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Everything posted by HouseofBeck

  1. So I want to see that dude Dutch again. /shallow I like Stephanie's choice because she said she felt like she knew him already. And I have no idea why I care. Damn it.
  2. Oh, I enjoyed these eps! I fall more enamored with King Richard each time. I have to remember he's not a nice man, but it's getting harder. I would love to see another 8 eps when this ends, and I hadn't thought I'd want that, when this started. I am mainly here for residual squee over Rutger Hauer. The moment they showed the glove and sword going in the scabbard, I knew it was him, because "Ladyhawke" was an integral part of my childhood, ohhhhh yes indeedy. But I still thought he wouldn't show up until next week because we'd already had Gervais... ...and then there was the hand and sword again, and I started squealing, and only stopped through sheer force of will because I wanted to hear him talk and bask in his presence. Swoon! I also need to verify this, but I think he is one of the actors who disdains cosmetic surgery, believing it's *gasp* okay to age and show it. Loving the chef. So much.
  3. I only got to the coffeeshop scene where Abby makes up with Phoebe and then reveals the drunken sex before I had to pause it for later, so now I am afraid. Very afraid. Eeeyugh. I like the divorce lawyer and wish her name was Lyla, because I can only remember those three names, and barely at that. Anyway, done right, I'd watch a spinoff divorce lawyer show with her as the lead. I haven't thought this through other than Complicated Backstory With Dad and Dealing With Douchebag Clients.
  4. Yes. I should try to remember this whole damn thing could be scripted, and yet--watching Kristen's eyes go flat and calculating at the same time while pretending to be all emotional (not that FI could probably see clearly through his buckets of tears) was a strangely satisfying experience because 1. It was what I was expecting to see, and 2. I was safe on my couch at the time. I'm also warming to James, damn it. It must just be the contrast between him and the various shades of crazy surrounding him. I have a burning question that has nothing to do with personalities or plots: What's the name of the song playing at the club (I think it's in a club) while John emotes Love! But-I'm-over-you to Jax, and Jax deflects everything with reasons? My song app couldn't find it...too much talking, thanks, show.
  5. I wonder if that's what it is for me, too. We started late in recording the eps through ABC to watch when we had time, and just now got through A Vineyard Valentine. I'm finding I don't remember a lot from those later seasons, but also finding that Lorelai's incessant chatter drives me nuts where I'd swear I enjoyed it, first-run. Such as when she is trying so hard to make sure Luke will have a good time when they're not even out of her driveway yet. I get her desperation; I just hate how it manifests, even though this is supposed to be typical Lorelai. Then I feel bad when she's in her quieter, morose moments because Luke is such a pill and is blind about being a pill, and there's April, and ugh. By contrast, I remember disliking Logan at the time, but now think he's pretty cool. What's happened to me??
  6. I completely agree about John Stamos. I was very pleasantly surprised at his fine wineness. And with his, and the rest of cast's, utter enjoyment at being in this production, I've really enjoyed these first two eps. Unapologetic campiness. Quick dialogue + raunch. Romping around. Slowest joust ever. The "Ow." just killed me. I wasn't sure about my staying power with this musical format, though I love musicals themselves; yet I am looking forward to next time. I even liked the singing ABC promos, though I'm not saying they need to continue. ;)
  7. This is one of the things that I keep coming back to (among all the other things I keep coming back to)--if there's any significance to her hand crossing the line, and what may have been a trick of the eye: Did she have a ring on that hand, that then was either slipped off during the hand-holding and Robin has it, or it fell to the ground? Mr. HouseofBeck saw it (and then the absence) too. I need to rewatch that scene, but haven't been able to bring myself to reenter that world more than reading this forum.
  8. I wasn't getting into like I'd thought I wanted to (based on the glossy previews, including Answering Machine Guy) at first, but then I started liking some of it, and then liking some of it more, so I'll keep it on my dvr schedule for now. Pilots can be tricky. Though I can't say I remember any of the characters' names except Jake because it was called out a few times (heh). It made just enough sense for me to get interested. From how things can feel like they suddenly exploded because you've been trying so desperately to fix/hide them, to how it isn't entirely Jakey boy's fault (even though I yelled at the TV for his hypocrisy when Abby came home after her satisfying night out), it's complicated, the way I imagine most detangling and unpicking and breaking apart of long term relationships can be. I even liked her odd ball friends. But if Janeane left in disgust... I loved Cuddy so I was surprised and glad to see Lisa in this new show. I want it to go well, damn it! I don't know why I let Bravo into my house and mind.
  9. Just thinking about this miniseries again--I did enjoy it, putting aside all I could of odd characterizations (I haven't read the book, and from previous comments, I don't think I will rush toward it). Lizzie grew on me. I loved Georgiana and Henry. Yet who comes to mind the most was magistrate Hardcastle, whom I wrote off at first as a slimy bastard and then bam, I realized the dude knows his stuff. I became full of admiration and want to see him/the actor himself again. And the inquest was hilarious. I wasn't sure and need to look this up: Were these at all the same actors from an actual P&P? The above comments make me think they aren't, it was just that Masterpiece seemed to imply this was a sequel following directly on a specific P&P. I have not kept up on all of them, alas.
  10. Yes the hair. I was informing him quite strongly to brush it at least, before getting his picture taken, but no.I'm conflicted about Weston too. Cruel, despicable...yet can he ever pour on charisma. I didn't want to feel that, but I did, even as I was horrified with his new, relentless campaign against someone with whom just last ep he almost pleaded to start over and be a true family. I feel so sorry and worried for Katherine now. I wasn't sure what Clara would do up until the end. I hope he doesn't start making her Paradise existence difficult for her. This show gives me such toothy pleasure.
  11. They missed an excellent opportunity to have Cybermats come out of pet cemeteries. So we just watched it, as we're no longer "Must watch first run of show when it airs!" people, despite my continued love for and appreciation of Capaldi in this role. I'm still digesting the emotional onslaught and find myself agreeing with both the "this was terrible!" and "this wasn't bad!" reviews above. Clara's unexplained and seemingly precognitive call at the beginning of part 1 aside, one of my burning questions is, why weren't all the new Cybermen hatched with their inhibitor circuit turned off, and also not under control of the Mastress? It's a bit too convenient for just the Brig and Danny to retain their emotions and control. I would like to think others around the world had the same capability. Oh, excuse me, love isn't an emotion. *eyeroll* I did really like Clara continuing to cling to CyberDanny, something about that really got to me. But anyone whom I loved that much who sent a kid through a one-time only portal, I'd be so pissed off, I'd find a way through and knock that jackhole flat.
  12. That is fabulous. I hadn't known that little tidbit.
  13. I immediately heard General Hammond saying "Goold" like he never quite figures out what they are.
  14. Last month I inexplicably got the urge to rewatch "Children of the Gods"--and now I found this thread, so I'm geekily glad. I did not rewatch the original movie, though I'll always remember thinking of Jaye Davidson as wonderfully, seductively androgynous when I first saw it. I never have looked up why they changed Shauri to Sha're; I loved how the original name sounded, more melodious to my ear. I just found myself wanting to hear Teal'c saying, "I have nowhere to go," (even though I've secretly thought he emphasized the wrong word) and see all the little hints he gave throughout that he was not, actually, cool with what was going on, and see him and Jack interact. From there we've gotten hooked all over again, and try to restrict ourselves to just one ep a night so we don't run out too soon.
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