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Everything posted by Rhondinella

  1. Unless the show is taking a SERIOUS deviation from the books, that definitely wasn't Rob. It was probably Jon.
  2. Not at all sorry to see her go. Not the worst singer there, but I'm just mean enough to want to see the pretty girls get knocked off first.
  3. Oh my God, JP, stop it with the touching of her face and the pushing of her hair behind her ear! And, OMG, he just touched her eyebrow! That's just creepy. Also love that for the first time in history a girl finally just up and said, "Yeah, this guy's a douche. Laters!" After Andi gave her big speech about how frustrated she was with him saying, 'It's OK" to everything he answered, "That's fine." Hee! Plus, the "my English isn't good" excuse is wearing reeeeal thin. When Nikki showed up for the first part of her date in that very tiny bikini top my best friend sent me a text with literally only one word, all caps: "BOOBS!" Which is why I love her.
  4. Official description from Lifetime: "Chloe and new girl Kalani go head-to-head on the dance floor to determine once and for all who's Abby's go-to girl. Jill's upset when Abby promises a starring role to the winner of an improv dance off, only to revoke it when her daughter Kendall wins. Meanwhile Abby pushes Mackenzie's pop career with a challenging solo." Haven't we "determine[d] once and for all who's Abby's go-to-girl" like 4 times already this season? Also, does Abby ever choreograph a number that doesn't either begin or end with the girl on the floor? Or both? I loved how the moms tried to call Abby on why she would never put Kalani up against Maddie. Nice to see that Christy, at least, has the woman's number.
  5. New mom seems way too calm and sane for this show. Bring back Black Patsy!
  6. The one where it all hit the fan. For real this time.
  7. Yes she's a despicable manipulator. But you've kinda got to admire how really good she is at it. And committed.
  8. Is Cathy crazy or merely insane? Discuss.
  9. This is interesting. Among other things Abby Lee claims that they originally were casting for a "Dance Dads" spinoff, but the producers decided instead to take the best from that group and make them into Cathy's Candy Apples dance troupe. What? You thought any of this was real?
  10. Abby is a monster and the moms be cray cray. Spoiler alert. Also, just saw this, which says that Brooke and Paige are definitely not returning this season. So it won't be one of those things where they'll be back again in two weeks for more abuse. It could go under media, but it was mildly spoiler-y so I put it here.
  11. Harry is a HUGE improvement over past judges. As several have pointed out, he seems to bring out the best in both Keith and JLo, who already have been considerably more substantive in their critiques this season. Let's hope it continues.
  12. So the first episode they are going to China. Or so I read. That's all I know, but I'm sure the whole route has already been uncovered by those who obsess over such things, so feel free to discuss that and other spoilers here.
  13. Well, about half of them have names starting with M this season, so that's not hard. :-)
  14. Can I just say how much I appreciate that the titles of the first two live episodes are "15 Girls Perform" and "15 Boys Perform." I think "Women" and "Men" would have been preferable, but at least it wasn't "Girls" and "Men" or some such. So, does Pharrell send CJ the hats he rejects for not being wide enough? Uh, . . .did JLo just give Emmanuel a second chance to pander to the voters by letting him sing a capella after his (less than impressive) first number was over? Nah, I'm sure that had nothing to do with the fact that he's one of her favorites or anything. Ok, I just heard (and saw) Sam Woolf for the first time, and I might as well tune out the rest of the season. That's your winner right there, folks. The shirt tied around George's waist and hanging down in the back is NOT the best look for the stage. Somewhere Adam Lambert is doing a major face palm. If Sam is the front-runner for winner, Dexter is most likely to be first-runner up. Never underestimate the power of the country music voting block on this show (Carrie, Scotty, etc.)
  15. So. . . . apparently this is the year of the white blonde girls sitting on the bench. Not wrong necessarily, just an interesting choice. Discuss. This was the first episode of the season I tuned in for, and I was thinking it might be OK for me to watch this show again. Then they went and referred to Randy as the "Dawgfather." Testing my patience already. And there are "non-denominational spiritual advisers" this season. I . . .just . . . what?
  16. Here's my next nominee, although they kinda went part of the way down this path with the Marilyn Garbanza thing (ugh). http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/19/scott-walker-thong_n_4817327.html (Scott Walker of Wisconsin allegedly had a female doctor fired from the state health service because she used to be a thong model).
  17. Well, in fairness, Dave, the show did *sort of* leave viewers in limbo as to Jon Snow's fate (shot in the back with arrows by his scorned Wilding lover Ygritte). Last we saw his horse carried him back to Castle Black and they were taking him off the horse, but he seemed to be unconscious and his condition undetermined. I guess the trailer answered that question, though, for anyone who hasn't read the books.
  18. Drunk Sherlock is FANTASTIC!! Someone should win an award just for coming up with the concept. "Am I the current King of England?" Hee! And drunk John is possibly even better. Plus, can we please talk about Mrs. Hudson's hat? I'll frankly be disappointed if previously.tv doesn't have a piece on it within the next week.
  19. No, definitely not one of the stronger episodes, plot-wise at least. But again confirmed the awesomeness that is Martin Freeman and how very, very important his performance is to grounding this show in reality.
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