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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I didn't mind it for a change, since the main show has been so horrible. But, I was not a fan of Princess Gina and that atrocious attempt at an accent. There were some funny parts and it was nice to see the actors get a break from repeating their same lines every day.
  2. This is only my second season, and I honestly have no idea why I tuned in last time. We had psycho Mia/Tristan, desperate for love, baby, and cocktails Amber, and sweet, but boring Ricky Bobby and Danielle. I was pretty sure I was done at the end of that group, but I did tune in again. I am really not sure how many people actually do watch this, but I won't be watching again. I will check in to see the ending of this season, but have no desire to be manipulated into watching even pretend abuse. Kind of like how Dance Moms was. In the beginning, it WAS about dance and the girls, and by the end (which I stopped watching several seasons before it was over), it was too uncomfortable and just showed moms bitching and Abby screaming. Not fun.
  3. I don't like to stereotype, but Will is an engineer and I have worked with many engineers who are like this. They deal with numbers, black or white - no shades of gray and are very methodical and fact-driven. He is an introvert, and is guided by his intellect, not emotion. Jasmine is just not getting there. She asks a question, but then does nothing with the answer, no discussion, no conversation, just the next question, like an interview. That is not how to communicate with him. And, until she gives him ANY kind of positive feedback, he sure isn't going to give her anything significant to criticize, so I think they will go into D Day without any carnal knowledge.
  4. I think Kate had to tell Puke that she told "the secret". Otherwise, when they bring it up, and you know they will, he will be blindsided and won't have time to think of a story about a friend who had a heart attack during sex and that's why he doesn't like it or want to talk about it.
  5. I agree that AJ will not see it coming if Stephanie decides to leave and will be devastated. I would be worried about his reaction, but I hope that isn't enough to keep her married to him. Wow, this crazy show sure has done a fabulous job, haven't they? AJ is a loose cannon with a volatile temper; Luke is a sadistic con artist paired with a desperate woman with incredibly low self esteem, coming right off a family situation that requires some time to process. Good job, "experts"! Jasmine and Will were just mismatched, but both seem like decent people. Same with Kristine and Keith. Nice people, but just at different places in their maturity and professional lives.
  6. Now, THIS was the AJ I thought we would be getting since the wedding. It seems that Steph is pretty smart and when he says stupid things like he wanted to be married so he doesn't have to ever eat dinner alone again, or to fix his cufflinks, or to have someone at home when he comes home drunk and horny, I hope she is disgusted. Again, he thinks that type of comment is funny - it is not. Although she did leave the party early, I am sure she heard everything or was filled in by the other couples and the crew. She needs to get OUT. He will be devastated, but she can't let that stop her. Otherwise, she is in for a lifetime of walking on egg shells and being embarrassed by her spouse. Regardless if his behavior was caused by a hit to the head, he is not dealing with it or avoiding situations that may exacerbate the condition and continues to steamroll over her. Stephanie, there are other men who will walk and hold hands with you!!! Kate and Puke. . . I don't think I have ever seen such a display of low self-esteem and desperation as we have seen in Kate this year. Puke continues to lie, abuse and insult her, and is a despicable excuse for a human being. And they will stay together until the reunion, when Puke will say he just doesn't want to continue to hurt Kate and he can't give her what she wants so he will call it off. I know that Jasmine thinks very highly of herself, but she doesn't seem to have an ounce of warmth in her body. She was acting like she had a checklist and if she asked him some questions and then asked the next one, without having any conversation, that is getting to a deeper level? She may be intelligent, but it is sure not emotional intelligence and she is not going to have any physical intimacy with her "husband." They will not continue (unless it is until the 90 day thing, but not live together). I think Kristine totally drives this relationship because Keith just seems so surprised that she has an adult plan and that does not involve children, puppies, or unicorns. I think she will be the one to pull the plug, but just don't know if it will be Decision Day or the 90 day thing.
  7. And I am done having any feelings of empathy for Kate. Sure, he probably did it out of pity and to stop her from asking, but I think the whole things is disgusting. No one else has been keeping this a secret and while Luke is already such a low life and it would be difficult to like him less, Kate has been playing the "feel sorry for me" card and that game is over.
  8. That article is definitely not what I heard. I thought Kate was saying that LUKE had a secret that she was calling to tell someone. I never got the impression that it was Kate's secret that she was keeping from Luke, which is what the article seems to state. Oh well, it's almost Tuesday!
  9. @krbr51, I don't think we know that Kate is keeping Luke's secret. All we saw is that she made a call to TELL someone about his secret, which means she does not intend to keep it. Again, we are putting a lot of thought as to what this secret could be and I am sure that anything we come up with is more interesting than what he has told her.
  10. I would rather think that Luke's secret is something like he told her that he killed the last woman who didn't agree with him, so she better not divorce him until he is ready! I hope that Kate's happy face in the previews for next week is just from his pretending to be appreciative of how she is dressed (other than her ignoring the "you're wearing that?" comment). She just looked giddy to me that he is being nice and spending time with her. There he goes, getting her all hopeful again!
  11. @Claire Voyant, I would be so happy if that is Luke's secret! Well, I am sure all she knows is that he is not sleeping in their bed, until it is time for their morning camera shots.
  12. I don't think that AJ will cheat on Steph. He seems to truly care for her (the best that he can), plus that would involve some other woman wanting to be with him, and I am not seeing that! But, I do think that Steph needs to push back on the tantrums and be real with him. And let him know that not everything he says is funny. I think the 3 couples will stay together until the reunion, but not necessarily live together. They may as well get some more money. I think if Puke and Kate say they want to stay together, there really needs to be some pushback from the "experts" and the rest of the couples. Kate will lose any sympathy she has if she stays in. Even if they aren't living together. I so want Kate to be the one who dumps him. But, she won't without blaming herself for not being attractive to him. She will assume the problem for the "marriage" not working.
  13. I agree about Puke's secret. It is going to be another story he made up, just like the drunk friend. I do not think they had sex. She would look happier and that wouldn't be Luke's secret. It would be their secret. I wish it would be that he told her he was gay, but I am sure it isn't. At least then she wouldn't keep beating herself up for not being attractive to him. I do hope we get a mini-honeymoon intervention and the guys (and Kristine) take Puke out for a walk and we never see him again.
  14. That's so sad (not) that Puke's mother is not happy with the edit he is getting. The fact that we could read his face from Day 1 and his behavior and reactions at the wedding have nothing to do with the edit. And, if he didn't do or say it, they wouldn't have it for the clips. Maybe they put a lot of things together to make it look bad (did I say maybe?). For example, in the preview, we saw Steph packing her suitcase with a voice over saying she has had it, but when the show is on, she is packing for a business trip!
  15. I was so hopeful that Kate was going to finally do the smart thing, but all HE has to say is, "I don't want a divorce," and she says, "OK." I am, unfortunately, done with any sympathy I had for her. What got me confused was all of the different talking heads with different outfits - we saw the short sleeved black tee shirt on the one where they had the party where he ignored her. Then they kept showing her in the big shirt from last week's anniversary, like she didn't get dressed all day since she was wearing it (maybe again) when she and Luke had that brilliant conversation when he said he was "making the best of the situation." First she challenged him on what he said, almost like she couldn't believe it, and then she put on her hopeful face and that was it. I am not sure what is happening on the show next week, but, of course, AJ doesn't look happy with another production event that h was not prepared for. I am glad that Steph FINALLY spoke up about how uncomfortable she was when he has his baby tantrums. I really hope that they show AJ the film where he did all the talking and her face spoke volumes. I hope this is over soon. I think AJ and Steph will make it. Will and Jasmine - nope. She doesn't understand him and never will (no pun intended). Keith wants a baby mama who cooks and that is not who he married. She might be willing to have the babies if he stayed home and cooked and cleaned, but she is not ready for that, and as long as she is the major provider since he is still in school, they can't afford to have more mouths to feed. If Kate agrees to stay married on Decision Day, just to get that additional 90 day bonus, she deserves what she gets. I am really sorry and I know I am being unrealistic since this show was already filmed and it is what it is and it's not like she can suddenly change her mind, but the way it is unfolding is just making me angry, which is not worth it because this is a stupid stupid scripted unreality show!
  16. I think, if the 3 month thing is real, they will agree to staying married at decision day and then come back for the reunion show in 90 days and then call it quits. If there is more $$$ and if they can spend those 90 days apart, I think they will do that. But, the review for tonight did show Kate at least mentioning getting a divorce, but then showed Puke saying he didn't want to do that.
  17. I saw a preview where Kate says or asks if divorce is an option and Puke says something about not wanting to do that. So, I think that is the couple who mentions the d-word, but nothing will happen, except that we will get to see 2 more weeks (at least) of Kate being manipulated by Puke playing on her ever-present ray of hope.
  18. @Gem 10, what bothered me when AJ was having his tantrum when he wanted to eat and she was watching the game, was when she finally got up to go, he mumbled loud enough for us to hear, "This is the first decision I have gotten to make in a month." Now, whether he was referring to having the producers make him do things, or Steph, I am not sure.
  19. When Kate was talking with her friends (although I thought that one of them was her mother, but maybe not), she told them that Puke has told her many times that he is not attracted to her - it wasn't just that one time. They looked shocked to me that 1) he would say that and 2) that she still said that she is hopeful. That is when she asked if they thought that attraction could come later and they both said 'no'. So, yes, Puke pretends to not want to "have to" say mean things to her, and whenever she tries to have a conversation (that we are shown) so that she can try to find a way to make it work, he deflects to the alcohol excuse. In his condescending way, of course.
  20. I agree with what I read a few pages back - that if Puke and Kate were not getting the drama edit, Jasmine would be shown in even a worse light. I agree that she THINKS she wants a manly man, but then she still wants to make all the decisions and be put on a pedestal. I think Will is being polite and respectful and honest and he is in no hurry to have his love-making skills be torn apart, as she has with anything else he has tried. She should be grateful that Puke is getting the "biggest villain" edit, so they don't spend as much time making her look worse.
  21. I saw today's episode at its regular time in AZ. So, I am guessing that tomorrow's show will be tomorrow's show and that today's might be on nbc.com. Today we had Sarah/Eric/Rex; lots of Leo and Diana (Diana making a deal with Victor to have him help her get John back); John defending Leo after a fight with Will after Leo said some disgraceful things. Also, Justin saying that he was NOT going to take the case and yelling at the boys for going to the police in the first place without a lawyer. He did get them out of jail. tho, and John committing to tell Marlena the truth about Leo being his son, after Diana told him not to.
  22. I agree with all of you who can't buy this person as the Eve, as Shane's daughter. I don't know if it is a problem I have with the actress (nothing personal) or how she is being written, but it feels wrong to me. But, that's just me and to me, the only Kate was Deborah Adair! I don't remember the character of Diana Colville, but from what I have read, the way this version of her is being portrayed is also a complete character assassination. Add that to what happened to Hope, and now nitwit Claire, and I just don't know how long the show can last. And since they film so far in advance, they might as well wrap it up and be done. I am sorry for the people who will be out of a job, but the slow killing of the show by killing the characters seems more painful than just pulling the plug.
  23. One minute it feels like Kate is finally getting that this "marriage" is not going to work, even if it makes her sad. Then the next she is still waking up hopeful that he will want to celebrate a fake milestone with her and runs crying when he doesn't. But, the worst part, for me, was when she said she has feelings for him. Now I can hope those feelings are anger, contempt, and hatred, but I don't think so. I still see her face light up in a pretty smile as soon as she sees him come in the room. I don't get it. I am glad we saw her come back at Puke a little bit when he said what he said about her drinking. I hope there is more of that happening that we, for the sake of the show, are not seeing. I don't think she can fake the sadness and beaten down look on her face, even if that is the role she has been assigned. It seems like the couples might be agreeing to stay "married" on Decision Day because they are now having this 90 day reunion? This is only the second (and probably last) season I have watched and they all agreed to stay married last time, even though we knew it wasn't going to work for all except Ricky Bobby and Danielle (who just had their baby). Maybe the couples get more money if they make it until then and since the cameras are gone, they can essentially live their separate lives. But, I hope the Kate can not give in to that and just want out. What I REALLY hope is that Puke doesn't decide to be nice to her to give her hope to continue the "experiment." And, please, please, please, don't let him suddenly decide to consummate this sham so she stays. Same with Will. I really like how he is handling Jasmine. And I loved his math logic when she asked him that stupid rating question.
  24. Speaking of the death threats that are mentioned in reference to what would happen if Kate calls Puke out on his behavior and stands up to him, does anyone know if LUKE has been getting any? I know the show is long over, production-wise, but since the edits clearly illustrate how terrible Luke is, has he received any? I know that Kate has said that she asked him why he bought her wine if he was worried about her drinking, but that was off camera. Maybe, just maybe, she IS standing up to him off camera, but is going along with this role she has been assigned when the cameras roll. But, unfortunately, it looks like she really wanted this to be her happily ever after and is still holding on to some hope. And, her face and eyes really light up when he throws her a crumb. It just makes me so sad that she doesn't appear to see how condescending he is to her, even when all she sees is that he is being nice.
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