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Everything posted by HauntedBathroom

  1. It is depressing. I wish people could have as much fun as I'm having with the Moffat era.
  2. This will be the interview where Moffat freely admits he was pissed through the whole thing, and trying to annoy the people who would read it. Really, the only insight it gives to Moffats thinking is that he loves winding people up.
  3. That was a hoot!! I loved the Doctor assuming Clara was dating the Eleven-knock off. But the surprising part was Danny pissing the Doctor off by identifying him, not as a soldier, but as an officer. From what we saw in The Last Day, it's pretty clear that there is a class component in the Gallifreyan army, and while the Doctor doesn't want to be seen as a soldier, he really doesn't want to be seen as the man who orders other people off to die while he stays behind. For a man who says he's rebelling against his background, the Doctor is quick to claim to be a Time Lord; to know a man who sees that as a bad thing from experience is a new thing for him.
  4. It's simple. Matt, Peter and John Hurt were all fantastic Doctor's, giving Moffat a 100% success rate in casting the Doctor. Eccles was great, but Tennant stunk, thus meaning RTD only scored a 50% success rate.
  5. It didn't. The progress of the soldier went toy box in the home -->Rupert --> Orson --> Clara -->young Doctor in the past. We may find out later on that one of the TARDIS crew travelled back to the home to leave the soldier there, but it's path is clear as it is.
  6. Moffat, by a country mile. He makes Doctor Who that feels like Doctor Who, and he's had a 100% successful hit rate casting three Doctors, something no one else has done. In contrast, Davies only got his Doctors right 50% of the time, and he let the good one leave after a year.
  7. I was a lot more interested to see Absolom Daak appearing. That's a far more interesting connection to the shows past! Pay attention, Robot of Sherwood - this is how you do a rompy romp.The whole thing was a blast from start to finish, although wasn't it lucky that Clara choose to wear a pseudo-business suit for her date, almost as though she knew she needed to pass as a customer in a swish bank? The other companions were interesting, and I did love the twist that the Doctor was behind the whole thing, although I guessed that when the Doctor started saying how much he hated the Architect. It was a fun, silly ride, and I shall be watching it again tonight, I think it will definitely reward rewatching!
  8. Yes, Karen and Amy were adorable, but that sitcom does look as though it was written on the back of an envelope. Quite a small envelope.
  9. Wow, cardigirl, apart from disagreeing about Capaldi, it's like looking in a mirror!
  10. To be honest, all the Moff is doing is repeating what RTD said about sodding St Rose. New Who expects more from the companions then asking "What is it, Doctor?" and making tea.
  11. That was a cracking episode. Last week's was a bit of a damp squib, but now Moffat and Capaldi are really hitting their strides.
  12. This episode didn't really work for me, although I'll catch the re-run tonight and hopefully it'll flow better on second viewing. it just seemed out of balance - the whole Sherwood set up was ridiculously cheesy, Gatiss even gave an in-episode explanation for how cheesy it was, and yet degree educated Clara never thought there was anything odd about this? I know her degree is in English, not history, but she must be smart enough to know that very few people living in woods in the 12th century had the perfect gnashers that Robin was flashing. And yet she thought it was strange that the Doctor didn't buy this? Plus, if the episode was looking to parody the Robin Hood legend (and let's be honest, all Gatiss can write for Who is parody), it did feel a little jarring whenever it wanted us to consider the truth of the man behind the myth. It's either a silly romp or a character piece, I've seen nothing to make me think Gatiss has the skills to do both at the same time.
  13. Eleven had a wristwatch, I assume that's what Twelve traded.
  14. That was a cracking episode! 'I'm his carer', 'That's right, she cares so I don't have to' made me howl. Poor old Sawbones Hex must be stewing, this is how he wanted to play the Doctor, but he was hamstrung by bad writing and a god awful costume. I'm really liking Capaldi and Moffatt's take on the Doctor, his reaction to the soldier about to be killed was striking. The Daleks returned as a full time force in the universe in season 5's Victory of the Daleks, that was the whole point of the episode. Obviously since then they've had a chance to rethink their make over, and decided to dump the fat arse look.
  15. Sod Tennant, can you provide a link to Kaz doing this?
  16. That was terrific! Thankfully we've got another 11 episodes of this to come, it almost made sitting through the bloody awful Tumble program beforehand tolerable (sidenote - how is Emma Samms not aging??). Capaldi was every bit as good as I expected, Clara started to be a bit more 3 dimensional, and I like the Paternoster gang. Since Moffat won't accept the BBC's offer to spin them off into their own series, I'm very glad to see them occasionally returning to the Mothership. I wasn't expecting the return of the Clockwork Droids, but it did explain something that baffled me from Girl in the Fireplace - how did the droids come to the conclusion that the correct way to fix their ship was to cannabilise random humans? Clearly it's standard operating practise for this particular fleet, which would make me hesitant to sign up. I loved the restaurant scene, and the Doctor sodding off to leave Clara to face the droids alone, without even prodding her memory about holding her breath. If she'd panicked and been cannabilised before he came back, I do wonder how guilty he'd have felt? Would he have written it off as her being to slow to remember, and so her fault? Intriguing. I can't wait to see how this plays out - more please, Moffat!
  17. I would have been more impressed by this argument if the last two episodes aired hadn't stated that TenToo was also a regeneration, making Matt the LAST Doctor, and that Capaldi was the start of a whole new life cycle. But who cares about facts, right?
  18. William Russell was planned to cameo in Day of teh Doctor, but ill health prevented him.
  19. QFT. Plus, the best episode of his time, he was barely in.
  20. It's hardly the first time the Doctor's killed someone.
  21. I don't think showing the new leader of UNIT is getting around the Brig's death, even if she is his daughter. I took it more as repositioning UNIT back on the good guys side.
  22. It's alright, but it's definitely too long. I saw the 90 minute version of the story that was repeated in the Five Faces season, and that felt a lot snappier.
  23. Another cracking review! I'm looking forward to your view of the rest of the season, and the 50th anniversary.
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