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Everything posted by Rhondinella

  1. Ok, not completely sure if this is spoiler or just speculation based on the promos (I think it's the latter) but just to be sure I'll put it here. Is Will going to jail to protect Alicia?
  2. The Kings have said in interviews that the latest episode ("Parallel Construction, Bitches") is the first in a three-episode arc in which something shocking will happen. Let's jump to conclusions about what that might be, shall we? I'm guessing the most mundane thing possible, which is that Peter gets indicted again, this time for election fraud, and manages to take Will with him. And maybe Alicia, too, although I'm not sure how. Your thoughts?
  3. I read today that this is the beginning of a three-episode arc in which something (supposedly) shocking happens. So that may be why it felt all set-upy.
  4. Welcome! Have a seat and make yourself comfortable while the serving wench brings you bread, and two of those little fish, a mug of good dark beer to wash it down with. And bacon, burned black.
  5. Excellent thread title. Wish I'd thought of it.
  6. She seems to me like one of the more well-rounded characters on the show. She has nuances, which Carson, among others, sometimes does not.
  7. I just read online that her first name is Beryl. ??? If you say so, I guess.
  8. I think we can all agree she's the best character on the show, no? Despite being involved in the most boring love quadrangle in the history of television.
  9. Harry just dissed Randy Jackson! Awesome! Also loving the contestants mocking each other. That was pretty clever comedy for this show. Heh, and now they just mocked John Travolta's Adele Dazeem moment. Where has this snarky version of the show been all these years? Majesty basically did a high school talent show version of "Let It Go," and the judges seemed like they wanted to criticize it, but each of them ran up to it, then stopped short. I have to wonder if there's some producer manipulation going on there. Cause that was weird, especially with Harry. Caleb may as well have dropped the mic after that performance. I haven't seen anyone school their fellow contestants that thoroughly since the days of Adam Lambert. No, Harry. You did not say this was your "favorite" group of contestants ever, you said they were the "best" group of contestants ever. Nice revisionist history there dude. So, I guess they're setting Malaya up to win? I don't think that will end well.
  10. And one-dimensional character to boot. Discuss.
  11. Seriously, what IS that? I know she's American and lived in Britain for a long time. But . . .it still doesn't sound right.
  12. My favorite character. Still on the fence about the whole rape storyline. I think the actress played it beautifully and it might have been interesting in the right hands. But the way they dragged it out and made Anna act crazy trying to keep it from Bates was completely unrealistic and annoying. I'm not saying I'm sorry Bates pushed the rapist in front of a cab, but I was hoping for slighly more subtlety with a storyline involving one of the more interesting and relatable characters on the show.
  13. What can I say? Umm . . . her wardrobe improved considerably over the last two seasons. Let's pray they don't bring Anthony Strallen back as a suitor. (Oh, who are we kidding, they totally will).
  14. Have disliked him since the end of season 2. Which is too bad because I usually like Brendan Coyle and his characters.
  15. I hated her in S1, started liking her in S2 and 3, then hated her again in S4. So we'll see how it trends for next season, but I'm not terribly optimistic. Without Dan Stevens' Matthew the character has no spark.
  16. I want to be the Dowager Countess when I grow up. That is all.
  17. From the IB Times, a possible spoiler about S 5, which is currently filming: "According to media buzz, Lady Mary, played by Michelle Dockery, has picked her potential suitor on Season 5. Hollywood Life reports that Michelle was spotted passionately kissing a known face, which is likely to surprise the fans of this British period drama. The report revealed the big surprise, saying it is Anthony "Tony" Gillingham, played by Tony Cullen. According to the report, "things got pretty dramatic. Needless to say, Mabel Lane Fox is not happy about these new shots." Also, casting news which has also been reported elsewhere: "In the upcoming season, there is addition of three new characters. These characters are Simon Bricker, played by Richard E. Grant, Lady Anstruther, played by Anna Chancellor, and Kuragin, played by Rade Sherbedgia." There's a decent roundup of news and spoilers about Season 5 (although, really, no serious spoilers, just a lot of talk and speculation) here.
  18. I speculate that this show will continue to recycle the same 5 plot lines until they've explored every possible iteration of them, and then do them all over again at least once. Oh. . . .wait. They've already done that. Then I've got nothin'. But you guys feel free to speculate away. (Use spoiler thread for spoiled speculation)
  19. Talk about non-Dance Mom-y things here. Get to know each other. Defend your continued watching of this show. Describe your childhood dance-related trauma in great detail. Whatever. It all goes here.
  20. Oh, I think you underestimate the number of people who are so desperate for fame and/or winning things that they will undergo as much humiliation as necessary. Without them, entertainment wouldn't exist. So I don't think Abby's studio is in danger.
  21. Yeah, and that advice a few weeks ago from Harry about being either on the front side or the back side of the beat (he called it something else, I can't remember--groove?) is a phenomenon I deal with all the time when leading musicians at my church (yes, I'm one of those). I try to tell them that sometimes it's not about the actual tempo, it's about the energy with which you are executing the tempo, which I think is what Harry was trying to say with that. So that was really nice. Also, just in general--Can anyone see any of the doofuses winning this thing? Normally by this point I've been able to pick out who the front runners are, and often can narrow down the final 3 or so. But this season . . . I got nothin'. I mean, Sam might go far on the young girl vote, but he doesn't seem charismatic enough (or, you know, good enough) to actually win. One of the country guys I suppose might pick up a following (never underestimate the country vote on this show), but having two of them will split the block, I think. Caleb is far and away my favorite, but the judges already seem down on him, so I don't know if he can hack it out to the finale, although I hope so. I also like Ben, but . . . ditto. Who does that leave? Jessica? I guess? I love MJ's voice, but I don't see her lasting more than another week or two. Malaya? Unlikely. Her schtick is already wearing thin. Majesty Rose? Probably the best bet at the moment, although I have no idea why.
  22. For the moment let's have this one thread to discuss any of the upcoming contestants. If one or more of them ends up needing a separate thread, we'll do that later. Up first--This lovely bit about contestant Adam Smith (no, not that one) who is appears to be a homophobe and has been ID'd as the Emory student who committed a hate crime against a gay student in 2010. It will be interesting to see if Tyra uses this as part of his "story" or glosses it over. Although the latter seems unlikely to me given this show's support for LGBT people. Will be interesting. And here's more about Chantelle Young, the contestant with the skin depigmentation condition called "vitiligo." I think it makes her look like a walking piece of art and can't wait to see how she fares. But when your real name is "Winnie Harlow" why on earth would you change it to something as bland as "Chantelle Young"?
  23. I hope the title of this thread is self-explanatory. No come-y here-y if you don't want to be spoiled. This is where you can post spoilery news and spoilery discussion about the upcoming season of Guys vs. Girls. I'll start: Here's one of many places with the names and photos of all the new contestants. Also, the fabulous Miss J will be back on the judging panel this season (hallelujah!) replacing Rob Evans, who probably did something to piss Tyra off. And, of course, you can see the photo shoots and vote on them here, if you so wish. Last season a sneaky smart person on RTVGames, who goes by the handle supmod managed to figure out the elimination order (more or less) by pulling the time/date info off all the photos the WB put up. Apparently they often photographed the eliminated contestants a day earlier than the ones still in the competition. Once this pattern was noticed it was easy to know who was gone. Anyway, he's at it again this season, although the WB seems to have gotten wise to his ways, but he's still working on it through other methods. You can read it all on the RTV Games thread here. And here is his speculated list of photo shoots, their order and dates they took place. The descriptions are not always that helpful, but here they are anyway: 02/14 : EDM Show (Selfie Shoot) 02/17 : Bonfire Party (Black Swimsuit) 02/18 : Living Art (Spray Challenge) 02/20 : B&W Water 02/23 : Twofold Vision (Make Over) 02/27 : Vampire Werewolf (Stilt Challenge) 03/02 : Rocker Hair 03/05 : Frozen Ice 03/08 : Cory Bot (Nylon Challenge) If this is correct it looks like we're getting another stilt challenge. God help us all.
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