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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. I did think about them changing mothers but why would they? They want some of the Olicity fanbase back and she's credited as Mia Smoak, if that changes that wipes out a lot of 7&8 (not to mention the entire Olicity relationship), especially if the intention still is to have Oliver and Felicity reunite somewhere. If she's in 2020 the easiest explanation is that she knows she can't run in to them and they're hiding in Bloomfield also keeping a low profile etc. Parents don't need to be shown, there were lots of places Quentin could have come in and he appeared on LOT for all of 3 minutes whilst PB was filming literally in the next building. I think it would be better for it to be 2040 plus handwavy-ium for age, since we'll have spent a lot of time there and there's more scope for different things, even though it is bleak. I really don't want it to be that it will be Mia is a refugee from a timeline that doesn't exist anymore, meaning Felicity's ending is up in the air (assuming EBR is not back) and nearly 30 eps of FFs are pointless, including the learning to be FTA that's supposed to be a big thing this season. I don't think William and Connor will be a part of it or they'd have announced it by now. When we knew Sara was coming back there were all sorts of theories and they went with the simplest - Real Sara plus Lazarus Pit. When KC came back they went with character who had already appeared on a different show and played better to KC's strengths.
  2. True. But is anything an extreme leap when there's the deliberately extreme COIE coming right before the backdoor pilot (assuming it is 8x09)? The longer we go with no indication of William and Connor in it, the more I loose hope they're going to be a part of it and there's going to be a lot of COIE shenanigans to get this going. Sigh. I do kinda get the feeling that this might go the way of Bloodlines and Wayward Sisters but the CW has never failed to pick up an Arrowverse pilot they actually announced, Atom and other potential backdoor pilots were never formally announced?
  3. Green Lantern Diggle is inevitable, even if only a cameo from a different Earth, so I'm not surprised there would be a photo shoot. As for the spin off and Batwoman? I can't see how the backdoor pilot won't be dark considering the characters, the setting etc. Even if Mia is pulled back to 2020/time lines are merged etc there's still a lot of darkness around. Mia's deliberately Oliver-esque and especially if she knows she has just "lost" her father and is still dealing with her mother's disappearance, potential loss of brother and team mate etc. BS and Dinah aren't a barrel of laughs either. And if it's set in 2041, even in a re set timeline I don't see it being even SC (or wherever) in a LOT or Flash setting. I guess the differentiation might be in the team aspect, if they are supposed to be BOP in all but name. Or they'll re work things for the actual series like LOT S2.
  4. I think they pretty much did. Kind of like when BR's Atom spin off became LOT because they didn't think Atom would work on it's own and they had a lot of B list characters to merge into a team. Whether or not it will work is a different matter.
  5. But The Monitor opened the portal for Felicity suggesting it was supposed to be Post Crisis. Oh well, it's probably not going to make sense since there definitely will be repercussions from COIE if this makes it to series. To have current versions of Dinah and Siren if nothing else. It will just be really frustrating after spending a season and a half on the FFs and me actually liking William (and if William gets wiped out sucks for Oliver who's sacrificing himself for his family and Felicity and all the crap story telling we had to get to this point). I know in the comics Green Arrow is not always in Star City, but since Mia is taking up that mantle officially wouldn't they want to keep her there in the Arrowverse since it's been such a big deal to save the city?
  6. I don't think they'll be bringing in different versions, unless they merge E1 LL, which is actually less likely now there's a potential spin off. We'll get a lot of her this season being the snarky "good guy" on the path to redemption and they're hoping it will make her even more popular than the things they did with Felicity last year. I do hope we get some more info soon. I guess it's too much to hope that there's any official explanation of when and where (and how) until after COIE but if we know William and Connor are filming or not or other characters are specifically being cast that would point to any of the above. I don't think that pic means they've necessarily filmed together or Mia goes to the present, it's just a random/celebration pic to release when the news came out.
  7. Isn't that where people are speculating Oliver (and Felicity) end up? Could all be there together. I think a lot will be one scene or glorified cameos, especially since they couldn't give MR any info at all, they've clearly not thought something through to pitch properly and very close to filming, I don't blame him for passing. They wanted him to do it for peanuts just for the sake of being in it. With the news that the CW is looking at a Mia Smoak/Siren/Dinah spin off there's an increased likelihood that Mia is in COIE and theoretically that something happens to change or merge her circumstances (Future Team Arrow) she gets thrown back into the past or "young" BS and Dinah into the future.
  8. Well I was kind of meaning with the entire timeline as we know it getting erased since we will have spent around 29-30 eps in it and got to know Future Team Arrow which is supposed to be a big thing this season. If Mia is (entirely hypothetically) running around 2020 post COIE is she supposed to stop it and stop herself becoming that guarded badass who was raised in a cabin in the woods etc? Of course COIE muddies those waters anyway. Even if they can't get EBR back I'm going to assume since The Monitor was there it's post COIE, so Felicity still gets her good ending no matter what they might try and pull. I get maybe not wanting all Legacy characters but it will be a waste if it doesn't also have Connor and William after they've been in Team Arrow School all season.
  9. From the articles: I don't know if that still hints at it being set in the future (maybe COIE took young BS and Dinah there?) or if it's just a phrase based on the fact that it's the next version of Team Arrow and Mia's the main character. It does sound like there should be more "next gen" characters around. If Mia's in the past we're going to run into the Amaya on LOT problem soon enough. Or maybe it just got fused together. Don't even know why I'm bothering with such limited info.
  10. They better just be focused on the well known names at this point because having Mia stuck in the past without her team/brother or some reset where he doesn't exist after two seasons of them learning to be a team is weird, even with COIE. But I guess this goes with my idea that KC will still be there even when everyone else has turned out the lights and gone home. Her I get but why JH as well? I know they pitched something together but yeah they're similar characters and she's not particularly well liked. There are a lot of fighters in BOP so I guess they think it can work and they'll be personality changes as someone said up thread. Still unsure about the season as a whole but I enjoyed that trailer.
  11. I could see one of them dying. I guess it will be two bickering Canaries with opposing approaches. Really curious about William and Connor now, especially as they were doing a bit of Mia/Connor last season. JDJ was the first to be announced, I guess Kat's took more time because of Spin off discussion but BL was the last announced. Shrug. Guess it really depends on how and when this is set. There's also Zoe to consider, she's a Canary and in S8 as part of the FFs. I'd rather it be set in the future or future plus shenanigans because it's more likely to mean Felicity's ending with saving the city and going off to find Oliver etc remains intact if they can't get EBR back. It's worth noting that Supernatural has had at least two backdoor pilots, the last one with pretty popular characters that didn't get picked up (Legacies did instead) and so have other shows so it's not a done deal, although this is the Arrowverse.
  12. Could be. It would be a bummer if William got killed or undone in COIE (never thought I'd say that) or stuck in the future/past without his sister who he just found. And they're going to need an Overwatch. It would be weird to make JDJ and BL regulars and have them in potentially only half of 10 eps. If it is the future they will probably improve the older make up or have it so they look similar to 2020, like the "sexy" dwarves of The Hobbit vs LOTR movies. I'd still go for some sort of reset/merge but wait and see if any other characters new or current are announced I guess. It might be the show KC and JH pitched knowing having KM aboard would help sell it. ETA: Not that it was in doubt but this is official confirmation that Mia becomes the new Official Green Arrow. I bet we get some form of "My Name is Mia Queen" even though she'll probably still go by Smoak in general.
  13. Wow, I thought if we got a Mia spin off it would be with William and Connor and a KC/JH spin off by themselves but combining the two? A lot of old age make up or time travel. Possible post COIE reset/merge? Better not do anything terrible like make one of them her mother in a new timeline (that was a joke, sort of) 😉
  14. Well it's highly likely someone is screwing around but I wouldn't be entirely surprised if Mia is in the Xover a little, especially if the pap rumours re contracts being signed had any truth at all. But isn't KM also doing an indie with JH at the moment? That's a lot of work and she travels around a lot as well.
  15. Well it does get him over 250,000 plus likes and he knows that. But it's a cute picture and I like it even though I think it means nothing in what may or may not happen.
  16. I think it would be kind of pointless to have had that ending for her that was supposed to serve as an ending for Felicity, complete with bringing back The Monitor if they weren't supposed to find each other again (combined with what SA has said) if they were going to change it to Insert Gotcha Ending/Pairing Here, but it's always possible. I'm just curious about MGs meditation "out there, logistical issues" final scene.
  17. Camping doesn't have to last very long at all. I think if EBR is coming back or is at least open to talking about coming back they'll close a deal for the series finale and not before.
  18. Baby Team Arrow do seem to be having fun filming together. Not going to read too much into it because don't want to get my hopes up and it's not like she's an actor that only flies into Vancouver for filming, she lives there and it's a regular gym. That said I wouldn't be surprised to see them cut a deal for ep 10 or something but as I said I'm not expecting it so I don't get my hopes up.
  19. I like it better than the last two actually. The S7 one made sense but I hated the facial hair and the S6 one looked like he was crouching farting green gas. I've kind of given up trying to guess what's going on in any given episode beyond Purgatory being fairly obvious.
  20. I don't think him not being in all 10 is an indication of (permanently) dying or not. The headstone in 7x22 shows people *think* he's dead and I think they definitely want they Avengers style big funeral/sacrifice play. Felicity and the Monitor clearly believe he isn't Dead dead and unless they've had a "better idea" or MG's ending scene completely contradicts it, they shot that scene with EBR never necessarily coming back in mind. Felicity isn't leaving her kids for a jaunt around the universe. Ep9 (right after COIE) deals with that clean up and sets up SC Craphole even more I guess and maybe has a lot of 2041, maybe with the legacy kids stepping up now Oliver's "dead" in the show, especially if they've met at some point? And Diggle and whichever guest star survives Crisis hanging around etc.
  21. Yes it's still possible EBR is coming back and it just hasn't been announced (they obviously don't announce as soon as a deal has been struck) or that they are still in talks. It's also possible she'll come back for a cameo that won't be announced ala George Clooney in Juliana M's last episode of ER etc. It's also possible that she's just emotionally done with Arrow and moved on, which would be her choice since they seem to want her back, we'll just have to wait and see. I just hope that if she doesn't then her ending actually sticks and one of Marc's brilliant ideas/COIE doesn't change everything for whatever reason. SA confirmed that she went to find him and they'll find each other again even if we don't see it on screen or only see something from his POV. I am basically assuming that she's not coming back so that it will be a nice surprise if she does.
  22. Not surprising and fitting given the bond the Queen sibs shared (though we don't know how or which Thea(s) we'll be seeing) but I am still a little sad that Thea and Roy didn't last after deciding to go off on the Lazarus Pit Quest together. I really hope she doesn't die before Oliver "dies" or whatever because 😭he doesn't need that. I do remember MG saying he'd never kill Thea but that was a really long time ago.
  23. There's a wrinkle that could keep the FFS going you say? Colour me shocked!. Just hope it's not a stupid gotcha for the sake of it. Malcolm and Moira together, shudders but they could make a good evil couple on the same page.
  24. I'm here for Oliver and Moira. SA always ups his game around ST.
  25. It briefly flashed through my mind that they mind do something annoying like reset the entire universe for some reason so that some crucial things are different with no explanation needed, which always frustrates me (especially if I liked those things). However I think that's more likely (almost certain) during/after Crisis than 2 episodes before it. Unless Oliver's experiencing a dream world like the 100th or a "time loop" ep (that would be pushing it for Arrow I think). If the FFs specifically get reset I think that would be after COIE as well with 2 eps of fallout afterwards. I don't think they'd let their Baby Team Arrow go after only 6 eps even if there's no intention of a potential spin off. I'm almost certainly overthinking things and it's not a huge deal. It's a fairly common ep title anyway and Arrow's titles can get pretty generic to what the episode actually deals with. And we don't know which of potentially three storylines it actually deals with, though the Funko Pops seem to be more FFs than Oliver and Dig, they could be SC19. Should be interesting to keep an eye on guest stars for though.
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