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Everything posted by Bucket

  1. I have a hunch Michael Kors quit for many of the reasons Tim became disgusted and the entire show went downhill on Lifetime. I miss Michael Kors tremendously! Siriano is doing a good job, I like him, always have. He has matured of course but I liked the young and fierce boy too.
  2. It is good that fashion is embracing larger figures but you don't see Siriano dressing larger celebrities on the red carpet in something like this. He aims to make them look good and not exposed.
  3. Man caves where they can watch games makes me wonder. Why do they insist on having a special basement room to do this. Seems immature to me. Shrug No more basements please!
  4. Back in the 90s Hildi was a wild child who some enjoyed. Shock jock decorating never really appealed to the masses and now it is dated and just bad. This show should have made some major changes, it won't survive long if they keep the same format and budget. $2000 is just an inflation adjustment. The same old tired show right down to the dialog. Perky Paige would benefit by acting more like the adult she is.
  5. This may be a clue that the upcoming season is not that great. Why not put the effort in for a real sneak peak which are usually 12 minutes long. Last season was disappointing so lets air a show where Hildi does something controversial. Yawn Though we covered this last season I feel compelled to say this again. Nothing has changed. The higher budget is just an inflation adjustment. HOs are hip to the to the disasters that can happen so almost everyone gives them their basements. Genevieve pulled off a dazzling bedroom so there were a couple of high points, but not enough. Unless they have changed this new season, they have missed a golden opportunity to create a hit show.
  6. Kelsey's menu is far more interesting than Sarah's. I am glad she won. And no where does she use the hackneyed 'farm to table' claim. https://www.eatkbc.com/menu
  7. I agree. On WWHL Christian answered the question, was it fun, with a bit of ambiguity. He eluded to this bunch needing a lot of help. And that came across in the 'fashion' I saw. I like Karlie after seeing here on there, too. I agree. I don't miss Tim or the old opening though the new one is not good. I loved the winning dress. The one with the cape than many loved I found well done but boring.
  8. Yes, I agree and she had a unique menu as well.
  9. As they ate I assumed it was in Graham's restaurant. Did they say the name of where they were?
  10. Can you say what we already know in spoiler tags please! :>) ETA. I don't like Kaci one bit. I am empathetic but not a fan.
  11. Too bad she has no menu or photos of some dishes.
  12. When I heard about NZ, I thought, well we aren't the only country experiencing violent bigotry. I offer no apology. I am exhausted by it all.
  13. Not on here yet but Joy is more and more flippant, as am I, given the current situation we are living.
  14. She thinks she carries the show, eh? No words. I think Whoopi may come back for the hot topics segment 1 or 2 days a week for a while leaving the moderator job to Joy for that.
  15. I think he/they said that as a way to praise Sarah's final dish. ;>
  16. Yeah, I did notice that. I was thinking Hawaii finale when they made yucca (or something) that was difficult to cook properly.
  17. How did Megs wedding invite comment come up?
  18. I didn't notice them incorporating local flavor or technique. I don't really care but usually that is a stipulation. I love Kelsey's win and hate boiled peanuts. 😆 You have to come prepared to make dessert for the finale. It is not required but I have heard both Padma and Tom say they appreciate ending a meal with a sweet note.
  19. Did you eat it with buttermilk though? I use it in cooking but would not eat it poured on something; I don't care for it (understatement). I wanted to eat her oysters!
  20. And for me, Barbara is not even on the list. Intolerable woman. Though she did keep her republican bias out of the fray.
  21. I would love them to share that job. Joy is the best at it.
  22. LOVE this. It is just on here and not to this point.
  23. I don't think they share writers but some jokes are obvious. Jay Leno on the View today talked about how white Mit is etc. My mother was a comedy writer for Phyllis Diller and she could work for others and did but she could not sell a joke Phyllis bought.
  24. I can help you out on this one. It will be fucking astronomical but chump change for TLC.
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