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Everything posted by Ottis

  1. I'm glad that I watched this show without any awareness of all this. I can't believe we never came back to watching someone eat dinner made of ground Rye. Kept expecting that.
  2. Maybe I'm the only one who thought the finale was a let down. The series went out with a whimper. Mike's ending was amusing but made little sense. Hank's "communication pictures" didn't explain what was in the room. The meaning, or perhaps existence, of the UFO is unclear. Peggy is a despicable, self-centered nut. I liked Betsy's vision, that was the best part of the episode. I also liked how the show eventually always showed us who died.
  3. I called it last week after seeing the "on the next episode" teasers. There was something about what they showed that gave it away. I told Mrs. Ottis and the Ottises at the time the reporters will win. Made me look like a genius Friday. I post this every season, but they need to remove taxis from the equation. In this case, it may have been Justin who screwed it up, but he never should have had a taxi to deal with.
  4. I watched the whole show and I can't recall several skits mentioned here in the recaps. Debra's Time? Leslie making someone apologize? Nancy Grace sketch? Do not recall at all. Other than the Star Wars commercial, Will Ferrell and Angela Merkel, meh.
  5. Unfortunately, it took the most annoying and bullshitty way possible to get there. It felt like the show was echoing the boards every time Jimmy brought up, "No medication?!" That should have happened 3-4 episodes ago. No idea what Lindsey is doing. Why tell anyone except Gretchen? Especially at whatever the hell that party was (and The League had, the same night, an episode featuring the same kind of party - is this a real thing?). I could see it if she was somehow feeling like she missed out on something by not having kids, but no sign of that as far as I can tell. The bartender is the most well-adjusted character on the show.
  6. Me, too. I don't know why they were at the Hindu temple for the award "ceremony," other than the temple had an actual shrine. Everything else seemed so random.
  7. That's why I watch games an hour in, so that it catches up to live in the back end of the fourth quarter. Though I guess Jay didn't have that option, given the length of the session. I liked that the counselor revealed she had to dumb down her stuff for the book.
  8. Worst episode of the season and maybe both seasons. The narrative device fell flat, and took away from the intriguing elements of the show. The exposition felt like Fargo targeted the lowest common denominator, a 180 from the show's usual MO. It was probably meant tongue in cheek, or it was somehow Peggy's simple view or something, but it didn't work. And the UFO, blah. I assume it will end up Meaning Something Important by the end of the season, but the timing of its appearance ended any tension in what had been a very tense scene. Peggy's reaction was a chuckle, but that's all. I hate it when people get all turfy instead of focusing on the big picture.
  9. I read it completely differently. I thought Meisner and the nurse knew each other, and the whole thing was a set up. For what, and why, I have no idea. But I think Meisner is part of a long con against Nick. But I didn't hear any sounds on the elevator?
  10. I'm surprised at all the ... anger? Anger that is directed to Justin. His behavior is embarrassing to him, so I would get scorn. But anger? Racers have been penalized in the past for choosing a taxi over a clue that says walk. So there have been penalties for choosing an alternative mode of transit. Now, whether there have been penalties for choosing a different route, which essentially was the case with the ferry situation, I don't remember.
  11. I can understand that, but his breaking was the only thing that made me laugh in most sketches, aside from the alien sketch which felt like Kate was making stuff up as she went along. I had no idea who Gosling was, aside from an actor. I have never seen one of his movies, after looking him up on IMDB. That's saying something, given how many movies I've seen. He must do movies that don't interest me.
  12. While I find a lot of the girl angst off putting at times in this show, I actually thought the way this ep came together was well done. All the anger and hurt channeled into destroying the robot. Nicely acted as well. It adds another dimension to being a super being that I might end up enjoying. What I don't understand is how Lucy was in the military. Didn't she work with Jimmy at the newspaper? I did miss an episode.
  13. I call bullshit on this episode. Gretchen, who fled and when Jimmy found her ordered him away, suddenly decides to return to Jimmy's? After spending several episodes telling him he can't fix her, leave her alone, go away? Why, exactly? Oh, so Jimmy has to hesitate before heading out with the bar owner, setting up a false dilemma. Bullshit. Not only does she show up, she tells him she is scraped out, and then promptly goes comatose. On his couch/bench. In middle of the living room. Bullshit. My complaint isn't that the show hasn't handled depression as funny. Characters in a funny show can also have depth. My complaint is the manipulative way the show has used depression make a point on behalf of TPTB while stretching the bounds of belief far beyond any realistic depiction of either Gretchen's situation or Jimmy's response to it. Based on what we have seen, Gretchen sucks. Jimmy should have left. The smartest thing Jimmy said in this ep was, "Better now than 10 years from now." That seemed to hit its mark with Gretchen ... and yet she still couldn't manage to provide Jimmy with any useful info, and also continued to hang around his living room. And Jimmy chose not to believe his own words, and stayed instead of leaving with the bar owner. All bullshit. "You're the Worst' is clearly not about Jimmy any longer, because he is a completely different person now, with infinite patience and understanding for a a girlfriend he hasn't known all that long, who treats him badly and who apparently has little upside when it comes to treating her depression in any kind of realistic way. This entire depression thing feels like a plot lifted in whole cloth from some other universe and dropped onto this show and these characters in order to ... make someone's point? Be a PSA? Win an Emmy? You may as well have Genghis Khan move in next door and have special episodes about how people who are different are still people. Bullshit.
  14. That's pretty much Step 1 in the Hydra Bwahaha Manual. In fact, at this point they should just put tracking devices on Fitz and Simmons and assign a retrieval team 24/7.
  15. That part was good. But then the show took the easy way out and went on and on and on about Trump's utterances that were a week or more old. Yes, the show was on break, but we weren't. Make the main point and move on. I stopped watching for a few weeks and then checked in. Nothing has improved.
  16. What made it work for me was Dodd's pure incredulousness at his situation, being held captive by a *woman* and what's more, a crazy woman. He seemed so outraged at the pure injustice of it, from his perspective. It made it that much funnier. Meanwhile, Ed goes back and forth between marveling at what Peggy can do, and wondering/worrying how much further she might go. He doesn't try to stop her or minimize her. All genius, IMO.
  17. I haven't actually watched it, yet. But at this point this forum is enough!
  18. I've quit watching the actual show, and now just read the recaps. Less aggravating.
  19. So you're saying she was the perfect Millenial, then.
  20. I have trouble paying attention to this show. It seems like the plot moves in random directions, with a periodic connection. And of course the repeated "save the world" lines. If I didn't have a DVR, I wouldn't notice when the show came back. Perhaps Malina stopping the storm was foreshadowing for when she manages to put a "dome" around the earth to protect it from the solar flare?
  21. I think the characters on this show have varying definitions of "family."I guess family matters more than anything, including the law, unless you are suspected of sleeping with the enemy. Then there is no trial, just an execution. Speaking of family, I love Fargo, and liked this episode, but The Sopranos shading was too much. It felt like we were watching Chris-to-fuh's girlfriend get whacked again. I mean, not just the plot point. Also the way it went down. I kept hoping for a twist but nope, same conclusion. What was the role of The Undertaker? Was he supposed to simply clean up the mess, or was he supposed to mete out punishment to the failed assassin (Mike)? So is Dodd dead or alive in the trunk? It confused me when they went to the split screen with present/past. I thought for a second that Dodd was up and walking around Ed and Peggy's house again.
  22. This whole season has been brutal. Few mistakes, with good teams. Silly U-turn debate aside, a tough year to be on TAR. I don't mind Justin. But I don't watch that closely. Agree that Phil's shirt wasn't flattering.
  23. It's not a good sign when I can FF through half an episode. At this point I feel like one of the zombies massing at the walls, waiting for something meaningful to happen on this show. Agreed. He was up to something. Maybe with the W's.
  24. I've finally decided that Trevor and this DS, when it comes to political humor, goes for easy laughs ("Department of commerce! Twice!") instead of exposing meaningful hypocrisy through humor. Some of the Republican candidates provide easy laughs. Bernie provides easy laughs. Hillary takes more effort, and the show makes a half-hearted attempt and then returns to Ted Cruz. When there is only Hillary and probably Rubio left, the show will run out of easy material and return to observations about Hollywood. I'm about ready to move on from TDS as well.
  25. I passed bored several episodes ago. Now I'm more insulted than bored. The portrayal of Gretchen's depression comes across like someone behind the show has been frustrated in his/her personal life that others '"just don't get it" when he/she is depressed, and is exploding that frustration on screen through Gretchen's behavior. Gretchen is coherent enough to try to do her job - she was at the radio interview, tried to talk down Sam and then scared off the angry grrrls with the gun. She ought to be coherent enough to tell Jimmy that her depression has happened before, it takes X long and the best thing he can do is giver her space during that time. Or something. Her constant rejection of everything he tried to do, and ultimately even his mere presence in this ep, makes me question who Gretchen really is underneath the depression. She might be even worse than "the worst" and not worth Jimmy's time, period.
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