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  1. All of this. Plus both Leah and Angela had an opportunity to get rid of Chelsea and didn’t take it and everyone was here for it at that time because it was T’Kor they were backdooring. Anyways, between I think Makensy and Chelsea deserve to be the final 2 with Chelsea winning it all.
  2. I am gonna miss Cirie and her hatred for the BB house. Also, the 3 clowns really should spend time apart cause that wine and their need to gas up each other is making them even more annoying than usual.
  3. The hate Terrence has for Taylor makes me hope Terrence goes this week for her peace of mind. Like he is mad her for basically surviving in this game. I am just glad Michael is not taking his threats to poison jury seriously.
  4. Turner being upset about his zing lets me know he is unaware of his lack of hygiene. Like dude, you don't shower and worse you look like you don't shower too.
  5. You know what is funny Turner was making fun of Taylor's HOH but his current HoH is even bigger disaster than hers was. He decided to win an HOH he didn't need to win, nominate 2 people from his own alliance with the target being another comp beast from his alliance, and then ultimately was forced to nominate his own F2 after said F2 blew his game up. Talk about having the second worst week after Kyle.
  6. I just can't seem to connect with this season. I dislike Mick's story. I dislike the fact we don't have original Zari most of the time and new Zari is just there to be a love interest for Con. I dislike the fact we have to deal with Ava's clone insecurities for the millionth of time. I hope next season is better.
  7. I loved that Zari 1.0 is back. Tala Ashe is just so amazing. I also love this mission focused on Behrad. He is such a lovable character. Just no comment on Mick's alien pregnancy. I...yeah. Just no comment.
  8. In a way, Sara is dead. We just have a hybrid clone with her memory. They can say this is Sara but it is not really her. I also miss original original Zari. They created Zari 2.0 only to make her an influencer and Constantine's girlfriend which sucks. I guess Zari 1.0 role now belongs to Ava. All in all, this season feels off to me and I hate the alien storyline.
  9. I didn't care about who won. I am just happy Day won AFP.
  10. I dislike Cody and Nicole but saying that I am happy Columbus Day is leaving this week. I am never gonna root for her winning anything against anyone. Oh yeah and Enzo is whatever to me yo.
  11. I agree that he really doesn't understand the issue here. What I am mad about is that if he was really about it he would have told Labor Day to nominate him cause he really didn't want to be there. He should not have brought up BLM in anyway. Like dude if you want to leave, leave. He also didn't have to sit there and watch as Bayleigh prepared a speech thinking he was being nominated. There was no reason for him to play her like that. Nothing about that is something to be proud of if you ask me.
  12. This whole read like he was bullied and he overcame his bullies. Like no asked him to leave or use BLM to further his game. Anyways, I am legit not even surprised he responded that way.
  13. Seeing Tyler evicted from the house by a unanimous vote bring me so much joy.
  14. It is a matter of opinion I understand but don't just say she didn't improve her standing based on her current actions this season. Just say you will never like her for past actions that are questionable at best. It is fine not to like someone. Not all of us can like the same person for the same reason.
  15. I really have an issue when people bring up the situation between Kacey and Bayleigh that happened on another show in BB discussions in order to discredit her. The Challenge stuff with Kacey was personal and it happened on another show. The discussion was which BB player improved their standing this season? Others have said Bayleigh improved in their opinion regardless of what Tyler might think. And I don't even want to get into it about Mr. Let Me Use BLM Movement for personal gain. Bayleigh this season responded to each situation she faced differently. She was friendly with people and didn't have a huge blow up with anyone. In my opinion she left on high note compared to the last season of BB she was on.
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