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Everything posted by Quof

  1. A question for the group - Washing walls, yes or no? I don't have wood heat or fireplace, and no one smokes in my house. Any obvious grimy spots get cleaned, of course, but there no kids or others routinely making marks on my walls. I just feel like the kitchen walls at least should get scrubbed annually. I did the bathroom walls since it was quick, and it does look noticeably brighter and the water was pretty gross. But the kitchen will be so much more complicated, taking things off the walls, pulling out the appliances... I just need someone to say "No, it's fine, leave it" or alternatively "Get off your lazy ass and wash your kitchen walls."
  2. Interesting that the wacky cake recipe says an 8 x 8 pan makes 6 servings. Usually it's 9 reasonably sized servings of cake, brownie, etc. Some really stingy recipes claim you can cut 16 servings!
  3. I scattered crushed mini eggs on top, to give an Easter feeling.
  4. The crime rate is calculated using population figures - the total number of people or the number of people per square mile/kilometre/or other measure of area (population density) - so it is possible to compare a city to a state.
  5. I can deal with the raw eggs in baking, I just can't stand the sight, smell or taste of the cooked ones. It makes going out to brunch challenging, I usually decline the invitation.
  6. They're very fudgy in texture, there's no leavening.
  7. Reporting back, Fudgy Lemon Brownies are delicious. And I've taken to eating chunks of the lemon ricotta cake, with real whipped cream squirted from a can, while standing in my kitchen. So keep an eye out for the opening of my charm school.
  8. All this egg talk is making me slightly nauseated; I hate eggs. You would never know that to look in my compost bin, because I do love cookies. 😃
  9. I'm taking a lemon ricotta cake to an Easter dinner this afternoon. Of course, the problem with making a cake is that you can't taste it before it is served to guests. Damn it smells good. Maybe I'll take a tiny sliver off the end before I ice it. UPDATE I got cocky. The centre seemed set, but perhaps because I poured over with too much syrup, it is absolute mush, so much so that I can't even put it back in the pan to bake some more. So I'm scrambling. I could use the cooked sections and make a trifle, but that would require a trip to the store for berries and whipping cream. So I'm just going to put cubes of the cooked sections in the freezer for a later occasion (trifle, or just in my mouth!) And I have lemon brownies in the oven. If this doesn't work, because it seems to be that kind of day, I'll stop and get a Dairy Queen cake.
  10. Maybe TLC can do a crossover, and have Lilah meet up with Anna Johnston at next year's LPA conference. They would have so much to talk about, if only Lilah could talk.
  11. So? Melissa doesn't call him "my adoptive/adopted brother". It's an unnecessary adjective that doesn't add anything to the narrative and suggests that he is somehow lesser than a "real" brother. If it's not meant to disparage, it certainly isn't used as a compliment.
  12. What will they do when he is able to read the banners that say Little People of America at the conferences? or when he is participating in Dwarf Athletic Association events?
  13. At least you didn't (I assume) try to see it by holding your phone behind yourself to take a photo, then accidentally send the photo to someone. NO, that's not how I learned not to look at my ass in a mirror.
  14. Info/advice - Don't try to look at your ass in a mirror to see if it's bruised. Nothing good can come of that.
  15. Thanks for the correction, I thought it was from Instagram rather than Facebook.
  16. Both Michelle and Logan have private Instagram accounts. So which one of their relatives decided to share this post with the world?
  17. past history new beginning I could do this all day.
  18. I struggle to keep from correcting people when they use the wrong pronoun, I try to keep it inside, to learn how to hide my feelings. (Don't cry out loud, to quote the great Melissa Manchester). I cringed recently when a judge said it to me in Court, but kept my lips sealed. When Barack Obama used the wrong pronoun in his John McCain eulogy, I did yell at the television "You clearly didn't have Michelle proofread your speech!" Edited to clarify, Ancaster and I were discussing subjective versus objective pronouns, not gendered pronouns.
  19. As I was reading your post, I thought "Yay! Someone who knows how to write/speak properly." I also anticipate a lot of people asking themselves "Wait a minute, that can't be right, can it?"
  20. Oh, I'll get you started on gender (genital) reveals...Mommy tells the world her baby is a disappointment before it is even born
  21. Apparently they use nuts as "filler" in cumin? Who knew? The new mom is really careful about cross contamination, so I expect it's on her list of no-go ingredients. I think I might go with this Ground turkey skillet with sweet potatoes and black beans, because I have all the ingredients on hand. It calls for only a small amount of cumin, so it shouldn't really affect the taste too much to swap in a mixture of coriander and chili powder. I'll take some of my cast iron skillet cornbread to go with it.
  22. Suggestions, please. I'm making some food to drop off to friends with a new baby, and was all set to make a turkey chili - hearty for our cold weather, can be frozen and reheated for later. She's not nursing, so I don't have to be mindful of spices, but then I remembered she has a tree nut allergy and I should double-check whether any spice might be a problem. Turns out, cumin should be avoided because it's often contaminated. Cumin features heavily in all of my chili recipes (a tablespoon in the recipe I was planning to use), so it can't be omitted and the suggested substitutions don't really do it. What can I make for them with the ground turkey I bought? I don't have eggs, so meatballs/meatloaf are no go.
  23. TLC cancelled Sweet Home Sextuplets, it wasn't the family's doing. I believe the only TLC family who chose on their own to stop filming was the Hayes family of Table for Twelve.
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