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  1. Anduin

    The Star Wars Saga

    The Imperial March but it's coming from Vader's chest control panel. Much what it sounds like. Good fun!
  2. Godzilla vs Kong. God, what a daft movie. I like escapist entertainment, but this is just too much! Any sense of family drama is gone from this one, along with any sense of subtlety. I remember seeing this in the cinema, way back when. FFS, previous self, what were you thinking? Weird thing though, I have a feeling that Kong's face was modeled off Idris Elba. Did the animators have no pictures or videos of real gorillas to work from? Or am I just seeing similarities in my own head? I'm sure Elba could play a great gorilla if he so desired, he could probably do any role well. Just a strange choice.
  3. What are the two things everyone knows about William Tell? He shot an apple off his son's head with a crossbow, and the music. They tease the first, completely ignore the second. Why? Outside of that, it just looks... boring. Generic medieval movie number 2850. Wait for reviews at best.
  4. Serves him right! I hope they kicked him fair in the nuts. He deserves it.
  5. For me, the appeal of Strange Academy is the art of Humberto Ramos. If you can't make a show look like that, why bother?
  6. Out and about today, I found myself in a room with five women. If anything happened, I was outnumbered. From that sprung the thought, imagine being mugged by the Spice Girls. You'd never live it down.
  7. Anyone with an Android phone? Some info on a couple of new spyware programs and how to remove them.
  8. That's a good observation. Are there any other potentially sharp knickknacks you can put on the ring? Or even a couple of other keys that don't actually open anything?
  9. I didn't know there was a season 2, I thought it was just a way of keeping busy in 2020.
  10. Godzilla: King of the Monsters. It almost feels like it was meant to be a family drama that somehow got kaiju shoehorned in. Further, Godzilla himself gets a little lost between the family stuff and the focus on Gidorah. I get that you can only bend a story so far, it just feels not quite one thing, not quite the other. Good, though. I've absolutely seen a lot worse. I feel the 6 rating on IMDB is too low. Trivia: that large red chunk of stone is called Uluru these days, not bloody Ayers Rock. But I like that our kaiju is called bunyip. One of our two cryptids, along with our bigfoot analogue yowie. Drop bears are real, honest!
  11. DS9 Theme but the theme is coming from DS9 Ops! Good one. :)
  12. I finished Runes of Engagement. The LOTR references didn't abate. There's a clear sequel hook at the end. It was fine. Nothing exceptional, IMO, but nothing terrible.
  13. None of us are made of money, it's not going to be the $4,000 model by any means. :)
  14. Someone has asked for one for their birthday. I'm coordinating with two other people here, it's all a bit complicated. Have to wait for answers, and so on.
  15. Runes of Engagement, by Tobias Buckell and Dave Kletcha. Magic portals open up across the Earth, linking it to some kind of fantasy world. Monsters come through, humans repulse them and go back to the other side. It's about a squad of USMC who are cut off behind enemy lines and have to hoof it to the next portal, while carrying critical intelligence and have enemies after them. It's good, though weirdly a few too many Tolkien references for my liking. There are a zillion fantasy universes out there, you can reference some of them instead. Thing is, I first heard about this book in November, and ordered it from my favourite bookshop. Publication date came and went with no book arriving. I discovered that in Australia, if mainstream chain bookshop Dymocks want more copies of a new book, it comes out of the indie bookshops orders. Well, fuck that. I have not set foot in Dymocks since then and can't see myself doing so possibly ever. It spurs my stubborn and 'support the little guy' instincts. The book finally arrived last week, I nabbed it as soon as I could.
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