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Everything posted by KeithJ

  1. Yeah but, as in most dramas, when Lacey finds out about it (and we know she will), it will temporarily destroy her relationship with Gabi. My wife pretty much said the same thing.
  2. I rewatched Rebels before Ahsoka was released and I forgot just how many episodes she was actually in. It was a good amount over the first two seasons.
  3. Overall, I enjoyed the series but the finale was a letdown. I'm not even sure where to begin (so these thoughts are probably gonna be all over the place): Ezra: It's great that he built a new lightsaber but where did he get the crystal? Ahsoka just has extra laying around her ship? How did he manage to steal a shuttle, get off Thrawn's ship, and then not have Thrawn send fighters after him. Then, how did he know where the fleet was? On top of that, during the whole flight to the fleet, he didn't once think to take the trooper armor off? And, for arguments sake, let's say he was naked under the armor, there was zero reason for him to exit the shuttle with the helmet on. Baylan: Now stranded in Lord of the Rings territory. Sadly, with Ray Stevenson's passing, I'm not sure where they can go with this now unless they recast Baylan. Shin: She went back to get her army (or whatever they are). Who are they anyway (either I don't remember or they didn't say). Are those some of Thrawn's troops? Are they natives of the planet? Morgan Elsbeth / Nightsisters: Now we have Star Wars meets The Walking Dead. I know Nightsister zombies have been around a long time but this just felt weird. After Morgan re-joined the Nightsisters she's just ok with Thrawn leaving her behind? I'm not sure I would have been accomodating. Sabine: Sabine finally uses the Force under great duress but then she can just flip Ezra onto Thrawn's ship like she's been using the Force forever? I'll have to go back and watch but wasn't her helmet lost back on the map planet? Did Ahsoka bring it with her? Did Sabine sense Anakin at the end or something else? Not really sure why she would. Ahsoka: One of her lightsabers is now gone but I guess she'll just be able to build another since her ship seems to have a lightsaber factory on it.
  4. We watched this since not much else is on. It was ok. The bonus round though was a little similar to Press Your Luck.
  5. Not only that, he managed to get away from Daryl in the tunnels but then he tripped / fell for some reason?
  6. It feels like everyone except maybe two or three people (Cassidy, Chris, Michelle) are in a single big alliance. I can't wait to see what happens when they have to start turning on each other.
  7. The pyramids were built by aliens and they're batteries for? Then pretty much the whole tribe agreed except Emily?!? Where do they find these people?
  8. I have to agree with this. Another character / droid would have been absolutely fine delivering the message. We know this is Star Wars, we don't need to be told that.
  9. But still not a very good minefield. Even after the space whales left, Ahsoka had no problem getting through it.
  10. I don’t think there is going to be a season two. Mando, Boba Fett, and Ahsoka are supposed to wrap up in the Filoni movie.
  11. He’s both though. We saw him training in Rebels. I’m not sure what I think of Ezra. He’s supposed to be younger than Sabine isn’t he? He looks older here. There’s only one episode left right? I have a feeling this is going to end on a massive cliffhanger.
  12. Special Forces: World's Toughest Test is an American reality quasi-military training television series that premiered on Fox on January 4, 2023. It is an adaptation of the British reality series SAS: Who Dares Wins. I couldn't find a thread for this so I apologize if this is a duplicate. I didn't watch season 1 but figured I'd give season 2 a shot since pretty much nothing else is on. Overall it was ok. Something to kill time I guess. I did find it funny that whenever someone fell off the rails, "Staff" would ask them where they were going. I don't see Tara Reid making it very far in this and was surprised she even made it through the first episode. She even got caught trying to smuggle cigarettes in. I guess that explains why her voice is so different than I remember.
  13. I don't know if they went back to the whole 420 items but their menu is huge again: https://www.belairediner.nyc/menus
  14. Was bored throughout but my wife seemed to like it. I'll probably end up watching with her since nothing else is on.
  15. My DVR is showing that Forged in Fire is back for season 10 on October 4th.
  16. Overall I enjoyed this. I could have done with less of the family drama and focusing more on the team though. The whole “he’s been on the top of the kill list for 20 years but let’s not kill him” was really stupid. As Westfield said, you should have taken him off the list if you didn’t want him dead. I couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for Aaliyah. She got played by someone she seemed to really care about and, on top of that, she lost her father. Although she was probably a little happy on the inside that her fiancé is dead.
  17. The more I think about it, the more I believe Lars is totally miscast as Thrawn. Yes, I know he did the voice of Thrawn in Rebels but his physical appearance just doesn't fit Thrawn. Thrawn was fit and thin. Lars has a much rounder face and really kinda dumpy. Watch the scene again where he is walking through the ranks of Stormtroopers. That is just not Thrawn. I know Thrawn has been gone for a long time but he's not the type of character that would just let himself go.
  18. It really sounded like they were setting Kennedy up for the win but then she bombed on her dessert. Grant deserved the win. I think Jennifer was just outmatched from the start.
  19. Didn’t Kennedy have a girl friend or a wife? She’s not there?
  20. Here's another article on Mina and the end of Good Bones: https://www.insideindianabusiness.com/articles/star-of-good-bones-show-says-city-officials-hampered-her-work
  21. How on Earth did the naked team come in fourth? Strip off your clothes and run. They should have finished first by a mile.
  22. I didn’t really like the tile in the shower. Thought it looked really bad although it may have just been the lighting. The microwave seemed to be just a little too high in the appliance cabinet too
  23. I really hated this challenge. Gordon asks how long and is told seven minutes. He says he wants it in five. Food then comes out undercooked and he says stop rushing. lol Jennifer puts out raw salmon and it’s somehow Sav’s fault. Grant then puts out an under steak and it’s again Sav’s fault? Yes, she’s expediting but c’mon, hold the people cooking responsible. Kennedy actually looks a lot better without the stupid knit hats. I don’t know why she keeps wearing them.
  24. She’s actually fourth billed in the main credits so I think she’ll be sticking around.
  25. But this is the New Republic (or whatever they're calling it) and not the Empire. It's not like they're going to threaten the kid with torture or death to get her back.
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