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Everything posted by SamBeckett

  1. He lost his stick again. He needs to tie a string on it. I’m more worried about it than any of the characters.
  2. I think June did say a year. Which seems ridiculous to think that someone would actively keep looking for someone in the mess that they're in. I mean, how would you know if the person you're looking for didn't get eaten. Remember Lorie? They never a sliver of that poor girl. If it hadn't been for Carl being there to put a bullet through her, no one know. Speaking of June—I know John is a darling of nearly every viewer. And I like him, though sometimes he comes across as a doofus. And I like June, though I might be in the minority on that point. My real point, though, is I think TPTB made a mistake making John and June so damned lovey-dovey. Yes, it can be cute (and sickening), but the problem is you know it's NOT going to last. One is going to die saving the other. So there's earned tension there, It fact, it's the worst kind of tension, contrived tension. Just like when they bring an animal on the show. (Even though Skidmark lived.)
  3. The other thing about Dwight's wife is: Do we really need to add ANOTHER character? The answer to me is NO. So I never thought that story line was going anywhere. Besides, other than Dwight, who out of theses characters would even care (really) if she showed up. Which then leads me to ask: Are these people not at all wary? You know, worried about other people. They almost approach dunce-level. I fully expect to see a KICK ME sticker pasted on their backs. A far, far cry from the days of Madison when she'd shoot first then ask, "You good or bad?" Going back to my first point, which has been my main point all season: Too many characters. And I think we're about to add Grace as a new character. That's so obvious it's very nearly glowing in the dark. (Radiation. Get it?)
  4. I’ve said it before, as others have, and I’ll say it again, as others will — there are simply too many characters. And we didn’t even see the trucker and the guy in the wheelchair last night. Which then leads to— when’s the last time any significant character got whacked? (The beer guy. Whenever that was. And he was only in 3 or 4 episodes.) My point: Where’s the tension? FTWD has sort of become the Hallmark version of TWD. I remember people screaming that TWD seemed to be stuck in one spot. Well, this crew has been stuck in one spot (actually several because the cast is split up), but the viewing audience, it seems, has no idea what’s happening or why. Every step forward, and there’s two back. I get things go wrong. But when they realized the were out of gas, Al all of sudden announced her being held at gunpoint. Then she goes on to say she had some lesbian love. But she only told June. Convenient since June was the only one there. Though Al worried about, I felt zip worry about what her “friend” would say or do about Al stealing the gas. I just don’t feel any tension.
  5. I can honestly say there’s no one on this show I care about. I’ve been giving that some hard thought. Sad thing is, it didn’t used to be that way.
  6. So all that time and energy building complicated fortified cities and all you needed to stop Walkers was a wall of silk. Who knew?
  7. Maybe this Morgan is supposed to be a different leader than Madison, but how many people took a long walk on a short pier because of Madison? And, of course, there's the hallowed leader of the mother-ship. I think these kids are smarter than smart to run for the hills!!!
  8. So now Dwight will go back to being a dick head.
  9. Grace was the radioactive chick, but what she was up tonight seems ... murky.
  10. Kirkman hit the nail on the head (pun intended) when he said there are no new stories left to tell. This season on this show certainly underscores that. Even something seemingly new (crisis over broken planes) is old (groups being separated as something bad approaches). I was going to comment on that but I didn’t want to be yelled at for being a sexist pig.
  11. The problem with sob stories is that we’ve heard them all, and told by better actors and from characters we cared for.
  12. Well, I can’t make cheese, but I can eat it. Close enough?
  13. I know nothing about planes, but I think the outside of the plane is the least important. I think it’s the super-complicated and intricate engines that are ... you know, critical.
  14. Are we going to have an entire show of Morgan looking for a new stick? Cue the cheese!
  15. Though I see no specific cause for alarm, I wonder if the Rick Grimes’ movies are being reconsidered. I haven’t heard anything to suggest they’ve even been started on, plus — at the same time — the TV shows are losing viewers quicker than Walkers lose their heads.
  16. At the risk of putting more emphasis into this story-line than is warranted, why in the hell are the tapes — any of them — so important? Seriously. Can anyone answer? Is Al the only one who recorded things going to shit when the end started? I mean that’s what everyone does — records the hell out of everything. For every tape Al has, there would be countless others. So, why are Al’s tapes so special? Is there an answer? Or is this just a way to create suspense? Still about the tapes, but on a smaller scale, did Al really have the time — and presence of mind — to hide that one tape (and why that one) in that Walker that was in the water? It seemed to be ... convoluted. And it was night. How could she see?
  17. Speaking of cats, I really had no idea what Daniel had "trained" his cat to do with the Walkers. Yes, I get "the idea", but the execution seemed rather . . . um, harum-scarum. Then again, what do you want from a cat? (No offense meant, but let's face it — A cat isn't a Border collie.)
  18. I like Maggie Grace. But, c'mon, the hair style takes me right out of the character and show. Think about it: How would one keep it so coiffed in a Zombie Apocalypse? Seriously. Look, I know it's not a super-serious point, but if I spend more time trying to figure that out that what's going on in the show, then the show loses.
  19. I did like the Lost feel in the last five minutes. But we already did that on the mother ship. But if it’s something different from what we’ve already seen, then TPTB are cheating. I mean what are the odds that there would be two groups of secretive and organized people WITH helicopters with the letter A on them?
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