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Everything posted by Gramto6

  1. I have 4 large lilacs, planted before I moved here 20 years ago, they are all the lavender ones, I'd like to plant a couple white ones in between...maybe this year if it isn't too late already. One is right outside my bedroom window so when it is in bloom even my room smells wonderful!!
  2. 5,467 steps yesterday. Quick run to PO, grocery store and to put gas in car. The rest just chores at home. Today I go for a blood draw to check liver functions to make sure the addition of Metformin and the continued use of Meloxicam aren't messing with the numbers. Then to Tractor Supply for poultry fencing which will be at the very top of divider wall in garage. Today is TNR day for my friend but Thursday will hopefully be wall assembly and maybe even some painting. The grass is beginning to green up and trees are just beginning to bud, can't wait for the lilac bushes to bloom!! The only thing that is not so nice is when the Cottonwood trees start dropping all the "cotton", so messy! That is the only time I tolerate the wind as it blows that messy stuff away!
  3. 4,921 steps yesterday. Pretty quiet day. Just puttered around, some Spring cleaning, some seasonal clothing switching, some refreshing cat coolers, and some online looking for cat trees. Nothing too exciting. My friend worked at home on cutting wood for dividing wall in garage otherwise not much happening here. Thanks @precious pupp! LOL, you wonder if a cat would like a box? 😸 😂 The boxes are easy to make and you can leave the top gap open. I just covered it in case of sprinkles when it is outside. I'm going to make several more for the cat home under construction now.
  4. Thanks for all the photos folks!! Here in MT the sun was only going to be obscured around 33% anyway, but the clouds obscured even that. So nothing to be seen here... I had already figured I'd be looking online for photos of totality elsewhere, so was pleased to see all the photos shared here!! Thanks Again!!
  5. 5,987 steps yesterday. Kind of a lazy day. I did laundry and puttered a bit tiding cat shelters outside. Then again looked for cat trees on Amazon. So many choices, so many bad reviews....decisions, decisions. One company even showed how to "upcycle the box" to help the planet. OK..... So I put their pattern to work on a Chewy box and it is kind of neat. I put a cut up blanket inside to cuddle. I will wait until it is dry outside to see if the cats like it. Mama Millie so far is not impressed... But I think some of the outside ones will really like it. The flat part of the roof is open space that is why I covered it with plastic. So they even have a skylight!! This would be a Summer house...LOL
  6. The other side of garage where my car will go after Yard Sale
  7. 6,353 steps yesterday. Hopefully did last of refreshing kitties' box shelters with new straw on front and side porch. Hoping weather will improve and not be as wet... Ran to town for taxes and quick grocery store was only other activity. This darn dampness is settling in my bones and I am achey all over again. Today is going to be a rest day if possible. The LED bar lights look great! So much brighter than the aging fluorescent ones originally in garage!
  8. Thanks for the link! That is what I have been pouring over for 2 days now. It is hard to decide, several are already in my Shopping List along with a couple cat beds too. My friend is looking for her cats too. Lots of choices not enough $$ to get them all at this point. But I will be getting at least 2 trees in the next few days!!
  9. 5,204 steps yesterday. Drizzled all day yesterday. I did some sanding of window sills in garage. Lights arrived late afternoon so my friend will install them today. Spent a lot of time shopping online for cat trees/scratchers for the garage. Man are the trees expensive for a decent one! And I want a couple at least! Made no decisions. Drizzly again today, supposedly it will be drying out some tomorrow leading to a fairly decent week next week. I hope so, I really want to get the garage done so the kitties can go there to get out of the weather! Then we have to figure out an entrance that the cats can access but not the skunks and raccoons!! Have to go out today to pick up my taxes at H&R Block. Glad to have that done!
  10. 5,557 steps yesterday. Drizzled all day, so not good for painting. Lights didn't arrive, so no installing them. Just a tiny grocery run and load of laundry. I'm hoping the lights get here early enough that we can at least do that today...
  11. I was in a Costco in the Bay Area of CA in 1989 when the Loma Prieta earthquake struck. It was a 6.9 quake. At first everyone in the store thought OK, another quake, but this one kept going and going. Looking up to the ceiling in Costco the hanging signs were swinging back and forth and one look at the cases and cases of stock stacked high on the shelves my first thought was: Oh He!! No!! I'm outa here!! The floor was rippling, it felt like waves. I could feel the aftershocks even in the car as I drove away! One of the most frightening things I have experienced. That was the quake where the top layer of the Bay Bridge collapsed onto the lower layer. Fortunately it happened just before the opening of the World Series and the freeways were mostly empty, everyone was already at the game in SF, or at home to watch on TV. Fatalities could have been so much worse than the 63 if the freeways had been full of a normal commute at 5PM! Injuries were over 3,000 but it could have been so much worse.
  12. My name is Gramto6 and I also fry my eggs in salted butter sometimes, but mostly in Ghee.
  13. 5,090 steps yesterday. Damp rainy weather is slowing us down on cat home painting, too humid. The LED overhead shop lights arrive today so if they come early enough, that may be today's project.They will make the painting much easier once installed. The time off has really helped my aches and pains get better. But now, I'd like to see it done so we can start the trapping again once the weather clears up, and hopefully catch all the ones that slipped by last time.
  14. When the garage is finished we will begin trapping the cats again and putting them in garage. The ones that have already been fixed have had their left ears tips clipped off so it is easy to tell who has been fixed and who still needs to be done. The already fixed ones will stay in the garage cat house while the others will be fixed and returned to the garage. Once all the cats have been trapped and fixed everyone will be allowed outside again. There will be feeders and waterers, toys, climbing/playing areas poop boxes, coolers and boxes for them to hide and sleep in while living in garage. Once they are again out in the wild, a cat door will be installed in to the garage where they will eat/sleep/play whatever they choose. I won't have to have several feeding stations on the porches and have to worry about shoveling snow to clear the porches for feedings in the Winters.
  15. 4,970 steps yesterday. Rather quiet day. Switching clothes and doing laundries of things that are getting put away for the season. Not sure what is on agenda for garage today as it is drizzly and cooler. Plus my friend usually needs a day to recoup from her day at the TRN. Still a lot to be done in the house so I'm sure I'll find things to do...
  16. 5,220 steps yesterday. Today my friend works at TNR shelter so I am going to do some Spring cleaning inside the house. Time to switch out most of the Winter clothes for Spring clothes as temps slowly warm up. The work in the garage has been very hard on my hands, knees and back so it is good to have some rest from that heavy work for a few days.
  17. I seem to recall they were going to start a garden, not sure if just for their consumption or to take to Farmer's Markets.
  18. 4,496 steps yesterday. Another take it easy day. No "work" in garage, but some planning. I ordered new LED overhead workshop lights from Amazon to replace the old fluorescent ones, half of which aren't working anyway. We discussed window trims. At the Home Resource store there are donations of leftover building supplies for cheap and we decided getting different types of trims for each window would be fun. No painting as it is still too cold now for that, but soon hopefully. Still lots to be done!
  19. 6,064 steps yesterday. Took the time off from garage work to finish taxes and take to preparer. Then shopped in the larger grocery in town which added more shopping steps than normal. Rest of the day I took it pretty easy. Hopefully I will get some painting done today while the weather is warmer.
  20. I prefer the regular cooking shows from Ina too. Not interested in getting to know "the Stars".
  21. 6,742 steps yesterday. More than I expected. We got to dentist 1/2 hour early so did some mall walking and in that single hour I did 1784 steps which helped because the next three hours were a total of 100 steps. I guess there is something for mall walking as it is so mindless to wander and just look at stuff to kill time. No mall near enough to me to be a real option. I do manage the steps right here at home just fine most days. May be painting today, but we both have found that we are pushing ourselves too much and have needed these last couple days of rest. She is going to bring me an assortment of left over paints for the walls and go home to begin constructing the divider wall in sections, I may do a little painting and see how my hands like it. Just talked to my friend, today is going to be a rest day. Will take advantage of it and finish taxes and take to preparer and have that off my mind!
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