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Everything posted by slasherboy

  1. Johnowen Lowe, Rob's real-life son, did a great job as the 10th grader, and I hope he returns for more scenes. Rob is extremely close to both of his sons and they always have so much fun together, that I have to wonder how many takes they had to go through because of breaking up into hysterical laughter. While I'm sure Rob enjoyed having his youngest on set, I'm also positive he's more pleased that Johnowen returned to school to continue his college education. I also thought it was cute that Johnowen was named under "Guest Starring" in the credits. Of course, since his Dad is the Executive Producer of the show, anything goes. I loved this show and hope it lasts a long time. Someone asked whether Rob or Fred should be nominated for Best Lead Actor in a Comedy ... why not both? Although my money's on Rob. Til next Tuesday ... The Grinder Rests.
  2. If you're in Nashville (the town, not the show) this Saturday and you want to see Jonathan Jackson perform for free (as JJ, not as Avery) just show up at Centennial Park, Musician's Corner, around 4:00. I'll be there! Also, October 3rd marks the 90th anniversary of the Grand Ole Opry and several "Nashville" stars are performing in different shows. They're all sold out, but I just thought I'd mention it.
  3. Oooooooooooooohhhh! I didn't know they knew. Or at least are aware of a little bit. Thanks for the info!
  4. I don't think Liz knew either. Vanessa must be dieing wanting to tell them who/what she really is. I'd have to tell them if it was me.
  5. Liz was teaching (trying to teach) Steve how to shuffle cards. How old is this guy? I've been playing cards (and shuffling them) since I was in diapers. Our boy is becoming a man! I find myself oddly comforted by these 3 chatting amicably (and playing Potball) as I drift off to sleep. Imma miss them after tonight. Not really. Ok, maybe a little.
  6. Liz is humming as she cooks in the kitchen, is stuffing her face with food, and giggling while play wrestles with Steve. I don't think she's all that broke up about what's-his-name being gone. I can't believe how clean the kitchen is!
  7. My cat yelled "YESS!!!" and scared me!!
  8. I believe a lot of Gary Busey's batshit craziness is fake. That's his "thing" now and people expect it of him. I saw him on Celebrity Wife Swap and he was normal-ish a great deal of the time. Gary never, ever used to wear a motorcycle helmet and, in fact, campaigned against mandatory wear of them. Then he laid down his bike and slammed head-first into a concrete curb. He nearly died. After that, he wore a helmet every time he rode and, in fact, campaigned for helmet laws. I liked Alek but he still has a ways to go. Could not STAND Paula and was embarrassed that she's a Southerner (as am I). I hope she's the first to go. I believe the sexualization of Hayes is totally inappropriate and if I were his parents, would speak to production about my concerns. And his brother needs to get the hell back in his seat. Bindi irritates the fuck out of me and always has. Yes, her father died but so did mine (stroke, not a stingray, but still.....). Hate the producer-created married couple competitiveness. Speaking of hate, I HATE MARK'S STUPID HAIR!!!! That other guy's too, don't know who he is. Carlos somebody. Til next Monday ........
  9. Guess it depends on where her rash actually is. I just made myself hurl.
  10. I don't feel bad at all nor do I think it's mean. When a person agrees to be on live, national television 24/7 for 3-ish months, everything they say and do ... and I mean everything! ... becomes fun fodder for the viewers. If he was concerned something personal might be revealed or poked fun at, then the's on the wrong show. I loved it!
  11. Are there still have-nots? I think that's so stupid.
  12. Wait. Liz seriously dug ants out of her food and kept eating? Does Austin put ants in their food or what? With all that hair and his bare chest, I couldn't eat anything Austin had a hand in to start with anyway. Much less with ants. For the record, I'd like to see Steve win since he's such a superfan. Why is Austin a shoo-in to win if he's in F2? I can't stand him.
  13. And "WHO WANTS TO SEE MY HOH ROOOOOOM?!?!?!?!" What do they mean when they talk about "camping"?
  14. I hope somebody remembers this conversation, because it's driving me nutso. Liz & Julia were sitting on separate beds facing each other and one of them (I can't tell them apart) was moaning and groaning about hating one of the guys, I don't know which one, but really want to know. Apparently, this guy said, among other things, that when she (whichever twin was bitching) uses the bathroom, he (whomever the guy is) loudly makes fun of the sound she makes. Who, please, is the guy? They kept cutting away to show Meg pleading her case to Steve. Can anybody help me, pleaseandthankyou?
  15. I hate this season's cast. If I were Liz's parents, we would have shot ourselves in the head over the good news. Hairy ape. Although I do think James & Meg are cute together and Steve's peculiarities are, um, interesting to watch. What, please, is #fingergate?
  16. "Jaaaaaaaaaaaames-aaaa!!" If Liz (or Julia, can't tell them apart, don't try) whines that one more time, I'm going to shoot my TV. Can't STAND their voices, inflections, and anything else associated with them opening their mouths.
  17. There's a casting call out for tomorrow (Monday, 8/24/15) for mourners, a hearse driver and a minister to perform a funeral. I'm sure the promos (if any) will have us believe Deacon died, but I'm absolutely positive it's his sister (Scarlett's mother, Maddie's aunt) who died. No big loss.
  18. Because she's an entitled twit. I manage to do my yoga on the floor of my very small living room and there's always a cat licking my face and a dog sniffing my butt ... but I wouldn't have it any other way. Of course, I DO have an entire room dedicated to gift wrapping. (kidding!)
  19. Why was Jace's face taken off the memory wall? Has this ever happened before? Can't stand Vanessa. Can't say it enough. James or Johnny Mac for the win!
  20. A few thoughts: I believe this cast gets along better than any I've ever seen before, or at least remember. I love how they all sit down to dinner together every night and they don't bitch about cleaning up and they actually DO clean up after they eat. I can't stand Vanessa and her intense way of speaking at others. The twins' voices drive. me. f'in. CRAZY!! Love me some James and his kitty cat hat. What the holy hell is going on with Austin's skanky hair and beard. That and him being shirtless while cooking makes me a bit nauseous. I like Johnny Mac a whole bunch. If Becky tells that damn train-hit-me-in-the-face story one more time, imma scream! Speaking of Becky, I haven't seen her take a single, solitary bite of food this entire season. I'm glad to see the others, especially the girls, scarf down their food. That's enough for now.
  21. Hey bobthefrog, thanks for the info about Steve and his game not working correctly. Appreciate the help.
  22. What did Steve say about "they made me...." regarding the veto? I was watching on BBAD and it cut away just when he was going to say something, I think, about production making him do something. Any insight? Thanks!
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