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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. I literally said this aloud when he was complaining about not being respected. And, he has not respected at least 3 of his wives and has not earned the respect of his neglected children. I love what you said about how he is ignoring the common denominator. Bravo!
  2. Maybe we need a drinking game for the reunion. I'll start us off with a couple of ideas: * Drink every time Rinna says "Own it." * Take a shot every time Erika snarls. * Sip your drink every time Diana licks her lips (small sip, don't want anyone to pass out and miss the rest of the show!) * Drink some water each time Kyle cries (we need to stay hydrated)
  3. I'm sure Rinna and others will use the excuse that they are just playing a part for drama and ratings (and to keep their diamonds), but their actions have real world consequences. There may be some producer shenanigans and scripted events, but this is largely a reality show where people are affected by what others do and say. One example is Erika's verbal abuse of Garcelle's son Jax and then the online vitriol he went through. Rinna and gang continue to bring others down, letting the chips fall where they may and, in my opinion, it doesn't feel like entertainment anymore.
  4. Which means the FF5, Kyle included, were once again successful in targeting someone and bringing them down. They tried a bit with Garcelle last year (she's a bully???) and with Sutton this season. Thank goodness those two had each others' back (though Garcelle got heat for being Sutton's "bodyguard"- something Rinna doesn't get accused of with all her Erika defenses). I'm really tired of the repeated ganging up on fan favorites by mean girls who derive pleasure from others' pain.
  5. This is exactly right! And, last week Erika even said herself that if Kathy apologizes sincerely they can all move on. Really??? This is advice Erika should have taken herself- she would have done herself a world of good by producing any amount of compassion for Tom's victims. Also, Erika needs to get a new "publicist" (there are lots of online rumors about this guy). He has done her no favors if he has been handling her press/social media this past year. His specialty is supposedly cleaning up public images after scandals, etc, yet Erika's trajectory is the the bottom of the ocean. She couldn't have handled herself worse if she tried. That's okay with me, though, because we get to see her for the vile creature she is.
  6. Yes, but this is coming from Meredith, who I believe is not exactly a whiz in the kitchen. She forgot to put the top on her blender when trying to make a smoothie!
  7. This was my assumption-- Paul was just craving a taco!! 😂
  8. I enjoyed this episode, though I would have rather seen only 1 baker leave the tent this week. I wish James would have stayed to bake again. I have a different view of the pronunciations (and yes, I am a Spanish speaker). I don't think it is reasonable to think that people should be able to pronounce names of food/dishes perfectly in other languages. Spanish has a very standard pronunciation for the letters, but even still, one has to know what part of the word to accent. Other languages are much more difficult, such as Vietnamese, for example (it's tonal, so inflection is important.) I know I would make a lot of mistakes trying to pronounce a Vietnamese menu. As long as I was respectful in my attempts, it really should not matter. The bottom line is that some people are familiar with different languages, but very few would be able to tackle a wide variety of languages and do it correctly.
  9. Well, Bunkies, I need to tidy up my garage apartment, dust off the stack of a/c's. I'll catch you all next week for the finale!
  10. She definitely needs to get some information and change her lifestyle, no matter what. Liver enzymes can be high without long term issues, if dealt with.
  11. At least she's not actively vaping while pregnant like some of these idiots.
  12. Well, at least we can be relieved Branwin is not pregnant. Of course, sex is necessary for that to happen.
  13. We all know Britt and Marc have a fake storyline, but how is this all going to resolve? Marc was taking sex lessons from a pro to surprise Britt for her birthday?
  14. Tayler finally seems to be on to Chance. I hope she comes to her senses before marrying him. I was questioning this, as well.
  15. Hi Bunkies, It's time to get our snark on! I come here every Friday to watch these idiots make terrible decisions, so I can feel better about my life.😉
  16. And, Lisa offered nothing in the way of reasons for college, except that she also went to college. If he wants to be successful at business, earning a degree in business, marketing, etc would be a start.
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