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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Yes, I think revealing everyone will allow for more backstage scenes and different types of challenges. Now that the cast is so much smaller, they do need to add more content. Poppy came out of the gate so strong and has a lot of talent. Poppy's credentials as a celebrity are also impressive. However, I would love for her to feminize her mannerisms and movements more. I think this is an area to work on for the complete package.
  2. I wish he would take an endless drive to nowhere.
  3. I'm so glad Sandy is aware that Natalya is doing all of her work and then some. Kyle and Tash need to get their acts together. They are both way too distracted by their "love lives" and aren't focusing on their jobs. Kyle can't even be bothered to be upbeat around the guests, which was literally the only thing he had going for him as a stew. Tash is unorganized and is playing favorites. She was not scheduled for the late shift, yet stayed up with Kyle to "help out," though neither one thought about cleaning and organizing in between drink orders. Their friendship does remind me a bit of Kate and Josiah on OG Below Deck, except both Kate and Josiah were competent and could do their jobs.
  4. I was hoping that I would never again see Angela on my tv screen, but well, that didn't work out, so... My opinion is that she is making up all this stuff about Michael so she can feel okay about talking to her geriatric stripper. Michael was not allowed to be on the same boat as other women, let alone look at them or talk to them, but it is just fine for Angela to begin a relationship with TikTok Granddaddy after marrying Michael??? I believe Angela thinks she's all that and a bag of chips since her surgeries and has come across a man who appeals to her more than far away Michael. Angela's "love interest" probably has an interest in being on tv and will go along with the storyline for the time being. OH, and the flirting Angela was doing?? 🤮
  5. If there was an award given for gaslighting, Kody and Robyn would tie for the win. They are rewriting history that has been captured on film for years. They are both so smug and self righteous, yet outright lying! I pray that karma is going to come for them and we will all get to witness it.
  6. Yes, I believe Cake Week is always the first episode of the new season. All the contestants know by now that they have to have a well rounded knowledge of the different bakes/recipes. Will definitely got flustered and I was confused why he wouldn't have mastered his Italian buttercream in practice bakes. On Extra Slice, he said that the cold temperature in the tent kept the butter from blending in. He said he was prepared to deal with extremely hot temperatures that he has seen in previous episodes.
  7. What a joy to have this program back! I had some good laughs at the puns in the opening scene. I'm always amazed they can get Paul and Prue to participate in these crazy skits. But, loved Paul as "Dark Baker." Good luck to Will; he seemed like a lovely man. On An Extra Slice he said that he enjoys baking bread, pastries and desserts, but didn't do a lot of cake baking. I agree with others that a non elimination first episode would be ideal. Congrats to our Star Caker-- I loved that phone call home!
  8. I loved your entire comment, but I wanted to say something about how Kody cares only for himself. As poorly as he treats his nonRobyn wives, he also has shown complete lack of caring for his nonRobyn children. This, in my eyes, shows what a narcissist he is. All along, his family has been an outward display of how special he is. I think in the past, he would have fought harder for Christine to stay to prevent the illusion of his polygamy paradise from shattering, but at this point, he won't be bothered to even paint a picture. He just wants Robyn... and the TLC money.
  9. I thought I saw Garcelle and Sheree in the van as they pulled away. I'm sure Garcelle wasn't there to witness the blow up, because I've read info stating that.
  10. Yes! if I had a professional makeup artist applying my makeup on the daily, I would probably learn a lot of techniques and be even better at applying it than a typical teenager.
  11. Have a great week, everyone! Try to stay one step ahead of the law! 😉
  12. This scene in the soda shop reminds me of the kids getting together at the Peach Pit for homework and malts...
  13. I was about to comment on the same thing! Cue the sappy tearjerker music...
  14. Bathrooms serve all kind of purposes on LAL: inpromptu phone both, wedding changing room, pregnancy tests...
  15. With Eric, I would get a matching studded jacket and backpack. With Kevin, I would get to wear animal skins. Definitely not PC.
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