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Camera One

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Everything posted by Camera One

  1. I still think "Once" should have had a half season devoted to Christmas/winter solstice. A mash-up of the backstories of Santa Claus, Rudolph, Frosty, Scrooge/Ghosts of Christmas Past/Present/Future, the Grinch, the 3 Kings and nativity, Krampus, etc. would have been interesting, maybe all set in Narnia with the White Witch, who of course turns out to be Regina's long-lost sister.
  2. I'm just imagining an episode built around an "election" with her clones. It really is too bad there wasn't another season. Think of all the political intrigue that would arise from this. And the rivals are also from Hall of Presidents land from Disneyland. How does Regina stack up against the American presidents? Will they play dirty? Tune in to Season 8.
  3. This article by a historian raises some interesting possibilities about why Charlemagne's biographer might have simply claimed that Charlemagne was taken by surprise. Regina The High and Mighty would have been so much more powerful than Charlemagne. She not only ruled Fictional Medieval and Victorian Europe, she also would be ruler of Fictional China, Arabia, Scandinavia, as well as multitudes of magical lands like Neverland, Wonderland, Oz. I seriously wonder how they all came to "elect" her without Regina knowing there was an election? And how all those realms agreed to become "united" in the first place. I would have liked to see the debates about that. Especially since they were all moved to The World Without Magic against their will. Surely, there would be border disputes if ogres from the Enchanted Forest started venturing into Oz.
  4. This was a good episode, and I agree that might be one of the best thus far. The Pall-Mall game, the flashbacks, and the whole setup to Anthony/Kate's scene at the end all fit together really well into a narrative whole. The flashbacks were effective and it explained Anthony's attitude and demeanor. The actors who play Anthony and his mother did an excellent job, and all their scenes together were well written, much more so than their usual arguments. It is clear the mother wants the best for him, and he is still not over the trauma of his father's sudden death and taking on the responsibilities of the position. I didn't think the whole Benedict on hallucinogens subplot added anything to the story, so I wasn't a fan. I do not want to see Marina again, so I'm not keen on the Colin storyline either. I was hoping with Anthony's "I will be away a lot" and her clear discomfort with the competition of the game, Edwina would realize on her own that she wouldn't want Anthony as a husband. Overall, I'm enjoying this season more, though it could be frustrating if they drag out the triangle too long without any change. In London, the dinner with the Featherton's was amusing. Did the Modiste realize Penelope's secret identity? I liked that the Modiste didn't seem to care.
  5. Well, this episode actually surprised me. I was seriously expecting Claire to go downstairs and pass out on ether with Tom Christie in the next room, giving him more ammunition against her. Turns out the only not-so-smart thing she did was to give Tom a book he clearly wouldn't approve of. He is not your friend, Claire, and let's say it again together. Don't. help. ingrates. Or at least forget to sterilize the scalpel or something. Overall, I'm glad we got another relatively quieter episode. All that talk of Scotland made me wish we were there instead of the 18th century version of Little House on the Prairie. I enjoyed seeing more of Fergus in particular and also Marsali, but again, this type of storyline I find difficult to enjoy. I agree with the points above that it was strange how neither Jaime or Ian tried to talk some sense into Fergus. I really hope this arc is over now, though it would be unrealistic and it would mean Fergus goes back to being a glorified extra. This episode raised a good point about the importance of education. It went back to Jaime's point that religion could be used as a weapon. Roger's sermons might change some minds, especially for the children who are exposed to their parents' discriminatory views. I sort of like Malva, though I have mixed feelings about where they seem to be going with Ian. I wonder about the brother, who clearly doesn't approve of what his dad is doing to his sister, but he also backed that despicable couple who was insulting Fergus' son.
  6. After last season, I decided to give this show a rest for awhile!
  7. I know they need conflict, but Tom Christie is just so despicable, and a hypocrite, claiming to be holier-than-thou but acting hatefully towards others. I hope Marva isn't going to turn psycho. I sort of like seeing people learn from Claire. Was the brother keeping Malva from Claire to protect his sister, or is he as hardline as his father? Claire needs to stop helping people who don't deserve it. She also tried to help heal that evil Brown brother, too, and he deserved to die ten times over. I don't understand why she is so blasé about people thinking she was a witch. And now Roger showing that boy the "miracle" matches? Of course the kid will tell Tom. Things are going to go south and with this show, that means shock and awe in the sickest sense. That was certainly an interesting funeral service. Roger can't do anything right, LOL. They give Fergus a "storyline", but it seemed to be more about Marsali than Fergus. I'm glad she got more screentime, though. I hope that continues. I agree Jaime's assessment made a lot of sense. Knowing what's coming, I still don't get why Jaime and family didn't head up to Canada and get some land there before the revolution begins. And now they're all established, which makes it so much harder. Loyalist or Patriot, things are going to get ugly and they're not spring chickens anymore, as you can tell from their 10 white hairs.
  8. On Jonah Hauer King's Instagram, he posted "Great to be back" filming on July 14 and "Wrap on Season 2" on September 5. So it looks like he filmed for 7 weeks.
  9. This episode's dialogue was snappy and entertaining. It reminded me of the early "Desperate Housewives". Overall, it was fun to watch. Both Anthony and Kate behaved badly and I agree they both had their ego's knocked down a peg. Lady Danbury really hit the nail in the head in her conversation with Kate at the end. Edwina looked so young that it felt a little uncomfortable watching Anthony going for her, and Edwina falling for him. I think Lumley was more appropriate for her, and I hope they end up going that route. He really did seem like a nice guy. The scenes between the brothers were fun. As was the scene between the Queen and Lady Danbury. Eloise, the Queen and now the dressmaker all making steps towards uncovering Penelope's secret did provide some tension. Colin was certainly blunt with his "you don't count" line to Penelope.
  10. Finally forgot how traumatizing this show is to watch, and decided to give Season 6 a try. My thoughts are mostly the same as many others. The 20 minute prologue took awhile to get engaging. I was confused for awhile about what was going on. On Fraser's Ridge, it was nice to see things a bit calmer. At least the episode didn't end with horrific gory murder, so that's a plus. However, it looks like the usual M.O. of this show is going to repeat itself, aka No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. Jaime and family went out of their way to help Mr. Christie, who was annoyingly sanctimonious and ungrateful. I can see him getting mad at Claire later if his daughter starts learning science from her. Hopefully, both his kids will turn against him. I'm wary of the two addiction storylines though. As others have said, I too had long wanted Fergus to get a storyline, but abusive drunk was not what I had in mind. Meanwhile, Claire's self-medicating was revealed as why she seemed so well adjusted after the trauma of last season, which is believable, I guess, but not what I want to see. I did think it was cool that she re-invented ether, though. The shortage of tea due to taxes was a nice touch. I'm not sure if I want to see Jaime acting as Indian agent, which would put him into all sorts of compromising situations, but that could be interesting, from a historical perspective.
  11. Yeah, I'm worried they are going to let their success double down on their weaknesses.
  12. Amazon Says Huge Rings of Power Bet Has 'More Than Paid Off,' Teases Bigger Battles for Season 2 https://deadline.com/2022/12/lotr-the-rings-of-power-amazon-vernon-sanders-interview-investment-season-2-spoilers-pace-battles-season-3-renewal-1235201384/ Yay?
  13. I finally decided to start Season 2. Season 1 was very pretty and stylish, but I didn't find it easy to root for the main coupling. So far, this season seems like it could be a pleasant diversion, but not much more thus far. The trope of two people who start off on the wrong foot has been done so many times, so I will need to wait to see if this will pay off. I did feel some chemistry between Anthony and Kate. But Anthony was still sleeping around, and annoyingly judgmental with his interviews. Kate was a tad abrasive and ungrateful to Lady Danbury, but I did feel more for her after the scene with Danbury revealing their financial situation and wanting the best for her sister. Penelope as the secret writer felt out of the blue at the end of last season, but it was sort of interesting to see her at work in this one. How she could write an entire pamphlet AND sneak off to the printer during a ball was still ridiculous, though. I like Eloise but I'm not sure we got anything new. I do like watching the family together, and the show is still as pretty and stylish as ever.
  14. I rewatched the first 42 minutes of "Rogue One" and it didn't leave much of an impression yet, even Cassian. The film did seem to have a similar style and scope to the TV show, so that felt consistent. Many recent prequels or sequels are distracting because the actors have aged so much, so I'm glad they didn't wait as long to do this one.
  15. The other day, I was watching something or other, where a character's voice suddenly turned stern. It reminded me of a line from somewhere but I couldn't pinpoint where. It took me forever, but then I realized it was from this episode. When Mary Margaret was speaking to Regina in the classroom. She starts off in a gentle voice, "Just some old stories I gave him. As you well know, Henry is a special boy: so smart, so creative, and as you might be aware... [and then her tone turns very pointed and almost accusatory]... LONELY." Anyway, it was a really good line delivery and memorable.
  16. I asked the ChatGPT bot to write me a screenplay. Who does the AI think they are, A&E? INT. SHADOWY CASTLE - DAY Maleficent sits on her throne, scowling. Suddenly, a servant enters. SERVANT My queen, I bring news. Snow White is to marry Prince Charming. Maleficent stands, enraged. MALEFICENT (screaming) I won't let this wedding happen! I'll stop at nothing to prevent it! She calls upon the Evil Queen, Cruella, Rumplestiltskin, and a horde of malevolent witches, dragons, and other nocturnal beasts. Together, they march on the royal palace. CUT TO: INT. ROYAL PALACE - DAY Snow White and Prince Charming stand at the altar, surrounded by their friends and loved ones. The ceremony is about to begin. Suddenly, the doors to the palace burst open. Maleficent and her dark army enter. MALEFICENT (screaming) I won't let this wedding happen! The fairy tale characters rally to defend the palace. A fierce battle ensues. CUT TO: INT. THE BATTLEFIELD - DAY The forces of good and evil clash in a brutal fight. Snow White, Prince Charming, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and the other fairy tale characters use their wit, courage, and magic to defeat Maleficent and her dark army. Despite the odds, they emerge victorious. Maleficent is defeated, and the kingdom is restored to peace and prosperity. CUT TO: INT. ROYAL PALACE - DAY The Evil Queen, Cruella, and Rumplestiltskin all look on, repentant for their past actions. The wedding ceremony continues. Snow White and Prince Charming exchange vows and share a passionate kiss. FADE TO: INT. ROYAL PALACE - DAY (LATER) Snow White and Prince Charming sit on their thrones, ruling over the kingdom with fairness and kindness. The Evil Queen, Cruella, and Rumplestiltskin all reform their ways, using their powers for the greater good and helping to rebuild
  17. If they edited it down to fewer episodes and cut out Mon Mothma's scenes, then there would be less of a wait between the more exciting action parts. I do agree they could have tightened the story, but at the same time, it depends on what one wants from a story. For this series, I appreciated that they slowed down the pace and included the more mundane moments that may not be absolutely necessary but provides either insight into character or insight into the world. I also agree that the Mon Mothma scenes were quite remote from the Cassian story. Though it seemed like the series was also telling the story of the Rebellion and the different facets of it. Mothma's angle provided another "in" to the Luthen character, and how one event had cascading effects on other aspects of society and government. I think if the show was solely Cassian centric, it would have been more of an average reluctant hero plot whereas this show zoomed out and to me, that made it stand out.
  18. I'm so glad you mentioned "Andor", which prompted me to watch it over the last week. I too wish "Once" had the type of pacing that "Andor" did. I felt like I actually saw everyday life, and how the world worked, whether it was the politics or the bureaucracy, or the resistance. Versus "Once" where the setting was just a pretty background, a job was a title and characters might as well have frozen in time when they weren't onscreen. As a reluctant hero, I think Emma and Cassian were equally tough but rootable with core humanity.
  19. I was wary of Cassian walking into a trap, but this finale was plotted well. Everything came to a head, but it was interesting to watch how things unraveled, mainly, once again, due to the citizens resisting quietly by refusing to follow the rules with the funeral. The scene with the marching was sad, hopeful and tense at the same time. Maarva's offscreen death was made up for by her inspirational speech, which was well written and kickstarted the climax. I just wish Cassian got to hear some of it. I must say it was satisfying to see Dedre getting trampled. Too bad Karn didn't get knocked down as well. When Vel said she knew Sinta had to do what she needed to do, for a moment, I thought Sinta killed Maarva to get Cassian to come back. I sure hope not. I was surprised but glad Cassian successfully saved Bix. I guess they planned to meet up at the junkyard to fly out? But they had no idea there was going to be a riot, no? They probably would have arrested Brasso for Maarva's inflammatory speech. Overall, I thought this was a very well-made series. The dialogue was strong and they spent time to develop the characters' daily lives and the world. I can see where some would be impatient for the exciting action stuff, but I'm glad they have chosen to show the characters living, rather than just jumping from one battle directly to the next. I think I might end up rewatching "Rogue One" again in the long wait for Season 2. In some ways, it was really nice not to know exactly what was going to happen, and who was a cameo and who wasn't. But this season has made me curious about where everyone winds up (even though I've watched "Rogue One" before, I literally remember nothing except the ending).
  20. Cassian getting back to that vacation spot was too easy. I expected at least an episode or even a 3 episode arc getting back. I hope we see Cassian's fellow inmate again, and I was glad he wasn't killed off for kicks. Who does he think he can tell about the prison? We didn't even find out where he came from. Luthen has been slipping lately, but that escape was very cool. If Bix ID'd the wrong guy as Axis, then that could buy Luthen some time. I hope she gets rescued, since we need a bit of hope on this show. I also hope Cassian's big friend doesn't get hurt. Now, Karn is stealing from Mommy Dearest. He deserves to be shackled at the kitchen table eating his blue cereal until he chokes. I too liked Vel's scene with Mon. Hopefully, Vel won't be trigger happy with Cassian despite Luthen's orders. I too was surprised Maarva died offscreen. I would have liked to see her character for a lot longer, but I'm glad she wasn't tortured by Dedre. And I really hope Cassian doesn't go to the funeral, but surely, that is going to be the big climax.
  21. That escape was a good climax to the arc. It was great to see the prisoners helping one another, and of course it's always great to see Cassian being smart. I'll have to add to all the comments about Andy Serkis' performance being excellent. I really thought they were all going to be stuck at the top with no transport (as the cliffhanger). I didn't expect they could survive that jump into the water, but I hope lots of them manage to swim that long distance, though we only saw Cassian with one other guy at the end. I was hoping Sinta would notice that guy who was watching Maarva's house. Glad the neighbors are helping her out since Cassian and Bix can't. So Luthen does have someone on the inside. I don't really remember Lanni from previous episodes. He really didn't stand out to me. Mon's friend should never have suggested meeting that smarmy guy. Plus now he knows that Mon needs money on the down-low. I'm sad there are only 2 more episodes left. I've been burning through this season pretty quickly, with an episode (or sometimes two) each night this past week.
  22. I hate torture scenes, so the first part of this episode was a bit rough. I mainly see Dedre as a psychopath with no compassion or morals. I hope she gets her comeuppance sooner rather than later, along with Karn. I'm not sure why, but I don't find her as unbearable as the antagonist in Obi-Wan. I'm worried for Cassian's adoptive mother. Hopefully Sinta can see that her house is being watched, and surely she has heard about Bix's capture as well and I hope she sent word to Luthen. Bix knows what he looks like, so maybe he would be motivated to extract her. Seeing Vel with Mon was fun. I don't think getting money from a "thug" is a good idea but I guess she doesn't have much choice. I think this episode was better than the last because there was more hope and Cassian was more active. He was supportive to his fellow tablemates and he has begun actions towards his escape. The floor manager finally realizing the truth was effectively done. It's still a bit frustrating with the Empire (thanks to Dedre) clearly starting to get an upper-hand, now with foreknowledge about Luthen's plans for the power plant. I'm assuming that job will round out the end of the season.
  23. This episode was still interesting, but a bit too depressing to be enjoyable, with the forced labour camp and the torture of Bix' friend. On the bright side, it didn't entice me to watch another one right away, which is usually too tempting! Dedra's ugliness is showing. It was predictable that she would speak to Karn, who will no doubt join the quest to hunt down Cassian in the future. What Luthen needs is a spy in the security division. He thinks the danger comes from Cassian but he's the one who was careless. I still don't get why they left the box sitting out in the middle of nowhere when Luthen knew people were coming after them. I liked how Cassian was observing the prison and where everything was on his way in. I was a little surprised he was so shell shocked later once he entered the factory floor. Hopefully he will be able to help out some of his fellow tablemates. I liked that guy who was telling him the truth that they will never get out.
  24. Agreed. It was also another clumsy attempt to draw another parallel - Queen Mary being jealous of Alexandria hit close to home especially with the apparent jealousy Elizabeth felt with Penny. I'm also a little uncomfortable that this plot uses a made-up secret to explain what the public saw. Technically, a viewer could now explain any real photos of the Queen with Penny as following through on this secret demand from Philip. They also exaggerated the differences between the Elizabeth and Philip. Elizabeth "doesn't read" like Penny does. Maybe because she is spending so much time reading all the government briefs she receives? I can also see Philip being more interested in reading about scientific topics than Elizabeth. It reminded me of the episode where Charles was opining that Diana had no interest in Shakespeare.
  25. I appreciate that this show is willing to have a slower pace to explore the characters and the world. I feel like I'm seeing an untold story and not watching the same old same old. There were some standout scenes in this one as well. The one between Cassian and his adoptive mother was well written. Cassian does seem to have reverted, but I'm hoping his mind is in turmoil and he is internally trying to convince himself that running away is best. It was also interesting what Bix said, that people blame Cassian for bringing direct Imperial rule to their planet. Versus hailing him as a hero. There was also complexity with the revolution shown by the conversation between Mon and Luthen, the latter much more cold and focused on the ends regardless of the consequences. It looks like his "assistant" was of the same mind. I hardly recognized Vel, and I hope she won't try to kill Cassian. It would be quite interesting if she finds him in jail and now she has a captive audience. Mon talking to her old schoolmate at the party was risky, even if they were smiling the whole time. Karn was staunchly defending what he did, so I doubt he had a change of heart and I don't feel badly for him at all. That demanding boss who is harsh on everyone is entertaining to watch, and surprisingly, so is the office politics. Both Karn and Dedra are arrogant and rather rude to underlings, so that's a similarity between them. She is very capable but I can't root for her given she is cracking the rebel's methods. I think her boss was praising her for her sector's high incarceration rate a few episodes ago?
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