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Everything posted by TomGirl

  1. Henceforth, the perfect nickname for Matt.
  2. And ... this sets the stage for the best recap of this season yet, courtesy of rainsong. (I request @Rainsong also continue with recaps of the commercials.) I totally agree, best recap ever. “It’s GOLD, rainsong, GOLD!”
  3. Lol this sounds like a line from Adam Sandler’s Chanukah song. 🤣🤣 JP Rosenbaum wore a yarmulke Not just at his wedding but on all eight nights of Chanukah
  4. My father (born in the U.S.) did a medical residency at the Mayo Clinic in 1940s. He was the first Jewish resident that Mayo had ever accepted, his credentials being so impressive that they almost had no choice but to accept him. Antisemitism was rife in that era, and my dad certainly felt it, and felt immense pressure to excel, not just for himself but on behalf of all Jewish people.
  5. Chelsea strutted out of there like a model owning the runway. What a beautiful woman!
  6. So, I have a question: I do NOT want to be spoiled, but can someone tell if this season HAS been spoiled (by RS or otherwise)?
  7. We haven’t heard from RAINSONG in awhile. Do you think he might have joined the Witness Protection Program???
  8. Hey, sign her up, too! She can be the Clare Crawley of the senior season!
  9. Mine is my own actual photo too! This made me absolutely guffaw! 😂😂😂
  10. Good for you, Starlight! Keep us posted!
  11. And you have to be able to be vunnerable.
  12. Hilarious! We’ll have to hold auditions. Any woman who cannot use the word “like” at least 17 times per sentence may not participate!
  13. I nominate RainSong for bachelor. Then all the old women on this site (I include myself!) can slug it out for him. There wouldn’t be much drama in the house, but there would be hilarity and good snarky times!
  14. I didn’t like Kit at all in the beginning, but she has really grown on me. At 21, she seems more mature than many of the older women.
  15. Nemo’s elimination was telegraphed from the get-go, so no surprise there. Personally, I thought Bella’s cookie was the ugliest, but she certainly aimed high and took more risks than anyone else and has a better overall track record than Nemo. I think the final four are the right picks.
  16. Let’s not get into this again! Clearly, mileage varies on this term.
  17. Congrats to Duff! https://people.com/parents/duff-goldman-welcomes-first-child/
  18. OMG, I could LITERALLY laugh myself to death!
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