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Everything posted by TomGirl

  1. I knew Greyson was in trouble right from the get-go when she asked another kid, “One cup of butter is four ounces, right?” Because no, one cup of butter is eight ounces. I was surprised Duff and Valerie didn’t ask her outright how much butter she used.
  2. Janice Dickinson - ay yi yi! Looks like Caitlyn Jenner’s evil twin.
  3. Well, there was a St. Paul. But you’d probably never see him on The Bachelor.
  4. Love her or hate her, Peters mother was a real beauty in her day.
  5. One of the women (McKenna?) looks just like Colton’s pick, Cassie, to me.
  6. I agree that there are many beautiful women in this group, and Hannah Ann is near the top of the list. But my pick for most beautiful is little Lauren.
  7. Melissa’s bakery: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/quailandcondor/quail-and-condor-bakery
  8. I thought that intimation was pretty clear from the next episode preview.
  9. I just knew Reznick was gonna flash Charlie. That look on his face as they wheeled him out for surgery was adorable.
  10. Shucks. https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/07/entertainment/bh90210-canceled/index.html
  11. Can ANYONE hazard a guess as to what that ending was all about???
  12. My favorite line of the whole episode.
  13. https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2019/10/i-am-jazz-ending-season-6-shortest-season-yet-amid-jennings-harvard-deferral/
  14. Another slant: https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2019/10/jazz-jennings-deferred-harvard-due-to-mental-health-issues/
  15. Did anyone else think that Logan was going to decide at the last moment to announce Shiv as his successor after all?
  16. I love Greg(ory) and I think the actor playing him is knocking it out of the park!
  17. I have never thought Dean was attractive, but tonight I thought he looked positively ugly.
  18. I guess I’m just a romantic dork, but I LOVE Demi and Kristian, and I’m glad BIP showed us a happy, loving same-sex couple. Whether they last a lifetime or not is beside the point for me.
  19. “We’re listening.” Shades of Frasier Crane!
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