
  13. Damn, more of Chibnall's dull as ditchwater take on Jack? Yawn.
  14. I'm mad because in the four (4) years since Chibnall got the job, he's produced two (2) seasons of reduced episode counts, all of which occured before Covid kicked off in Europe. If he wants to make even fewer episodes now, Covid gives him an excuse, but there's no excuse for his passivity to his job before 2020.
  15. If Chibnall finds it so difficult to produce a season of Doctor Who, show him the door and give the job to someone else.
  16. Ahh well, it's for charidee, it doesn't have to be good.
  17. Eccles did record something! https://www.instagram.com/p/B-wzr8uBAM7/
  18. Love Rory. Love this little extra. Love the whole episode!!!
  19. It'd be great! It would see a massive upswing in the writing quality.
  20. Whodathunkit? Moffat can give Jodie a credible Doctor-ish voice that works!! If only he was still involved with the series...
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