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Everything posted by Ramona

  1. Nevermind, I found out. I liked this season. I know there are a lot of plot holes, but overall I thought it was a strong season. I was really hoping Eve and Villanelle would smooch on that bridge, but that was still a very bittersweet ending. Hope we don't have to wait too long for S4
  2. Was that the final season, or will there be a 4th?
  3. I'm sorry for those who are not enjoying this season, but I am LOVING this season more than the 2nd season. This might not make sense, but I wish they would have swapped this season for the second season. Not sure how that would have worked, but I think the cat and mouse between Eve and Villainelle is intriguing. However, having said that, I am sad about Niko and Kenny, but I have feared for their safety since the first season. To emphasize how much I am enjoying this season(not that anyone cares) but I didn't like Jodi Comer at first, now I think she is freaking brilliant. This season gives Villianelle more layers, which I think was missing in the first season. Anyway, can't believe there are only three eps left.
  4. The only other handler was Raymond, and Eve killed him with an ax.
  5. I'm upset about Kenny. I need to re-watch, but I'm hoping it wasn't Villanelle who killed Kenny, is it?
  6. Too funny! I thought about Pulp Fiction too.
  7. Wow, bummer. I hadn't heard about this. That sucks. I didn't mind Angela, as she was an important part of Elliot's life. A part of me was hoping she might still be alive, but I guess not after reading this.
  8. One thing I wanted to mention, June carrying the gun and threatening to shoot people, reminds me of what I read about Harriet Tubman. It is not lost on me that the whole escape plan is reminiscent of the underground railroad. It is said that Harriet Tubman carried a pistol and threatened to shoot any slave if they got out of hand. She did it to try to protect the entire group. Don't know if it is true or not and I never read that she actually shot any one. Also, it just occurred to me that the American and the Canadians were not aware of the fact that Nichole was not the Commander's daughter. Maybe that's why they agreed to allow Serena to see Nichole, because they thought that she was related to the commander. however, I thought that in the tape that June recorded to Luke, that she confessed that Nichole was Nick's. I could be wrong, but if Luke knew that commander Waterford was not Nichole's father, why would he agree to let Serena see her. Okay, that really is it for me. I just needed to get those two things off my chest, now I am officially done. This is a good point to stop watching, because now I can go out on a high note. It was fun reading your posts!
  9. Me too. Except I feel like the writers still want to redeem her in some way. I was watching the inside the episode, and Bruce Miller stated that " the audience has sympathy for Serena," which is what I am sure the writers would like to believe. But most of us with brains see her for what she is and just because she has some kind of twisted desire to be a mother, does not make her sympathetic. I think I am done with this nonsense. I make it a rule to only have one ridiculous show on my roster, and Walking Dead is that for me.
  10. I don't think I can watch this show any more. I don't think it is being respectful to the grave subject matter it is trying to present. Furthermore, it is not being respectful to its audience. The scene with Serena holding Nichole incensed me. It was so manipulative. As if I would ever have sympathy for a woman who participated in the rape and subjugation of another human being. Not to get too personal, but as someone who was not able to have a child of my own and who once considered open adoption, I can tell you that the more you learn, you realize that the bravest thing a woman can do is voluntarily give up her child when she knows she can not take care of her. And as much as I wanted to be a mother, I never felt entitled or believed that any woman is not entitled to make her own choice. Being a mother is always about what is best for the child, never about you or your selfish needs. The fact that Serena, in her sick mind, still refers to Nichole/Holly as her child, tells me she will never get it. I can forgive June's erratic/annoying behavior throughout this season, but I will not forgive an attempt at redemption for Serena. That would be an insult to couples who struggle with infertility, to women who have given up their children, to women who have HAD THEIR CHILDREN TAKEN AWAY, to women who have been FORCED TO HAVE CHILDREN because their right to choose has been taken away. It is an insult to all women, period.
  11. Yes, this! I was thinking about this, this morning while brushing my teeth. (TMI, I know) But a Martha storyline or even a look at the resistance network, would have made this season a little more tolerable. It's a shame that the show waits until the last 3 to 4 episodes to get interesting. What a waste.
  12. Thank you. That's what I was confused about. I mean, there is no way they would give her that baby, right? I was so busy thinking about that, it ruined the pleasure of seeing Fred arrested. Oh well, I'll just re-watch it. 🙂
  13. Yes. That's what I am afraid of. I was so busy wondering if Serena was being arrested too, that I couldn't enjoy watching Fred get arrested. I want Serena to be punished too. She should not get off in my book. She is just as guilty and complicit as her creepy husband.
  14. Yes, totally. I said to myself, why couldn't we have seen more of them throughout the season, it would have been more interesting. I don't know, I've been having a sinking feeling all season June is done for. I think she is going to sacrifice her life to save the children. Not sure how I feel about that, but it make sense.
  15. Okay, I need some serious clarification. Did Serena set Fred up? If so, to what end? How did the Martha know June was there in order to help hide Winslow's body? What is going to happen to Lawrence and June now, what did he mean they'll be coming for us? OMG, my head is spinning! Why did it take them so long to get to this point. I felt like I was watching a different show. Wow!
  16. I agree. June is flawed, but how one survives in that situation changes from day to day. I was furious when Fred didn't die in the bombing last season, I am done with him and Serena.
  17. Honestly, I thought that Aunt Lydia, The Waterfords et al. were going to watch. So glad they didn't, that would have been it for me and this show. BTW, that scene where June realizes what is about to happen, gave me such a sense of dread that I have not felt since the 1st season.
  18. Witness” foreshadows so heavily that June might lose her life trying to get kids out of Gilead that I’m not sure The Handmaid’s Tale can avoid at least toying with her death, even if it views her as necessary to its own future. June’s choice to send these kids to Canada, to kidnap them all over again, should effectively mean that she’s signing her death warrant, and no matter the plot gymnastics the series could try to attempt, it will be very hard to avoid a bad end for the character." I have been thinking this since the first episode of this season. Nick says to June when she comes back, that she is going to die there in Gilead. And she says "Don't you think I know that." It didn't seem like a throw away line to me. And it's not the only time she has referred to her own death. So yeah, I can see how killing her off may be unavoidable. But I hope it will serve the plot, unlike a lot of plot choices this season.
  19. So, am I reading this correctly? The reason that Commander Lawrence helps the handmaids and Marthas, is because they in turn help get his wife medication and hide her mental illness? Does Gilead persecute the mentally ill? If that is true, then it makes sense and helps me understand his character better, but I just wish it had been clearer earlier on.
  20. I agree with most of the comments. I am especially disappointed because I was looking forward to the back story of aunt Lydia. I was trying to guess what she was in her past, I never guessed lawyer or teacher. I thought she was a doctor or nurse. But yeah, don 't understand what her motivation is for her attitude toward young fertile woman. A woman scorned is not good enough. Cheapens the character and the story. Yeah this show is has jumped the shark. Too bad because it was so good the first season.
  21. It was supposed based on "true events." Don't want to know what those are.
  22. Yeah, they are definitely 'juking the stats' (Ugh, can't believe I said that. Apologies) :)
  23. Angela Kang said in an interview with EW that it is Rick and Michonne's baby. His name is Rick Jr. or RJ.
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