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Everything posted by HorrrGoodnight

  1. I still can't beleive Kobe knocked up this insufferable brat AGAIN. Major loss of sympathy points.
  2. So Contessa's 'hair brained scheme' du jour is fitness modeling? Ummmm ok. Alaura has always looked grown and now is no exception. Anila has lots of unnecessary shit everywhere. The kitchen though, the kitchen is amazing. And Toya..... just ugh. Build a house from the ground up, customize everything then claim its not 'large enough'. Sure Jan
  3. Is it bad that I wanted Emily to squeeze herself into that rock hole, get stuck, work herself into an uncontrollable panic, start foaming at the mouth while writhing in excruciating agony only to have the fire department show up with a tub of butter and a stick of dynamite?
  4. I was a fan of Brooke back in the day when she was on some video vixen reality show, and then on her first run of bbw but whatever she has done to her face is just tewwww much! And Angel with the gigantic earrings with every single outfit.... and the footlong nails. It's hard to watch
  5. Lol @ Jibri looking like Jem with the pink pleather jacket and electric blue shoes.... that 'fight' was truly outrageous 😆
  6. Nick is a 'stay at home dad'? To ONE grown ass boy?? And the wives who work are still cooking and cleaning??? What in the low self esteem is going on here... Jesus be some spanx!
  7. Miona and her 1986 Mafia wife ponytails kill me. OAN I'm glad to see Shaeeda finally pushing back. I hope she pushes all the way back to Trinidad 🇹🇹
  8. Emily is an asshole, a little bit. She definitely frauded Kobe. What a blow he's been dealt!
  9. This is a town for rich people baby! I can't even afford a comb for my hair, but that's beside the point.
  10. Brandi was really trying to make fetch happen. I don't see why Malaysia would lie about not knowing that Wolf died. Give it a rest already.
  11. Wow I had totally forgotten about Creed, but I don't want to talk about that. Notice how the longer Kailyn's tenure on TM the more 'trendy' hey kids names were. But I'm not discussing that. I think it's a grave mistake for Javi to even consider getting back with Gila Monster but I won't elaborate on that. As a matter of fact, I'm just gonna stop typing cause I refuse to be bullied or pressured into talking about it. Just stop hounding me FFS!
  12. Who else thinks Brianna should have just told Luis 'ok we won't film' to at least increase his chances of showing? If/when he still didn't show, we could always welcome back the violin quartet to play another sad song for the coven.
  13. Was it reallllly necessary for Bilal to repeat what Shaeeda said in front of everyone? And why did they all keep saying 'she' as if 'she' isn't sitting right there? That whole scene annoyed me and obviously made Shaeeda super uncomfortable and embarrassed.
  14. I especially love the scene with Bini and Ari where he says 'I don't like it when you're bossy' and her response is 'Shut the fuck up and listen' 😆
  15. What's up with Briana's face in her sidebar segments? Looks overly injected and/or pregnant.
  16. Totally agree about the manufactured relationship with Leah. As fine as he is, I'm sure he'll do even bettwr with the ladies after the MTV exposure. It must be difficult dealing with dental surgery BUT if Jade had taken her daughter on regular visits, she wouldn't be as scared to go to the dentist AND they probably would have caught the problem sooner.
  17. I am soooooo uncomfortable with Chance's interactions with the girls. Not saying he has ill intentions but it's just a recipe for disaster. If he DID have intentions on harming them it would be the perfect setup.
  18. Idk about y'all but my local recommendation is to start taking kids to the dentist at a year old. I think it's 'weird' that this is the girl's first visit and only because there's a problem.... But hey what do I know.
  19. Britney is just so damn annoying! Why wasn't there more of her this episode? 😂
  20. Ok so I know this is 'live' chat but I've just come to say that people should realllllly invest in a tongue scraper before they do the Cardi B in a super up close selfie 🚫😝😷
  21. I am outraged!! I DEMAND better fodder for my sarcastic wit, dammit!! This episode was 🗑🚮. The only thing remotely interesting was Chane's Gay DILF Onlyfans.
  22. Yeah Nicolle, idk about this covid story. Looks more like cokevid to me.
  23. Ari CLEARLY still wants her ex. She's all 'I made a mistake divorcing him being immature but always planned on having him in my life and thought we would get back together up until I met Bini'. She admitted the trip to the nail salon was for the ex because she wanted to be 'at least put together' for his arrival. She also said she was glad Bini was jealous and I believe he knows enough about her usual behavior to know that she was putting on for her ex husband.
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