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Sofa Sloth

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Everything posted by Sofa Sloth

  1. Interesting! I’d always figured that’s how it went down and she was in her trailer with her 3 mouths to feed, trying to figure out a way to get a mansion and along comes a convenient meal ticket, but cool to get confirmation. Is that CJ’s blog you saw this?
  2. Unwoke COL Releasing into my sofa & with my words today. I’ve been feeling very called to calling out pretentious bullcrap recently and something very true came out that I would like to share with you. ~ ~ to read her shitty poetry hurts my soul cause I am a real COL and those two truths can be truths at the same time. ~ to heal yourself is to heal the world. She would believe this most self-absorbed statement ever written, with her whole being. Idiot.
  3. Um yeah Meri, sure you know more successful people then you in the pyramid who aren’t on TV... only because they are the 1% -ers who created the pyramid and signed you up. This angers me beyond belief. She’s so arrogant and ignorant at the same time. The answer is unequivocally ‘No I wouldn’t.’ Not ‘passably yes but I guess we’ll never know. I’m a hard worker and SUPER ambitious’. 🙄 Meri has a huge following of sycophants, ongoing minor fame and had enough money to easy afford the sign up. Of course her MLM success is because she’s on TV. There are many hard workers who are super ambitious Meri, that your example will undoubtably influence to sign up for this scheme. They will sign up as sellers with the same gusto and intense passion you have Meri, but they will quickly isolate their family and friends with their sales pitches and burn out with exhaustion trying to sell the god-awful inventory no one in their circle wants, that they spent 6 grand on purchasing when they couldn’t afford it, but were desperate and vulnerable and saw you Meri - promoting it as the easy way to live the dream. They are destined to fail as that’s how MLM works. Only 1-2% who already have money and a huge network at their disposal, who get in early, will profit from this. The remaining 98% will lose money and will be told it’s their own fault as they ‘weren’t ambitious enough or didn’t work hard enough’ (exactly like Meri insinuates here in her comment) by their upline when in reality it has ZILCH to do with it. Fuck you Meri and your privilege. You are the worst kind of scammer using your celebrity to make money off fans and then playing dumb.
  4. And another thing... Fingers crossed there was a fire extinguisher nearby, given the great deal of hazards in the form of highly flammable material and hairspray present at Meri’s recent recruitment session.
  5. Who is she trying to convince here with all the ‘I am enough’ affirmations? Seeming as her husband took on three other wives after marrying her, (then divorcing her), then there’s her having just a single child, in a religion where the mass-production of children is highly valued, watching as her sister wives pop out spawn of Kody on a yearly basis...I think it’s safe to say, she’s never felt ‘enough’ or ‘worthy’. It’s actually painful to witness the desperation hidden in these posts of her trying to bolster her own self esteem and convince herself. I hope she’s seeks some actual therapy away from the TV show and realises that true confidence and self-love reflects from within by demeanour and actions, not from sad little, cliched, inspirational platitudes posted on social media.
  6. I know! Credit where it’s due, I actually think she looks nice here as well. Not perfect, (because as you said ‘those roots!), but much improved nonetheless. Her hair is so much more flattering and slimming up and off her face. It drags her down when it’s out, She obviously wears it out to please Tony (remember they fought on her their wedding day when Tony wanted her to wear it down as he likes it down and Mykelti and Robyn wanted it up? naturally groomzilla got his way 🙄) I’m not even mad at the stupid short poncho as at least it’s nicely coordinated with the outfit and not a hideous color or pattern. (@LoneWolf thanks for sharing your story and thanks for being here and joining in with us 🙂)
  7. To be fair her ‘businesses’ are just MLM. Neither Lulahellno or Crap Street nails care what she posts, as long as she keeps buying their products. She’s never made it to the lofty heights of D grade influencer status like Mariah so there’s no legitimate companies to offend here.
  8. Hey my COL’s! I think she’s talking to us again, a response on our opinions of her over-filtering/FaceTuned pictures perhaps? 😊
  9. Comments from the family on her post - How is it that Janelle loves the ‘shock value’ about her? This is coming from the same woman who leaves a table to sit in the car during dinner with guests just because PMS and ‘woman’s biology’ is being discussed? Sure Jan. I guess she just has to comment something, since the PR talk forced them to all awkwardly interact on social media 😉
  10. Right?! I seem to recall her saying once (maybe on the Meri therapy, thanksgiving craft episode), that she disengages from all planning of family activities as she ‘doesn’t do details and can’t be bothered spending time on all the small stuff’ yep, sure, sounds just like a perfectionist to me 🙄
  11. That shirt is awful. Why am I not surprised she thinks it’s awesome, she has literally zero taste or class (note Mariah the correct usage here of ‘literally’) Good luck to her if she thinks it will be an ‘instant’ process to be inseminated when they start trying. Tony’s so fat he can probably barely see it. Many couples struggle with fertility and it’s not always as easy as she obviously thinks it is sometimes, especially if there’s excess weight involved.
  12. Wowsers! Thanks for the recognition! there’s amazing candidates here in this award catergory for Brown snark, so it’s such an honour! I’d just like to thank Mariah and all the Browns for being the hopeless, grifting, unlikeable, liars that lie that they are. This has made it so easy to release my venom on them. Thank you again!
  13. Most normal folx wouldn’t get it, because most folx aren't narcissistic and self-absorbed to the extent that they think other people care about their mundane activities or body functions. Most normal people also don’t post constant pictures of themselves looking like a unwashed, hairy, hot mess and expect them to be well received. She has zero humility or ability to understand, that she isn’t the gift to the world she perceives herself to be. All women of a certain age get periods and most don’t have the luxury of checking out and sleeping in for a day, (nor would they think to post about it on social media). They also don’t need to be given advice by a 23 year old in a privileged position who’s barely lived. She really is something else... Also this (now deleted of course) comment is gold! 😂
  14. Guess it’s kind of fitting that her bum’s on backwards here, as so are her words - ‘Run, Run, Run’. Run spelt backwards is Nur and this picture, of Lord Voldemort with her front bum on display is a Nur Nur Nur from me. 🙅🏼‍♀️
  15. Behold the Irma! A shapeless, sloppy T-shirt of unflattering length, in thin flimsy fabric, guaranteed to come in a hideous, seizure-inducing pattern, and perfect if you want to proudly show off every lump and bump and make yourself look like a box! It’s stunningk isn’t it? #boxbabe
  16. I don’t believe she’d need a student loan. In 2017, you needed to have at least four consecutive months of sales above $12,000 to attend the top of the pyramid Lulahellno cruise. Meri’s gone 2018 & this year. Assuming Meri hits that $12,000-per-month target every month, that means she’s clearing minimum $144,000 annually (then there’s the sales of her downline which she takes a portion of and bonuses for being a ‘trainer)’. Let’s not forget that Audrey was also on this cruise in March this year, meaning her and Mariah are also making bank selling to the sycophants. Meri also has the B&B and gets a 5th of whatever TLC pay per season (along with family green goo LIV MLM sales). This was explained on the show once - they have a family pot share and then split the rest equally between the 4 wives. So just her alone with all that income, I’d say she’s ok. I guarantee she’s going to help out her only daughter with it. On the show they paid for Westminster college with a set amount allocated out of the family pot for each child and then Meri paid for the rest out of her own budget. Mariah was supposedly expected to get a job & scholarships to fund the rest. It was rumoured at the time Westminster comped her tuition for publicity on the tv show, however that rumour was swiftly shut down when it was raised (as obviously that would be illegal...) Influencers can make decent money per post and Mariah’s done a few this year (including Radiant water, Naked, Go Daddy, imperfect produce and more), then there’s things like the OK magazine cover for her engagement which would have been tidy lump sum and the upcoming season of the show which she’ll feature heavily in and have her own contract for, as an adult. I guess my longwinded point is, I think Meri (and Mariah and Audrey) are probably doing ok (and I believe much better than the other Browns financially). While it’s possible she has a student loan, my thoughts are that she probably doesn’t need one.
  17. I would guess no as Kody was vehemently opposed to them. I’m guessing as even if you go bankrupt, they don’t get written off and you still have to pay them back out of your taxes until you die ( that’s how it is where I’m from anyway). I think Meri is predominately funding her lifestyle probably, combined with Lulahellno, paid Instagram endorsements like Radiant water and whatever she gets from TLC appearances and now her part time weekend job at Lululemon.
  18. She does have plenty of those usually, But I was pleased to see on her latest post only 7 comments (none of them super gushing) and one of them was this:- So far it’s still unanswered (and I’m sure it will stay unanswered). But I want to see more people call her out like this. She’s solely famous for a TV show that promotes a lifestyle that degrades and lessens the worth of women, yet she supposedly promotes equality and feminism. I want to know why she never gives insight on how she was raised and her personal views on polygamy. It seems contradictory to me to not acknowledge the struggles in her own backyard, when she’s trying to ‘make necessary change in the world’ 🤷🏼‍♀️ Also here’s another non-smoozer to warm your heart @Kohola3 from the taco post
  19. That questionnaire has to be a joke! 😆 Is she seriously conducting market research on herself and who people want her to be? What a damn sell-out! Just be yourself and if you’re not interesting enough to hold a captive audience on your own steam, then exit gracefully out of the public eye you moron. I can’t wait to see the answers that this forum gives her.
  20. Yes this! We do live in a judgemental society, but I respect those who are strong and authentic enough to be honest about what they’ve changed or want to change. Perhaps my opinion is influenced the industry I’m in, but if you want to improve your outward appearance then there’s plenty of ways to do that and NO shame in it. It’s ok to alter yourself to improve the way you look, if it makes YOU feel better about yourself. You don’t have to scream it from the rooftops either, but people ARE going to notice if you’re aging like Benjamin Button and in the public eye. But then there’s Meri sitting on her high horse, hypocritically saying she’s perfectly happy with the way she is and wouldn’t change a thing, when she clearly either gets injectables, or massively alters her photographs to appear younger or more attractive - that’s disingenuous. That all said, I do also respect the fact, that what one person notices about a person, isn’t necessarily what bothers that person. In the case of the infamous brown tooth, that isn’t Meri’s priority but trying to look younger and more attractive (than her sister wives) is; probably as Kody married her tooth and all, and she’s comfortable and secure with it, however she’s aging and still competing publicly with 3 other women in a marriage, one of whom is 10 years younger than her.
  21. I know right? I would expect to see that on a job resume maybe, but unless she’s wanting to be hired by somebody, why is she waffling about herself like that? Nobody gives a damn.
  22. Good spotting there! Personally I would take that as a confirmation she does it. She’s been filtering pictures forever on Instagram, but she’s obviously become more and more Joan Rivers/ joker-like as of late, resembling the revered cult leader Deanne. Considering Deanne and Lulahellno encouraged its cult members to have gastric bypass to sell their rags, it’s likely they recommend injectables to sellers as well.
  23. Yeah highly likely. I still find it hypocritical to alter your pictures to that degree to make yourself look better, but then clap back at the public saying you love yourself exactly the way you are in your natural state. Clearly not then.
  24. I find it hard to believe she’s had fillers when she won’t fix her tooth and preaches about loving herself the way she is. She’s always had volume in her cheeks as per old photo here - If she has had fillers, it’s not her cheeks where she needs extra volume anyway, it’s her tear troughs, nasolabial fold and lips. She should probably find a new injector if they put it in her cheeks instead of those places as it would be a complete waste of money and product. That said, if she’s getting any injectables I believe it would be Botox (either that or she is just way over using facetune on pictures). Her forehead is flat-screen smooth, her eyebrows over arched, crows feet diminished and the furrow between her resting brows has completely disappeared of late. I will be interested to see her in the next season to confirm, as she can’t filter herself on tv. No judgement obviously if she is getting injectables either though (I do it for a living and I’m all for it!) I just find it amusing that she claims so hard, to have so much love for herself just as she is and won’t alter herself...
  25. ‘So I am enjoying this season of ‘in flux’ while I’m here and working on slowing down to take it all in.’ What is she working on slowing down from exactly? Welcome to the real world snowflake! This is life. Most young adults also work and study, and most barely get time to humble brag post on social media about how busy they are, while sitting eating leisurely lunches in cafes (calling it a working lunch? 🙄). Hell, some even do it with actual disabilities and without Mom’s income, while also juggling children. She’s a joke. ‘A lot is happening in my brain and I’m excited to let it out into this world’. Thanks, but on behalf of the world -hard pass. You can keep all that woke, philosophical, self-absorbed and sanctimonious waffle in that vast empty space, no one cares.
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