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Everything posted by TomGirl

  1. I thought Alexa was the most attractive woman of the group. And also some tiny little thing who, I think, left the first night, can’t remember name. ETA name - Lauren
  2. I can’t decide whether I like the seniors idea or not. As others have mentioned, I’d hate to see what the editing monkeys could do to these poor people. And I DEFINITELY don’t want to see Seniors in Paradise!
  3. Reggie would definitely have been my secret crush in junior high! I wonder if he has any idea how adorable he is?
  4. It’s too bad JoJo can’t see how truly beautiful she is!
  5. That was SO phony and obviously staged. Binge eaters go to great lengths to hide their eating behavior. Trust me, I know all about it!
  6. I think the whole drag show idea is kind of silly, but OMG, Grandpa Jack in that wig! Bless his heart!
  7. I may be the only one with this opinion, but I’m not so sure he did sleep with anyone else. He confesses that he “was intimate” in the FS, but that could mean any number of things, all stopping short of the final deed. And if he did stop short, Madison might be willing to let it go.
  8. He’s Jewish, probably Russian or Eastern European.
  9. I hear Rosanne’s voice, with that funny baby talk voice she always used with little Ed and Jerry,
  10. This whole topic is giving me major deja vu! When I was in high school (a million years ago) I applied to both Cornell and Harvard. Everyone - my parents, teachers, friends - said, “Well, if you get into Harvard, of course you’ll go there, right?” I was accepted at both schools, went to visit each one, and knew immediately that I wanted to go to Cornell. But how could I? What would everyone think? How could I say no to the name, the prestige, of HARVARD?? Fortunately, I had a wonderful teacher who advised me to follow my heart and my gut, and not worry about what anyone else thought. I went to Cornell and never had a moment’s regret. Go Big Red!
  11. Ah, now it makes a lot more sense. Thanks for the info!
  12. Agreed, but at least Jackie was acknowledging that she regrets having felt that way. I had a mother like that, and the insecurity never goes away...
  13. Huh? Did you mean denomination? Or maybe you really DID mean delusion?
  14. That’s one of the greatest typos of all time!
  15. Oh, Rainsong, you never disappoint!
  16. Peter seems to be driven primarily not by who he likes, but who likes him. He seems absolutely terrified that his final pick will reject him. As soon as any of the women seem the slightest bit hesitant, undecided, or simply appropriately reserved, he immediately goes all deer-in-the-headlights. He wants every woman to virtually promise to accept him in the end, even though he, of course, makes no such promises. He seems very immature to me.
  17. I believe Natasha is still there.
  18. Me too. And I think Anthony is adorable. And Graysen. And I love Reggie. And Liam. I could go on...
  19. https://people.com/tv/jazz-jennings-doctors-say-she-had-a-difficult-surgical-course-with-a-severe-complication/
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