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Everything posted by Bucket

  1. She made a consume with the ham and served it with fish (forgot what kind). It was a dish her mentor made and she did her own spin on it. I have wanted to eat quite a few dishes. I think what is happening with this show and other long running reality show is boredom. It is for me anyway. Survivor has gone from a cannot miss to background noise as have many others. It is time for producers to get off their feather bed and create some new shows. They are just phoning it in now.
  2. Do tell. I guessed the rabbit head was designed to make him look taller and his mouth was way lower than we thought or his shoes were built higher than usual.
  3. It is just as always with the II. Before the votes are read, not before the vote. I went back and watched him read the menu.
  4. Sunny, good god. Gabriel is a very common name and has been since the 70s. My sons went to school with many and it was a small school. It was nasty for Miranda's BF to get another pregnant when he was seeing her! Good Luck Miranda. I don't know much about her but I read that she cheated on Blake; is this true? And what is up with him not using birth control? Meggie, oh empty vessel, you have to start dressing with looser and longer tops. The hoodie looked pretty good. Joy, I love this woman!
  5. I bet they had to reshoot that because the blank stares would not have played well!
  6. No it isn't. It is low carb, though. geeeeeeze
  7. Padma has a producer in her ear piece telling her to move things along. It isn’t her call. I chuckled when she cut off the gumbo soliloquy. I wanted Justin to go to China but I knew he was a goner the minute I heard his dish. Sarah sure can cook and that was crazy luck or good creating that she actually got that ham and was able to make her mentor’s signature dish! I wished I liked her more. I am baffled they chose China. That is very far outside anyone’s wheel house.
  8. Oh good god. I heard nothing about this from reports here and why do they care what happens in NYC? They are too much.
  9. No it doesn't! I have not been able to guess any of them. I assume the final 2 are the bigger 'stars.'
  10. Sure. She has plenty of money so I don't see a problem. Did they complain about that this morning or is the media saying people are upset?
  11. I doubt they gave Megan gifts for her baby. Shipping them to England is a big bother. I feel confident she requested no gifts. The hoopla about her coming to gather with friends is nuts Oh yes. They will come up with a reason he has to do rehab. I really don't care. He commited a felony, many do, prisons are full of them. <shrug>
  12. Yep, I see her falling in love absolutely. He will go back to Kaci and she will be heartbroken. She will have dodged a bullet but she doesn't see that and may never. I searched for this scene and it eluded me! I have a masters in google, too. Better go for my doctorate. Do you have or can you post the link? Thanks Kaci irritates the bejesus out of me. Drama queens are exhausting.
  13. Very smart thing to do. Kudos Victoria.
  14. I totally agree. The oldest woman is not always voted out first but they become a target due to the need to keep the strongest. An obnoxious irritant trumps age and we had a double here.
  15. And has guns, do not forget the guns.
  16. Joy said Twitter was buzzing with conspiracy theories. I don’t think TV people read boards. It is easy to scan Twitter quickly and that is not true here. We use too many words!
  17. I agree with all except the feet. I doubt they would think about that in the heat of passion. No, wait. One would think he would take a quick shower, anticipating sex though. See what I did there? Full circle to disgusting feet!
  18. I just found this forum! New format threw me off. I loved this show and have lamented its demise. Yay!!!! I will be shocked if John remains with Kady. They are doomed. Evan and Kaci will remain together on the finale and break up when home. Or she is full of shit drawing the line at his cheating and forgive him. She wants marriage too much to break up. Reality TV manipulates much more than when this first aired so it is hard to tell who is there to “break up.” Karl and Nicole are a good bet.
  19. My hunch- The View is her show (so she thinks), so I believe that was the context. Celebs/actors say my show, my movie all the time. Meghan wouldn't have a personal producer on the set. Joy has referred to him as our producer on several occasions. Who knows why the fuck she brought him. I don't miss Whoopi.
  20. Survivor led Elizabeth to discover she had Celiac disease. A diet of fish and rice made her feel better than she ever had. So while those around her were miserable with so little food she felt fantastic. That season was the most brutal for lack of food, too.
  21. Season 2 was 18 years ago. She latched onto Roger out of the gate. I suspect they talked about religion and politics right away. They bonded. She was pleasant to everyone but I don't remember empathy per say. I didn't care for her very much. Being exclusive with Roger took her out of the mix to a large extent.
  22. Joy has really come into her own as moderator. I doubt they can screw with Whoopi's contract to allow this change, damnit. Brian is the producer for the show, not personal to MM. They all have a producer in their ear. It is not a given they share her views either. It is to keep the show rolling and correct mistakes. Maybe Whoopi's doctor will tell her she has to rest for 3 months. I have heard of this happening with pneumonia. Or maybe she has a more serious health problem they are not mentioning right now. Shut up Abby. Meggie, it is not necessary to frown with death ray stare when you read what your husband put on your blue cards. . No.
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