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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Granny's got 7 tattoos?? I wonder if she has a tramp stamp?
  2. I'm just glad these episodes are only 1 hour. I hope they keep this schedule when OG LAL comes back.
  3. I agree with Emily's friend that she is all talk. She hasn't even met Dauri!
  4. Hi Bunkies! I'm back for another hour of snarking with my besties. I've been practicing "F-U" in sign language so I'll be able to sign a greeting to Mike as he miraculously recovers from a mini stroke.
  5. I know! This was literally the only part of the episode I watched twice, actually pausing the video to get a better look. I really can't figure it out. (I spent far too much mental energy wondering where their food is kept, if they eat at home, etc. 😂)
  6. I agree, I love Tumi. If it is her, I hope she is the chief stew- very deserved!
  7. I agree about the boat. In an attempt to make it modern looking, it ended up looking cheap and boring. I understand that many people are tired of the dated look of many of the yachts, with their ostentatious wood and decor, but this wasn't an improvement. I think the yacht industry needs to hire some top notch designers to bring a fresh, yet luxury, look to their new boats. I agree with you...Kyle is not the breakout star Bravo seems to think he is. Unless he comes back under a super strict chief stew who will hold him accountable and make his life miserable, I'm not interested. Edit: Posted in SM thread.
  8. In my opinion, the reason Robyn kept asking about their future relationships was because she wants to reinforce her narrative that Christine is unkind to her. Robyn continues to try to paint a picture of herself as a victim to get viewers on her side, as well as to manipulate Kody. Kody was attempting to hold it together until he perceived Robyn being disregarded and hurt by Christine again (his view) and then completely lost it.
  9. If you want a great chuckle, listen to Watch What Crappens podcast recaps of Below Deck Med. They are so funny when they recap the Sandy/Norma conversations. I literally laugh out loud at some of the stuff they come up with!
  10. I feel so disappointed to have lost Maxy last week and Janusz this week. I truly had them pegged to be in the finale. They did an amazing job with so many of their early bakes, but seemed to level off lately. Abdul didn't get much airtime, but he has been consistently improving during the competition. Syabira is killing it- she has a delightful personality and I love watching her bake. I think it is hers to win or lose.
  11. I know Whitney can be annoying and trying too hard to come across as wild and rebellious, but I don't understand why viewers aren't being more sympathetic with her regarding her trauma. We already know from previous seasons that she has dealt with at least one toxic family relationship. She's now discovering more about her past and wants to share her attempts at healing. I had a repressed memory of a one time (I think) sexual abuse by a teenaged neighbor when I was under 6 years old. The memory flooded back to me during my first intimate experience as an adult. So many people discredit repressed memories, and maybe rightly so, but they do happen. My memory took me right back to that day, place and event.
  12. I think he had also previously called Jen to confess and apologize.
  13. I was going to comment on that, too. I enjoyed the humor of him walking around the yard, calling out for Syabira to acknowledge that he is staying away. I wonder, particularly this week, how many bakers thought, "Lock the tent!" 😉
  14. The Pure Wow Food blog had an article about the difference between a spring roll and an egg roll. I enjoyed this paragraph: The key difference between egg rolls and spring rolls is that the former is a Chinese-American invention and the latter is a vast and varied group of dim sum dishes originating in Asia. Aside from that, egg rolls are made using a wheat wrapper and spring rolls vary by region. This distinction also extends to what ends up going inside: Spring rolls are often lightly stuffed with vegetarian fare, meat or seafood, whereas egg rolls are usually a heartier bite and are most often filled with cabbage. But from our experience, neither one is likely to let you down.
  15. OMG! Can you imagine getting sperm from this bozo? The poor offspring!
  16. What he doesn't know won't hurt him! Congrats on your new fur baby! Drug dealing does pay well...
  17. Ma's son is in prison, but she's on Melissa's case for being late!
  18. The things that run through our minds as avid watchers of this dumpster fire! Thank goodness we all "get" each other here in the forum!
  19. "All things point to 'What the f***'"--- kind of like everything on this show!
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